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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. As Raining_Again says, it's not enough to eat 1000 kcal a day, especially when you're exercising. You body will then not get enough energy to maintain your functions and it will begin to cling on to everything it can, thereby you not losing any weight at all. But I don't believe that calculator one bit. I'm 68 kg (10.7 stone) and 181 cm (5.94 feet) and I exercise 5-6 times a week (about an hour each time), and it tells me that I burn 4800 kcal a day! That is way too much. I would rather say that I burn about 3000 kcal a day and I try to eat after that.
  2. Exactly what I thought when I played it here in the spring. I will get the sequel at some time.
  3. Well, 50 hours in and have just passed Sword Valley
  4. I really want Deadlight but the price is simply too high for it. I am also afraid that the price of Dust: An Elysian Tale will be too high for its length.
  5. I just started watching this series but having seen now the first four episodes of season 1, I just don't feel it that much. Sure, I want to find out what happens and (perhaps most importantly) how the hell this series can be five seasons long, but it isn't urgent and I feel no real desire to watch the next episodes. The production value is high though and the cast is good but.. well... it's just not doing it for me.
  6. No, not yet. It's out on 3rd September in Europe and 18th August in the US.
  7. Could anyone perhaps explain the chain-thing to me? To me it seems random when you are allowed to continue a chain after the first three hits.
  8. I just saw this picture: Suggests that you might be able to change the controls.
  9. My God! Are they supposed to be real mice in the movie? And that was extremely quick that Robin and Batgirl got that tune!
  10. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one just getting started on this. I have just got to the same place as Fierce_Link was on the top of this page. Was really surprised at the plot twist there! Had some trouble with the boss as well, not being able to pull of the chain attack - it seems that it's random when you are able to press B. Currently I'm level 12 and just about to head out. Been gathering side quests. I was glad to find that you don't have to return to the one giving you the quest once you've found the right items. BTW, I am constantly whsitling the "Gerudo Valley"-theme from Zelda: OoT after I've begun playing this. Is the overworld theme in Colony 9 anything like that, or is it just me?
  11. Tabatas are great, albeit evil. Try also a push-up Tabata. That will surely test your arms! And sit-ups, planks, and.. well.. any simple exercise works. Or you could also convert completely and just go to a crossfit gym if there is one nearby. Crossfit has really changed my view on fitness.
  12. Well, in English, "you" is also pluralis so it does make sense?
  13. I'm still worried how the game will play in single player. It looks good though.
  14. So apparently, this might not be a launch title according to the following video: http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/07/12/new-super-mario-bros-u-flying-squirrel-luigi-comic-con-2012 "this is coming out not too long after launch" is said in the end of the movie.
  15. Fuuuuuck, I want the shell one! But I only have 2100 points AND they don't ship to Denmark. Oh, found a code in the MHTri-box. Brought me up to 2350! Wuu! Are you able to registre the same game twice?
  16. Funny that you mention it, but clapping push-ups are actually the reason for my inquiry as I had to do five sets of 10 the other day but were only able to do two sets before reverting back to ordinary push-ups. I've been considering some plyo push-ups to go along some clappings. I don't like push press much because it strains my wrists rather much so I tend to just doing presses to build up some overhead strength, which I severely lack (my press max is only 40 kg, even though I can do a couple of hand stand push ups). Could consider some floor presses - are you able to do them with kettlebells? (My local gym has a floor for crossfit training with lots of kettlebells but no barbells or dumbells.) Thanks for the input.
  17. I would like to get more explosive strength in my arms. I'm doing explosive pull-ups, heavy cleans (mainly with kettlebells but sometimes with barbells) and lots of push-ups, but do any of you have some other exercises to build explosive strength?
  18. I'm going to watch it some time next week and I think I'm gonna enjoy it for what it is - a movie about one of my favourite superheroes. It might be quite average but that's okay with me. But I would have liked Lizard to look more like a lizard. He seems too humanoid in the trailers. Apparently, the game based on this is rather good. Getting 7-8s most places. I'll get it when it's cheaper (and when I've completed Skyrim - Dawnguard, Xenoblade, Monster Hunter Tri, and Catherine).
  19. Has any of you got Dawnguard? If so, how long is the main story in it? Nevermind, found a review stating that it is about 9 hours long. I've just begun now but my Skyrim is a bit rusty.
  20. If you like that, try the 10-20-30 training too. It's developed by a Danish professor (Bangsbo, maybe you've heard of him) and it goes like this: - 10 seconds of sprinting, full speed - 20 seconds of moderate jogging - 30 seconds of walking (or slow jogging if you prefer) Rinse and repeat for about ten minutes (or more if you feel like it). It gives great results but it's better when running with somebody that can push you in the sprinting. Also, it may be a bit hard keeping track of time but that's a minor issue. Furthermore, Bangsbo also recommends this workout, called (selfishly) Bangsbo Intervals. Here you sprint 100 % for 30 seconds, put a mark about 10 m behind the point you got to after 30 seconds. Then you have 3 minutes to get back to the starting point and then do 30 seconds of sprinting again, reaching the mark you made. Then go back (without moving the mark), resting 3 minutes and then sprint again. Rinse and repeat for 8-10 rounds. These two routines are great!
  21. I have put about 20 hours into the game to this day (got it in March). I tried online multiplayer when there was free live last weekend and I enjoyed that somewhat. It was a bit slow to find opponents and when I found some, they were way too good for me. But that's just me sucking at fighting games like this. I really enjoy it as I did with SCII, my only other version of SC. It's quite an improvement but I do wish it was possible to turn off the Critical Edge-moves (super-moves that freezes animation and have you loosing half your health if hit). Also, the computer cheats a lot. :P But yeah, I think it really excels online with lots of modes and enjoyable fights.
  22. As long is it doesn't involve grinding .....
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