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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. So, there was a new episode yesterday and I personally think it was the highlight of the season. In fact, I actually laughed a couple of times!
  2. Aww, bummer. But if you can (or may) then just walk. Walk, walk, walk. Spend 1.5 hours walking every day until you can train again.
  3. Oh yeah, I have this preordered. I like the new cover!
  4. Good to know, though I won't be going for the multiplayer-achievements as I don't do multiplayer (don't have Gold).
  5. If you are careful, you can do it in three playthroughs but it takes a lot of concentration at times I have heard. I hate those games. The ones that need several playthroughs, that is. Two is OK, three is pushing it but if it's a short game, I can handle it (like Catherine, where a playthrough would take a couple of hours after the first two) but more than that is just ridiculous. I'm still on ACIII, trying to get 100 % and completing the story (at sequence 7 now). Hopefully it can keep me entertained until Christmas as I have zero money for games. Might be tempted by the new Skyrim-update, though.
  6. How about planking while resting between sets? Basically, you only need to rest the muscles you really need in the workout so doing something else in the meantime is effective in every way. And push-ups / pull-ups / plank are perfect in between sets of deadlifts.
  7. Warming up is really essential. Just 5 minutes of joint loosening and some jumping just to prepare the body would be enough. And then some light sets. I usually do about 20-40-60 kg with 10 reps each to warm up and then make the jump to the 90's when deadlifting. Well, plank is incredible all-round. It works your entire abdomen region from the hips to the arms (holding yourself). Also Russian twists works a good portion of the abdomen and thus isn't an isolation exercise. TGU are OK but I find them quite irritating and they don't seem so beneficial. The "back plank" or Superman-plank are good too. If you can hold a plank for more than 1:30 put 5 kg (or more) on your back.
  8. Ah, reminds me of someone I train with. He suddenly had some pains in his back and it was because his back was too trained much! Like when people train their abs too much so they walk about bent over, he was like that but only in the back. I've never met that before but it makes sense. Have you considered doing more core training? Planks, sit-ups, (cross) mountain climbers, etc.? That might help. I myself never stretch after any workout. But that's because I am quite hypermobile and thus I don't need to get flexible. In fact, I mustn't! Furthermore, stretching out doesn't help anything but it feels good - kinda like massage. Actually, if you stretch out after a weight lifting workout you may damage your progress by tearing the muscles further apart. (Or so I've heard.)
  9. It's not like the soreness you experience from other types of lifting? For I feel DL in my lower back too but in the good way where you have just used your muscles.
  10. I hate time paradoxes like the ones you point out. I have also been wondering about those things and it just doesn't make any aense.
  11. I don't know. I generally liked Ep 5 but that was mainly due to the puns with the dog. I like puns. I hated Marshall in the episode, though. Ep 6 was very meh-ish. I concur, this series should end with this season.
  12. You don't gain 3 pounds overnight. Your body weight just varies during the day. Stop weighing yourself every day and do it only once a week. There is nothing to gain by weighing yourself every day and weight loss doesn't happen overnight. I think someone on some pages back explained it nicely but I can't seem to find it right now.
  13. Sounds like a good routine. However, I would strongly suggest that you take 12 or even 16 kg Kettlebells for the swings. There is absolutely no problem in doing that as it doesn't require much strength in the arms to do one. If I'm doing less than 50 KB swings in a workout, I use 24 kg as minimum. I would do it with 28 kg but they aren't available where I train and I think the jump from 24 to 32 is a big too heigh. Besides, don't feel bad about gaining weight over small periods. Throughout a month your weight varies by a quite a few pounds and as you have been exercising more regularly, your body also gains muscle so you will be losing fat even though you see your weight rising. My low-carb diet really works wonders for me and my girlfriend. I seldom eat bread now, and rice and pasta are never on the menu. Eggs, nuts, cheese, and meat have all gone up a bit, though, but so have all vegetables. Furthermore, I have without even trying at all gone from 67-68 kg to 65 kg in a couple of months. Actually, I would rather have gained weight but I might not gain weight because I do too many cardio-ish workouts instead of heavy-loaded workouts.
  14. Damnit. I have had this lying around since Wednesday but as I wanted to complete Catherine for the 8th time to get the "All Endings"-achievement I haven't had time afterwards to play this. It's driving me nuts! I installed it tonight, though, so hopefully I can get some time with it on Saturday. (Problem is, I'm watching Fringe right now with my girl friend and she'd rather watch Fringe than watch me playing AC.)
  15. I'm with Rummy and Coolness Bear. Although enjoyable, it wasn't great at all. JGL and BW did a great job but when telekinesis just turned up to be a central point of the film, I felt it got out of hand. Also, as with all time traveling movies, there were some paradoxes that I couldn't really look beyond. It's just very forgetable but I was nonetheless rather entertained. Loved the humour in it - the scene with ... her... on the bed was quite funny. (I have no idea what she was called, Emily Blunt's role.)
  16. I have heard that the "no upgrades"-run is the least fun and drains the game of some value.
  17. No, it should work on any tablet and phone. I am, however, worried that it will only be (fully) available to Gold members. I can't, however, find any English source for it at this point.
  18. Neither have I. It's rolled out during the week and not just on one day. Probably to take off some of the heavy load on the servers.
  19. It looks a bit cartoonish in some places, based on the videos I've seen. Isn't it just that people complain about? That the textures aren't crispy and sharp. I don't care, though. Xenoblade wasn't exactly pretty to look at when compared to other games this generation (it was incredibly beautiful taking the Wii's power into consideration, though) but it played like a dream so you forgot about it pretty quickly. I bet this will be the same. When I get around to playing it I will most definitely go the stealth-route. I suck at quick gunfire duels and such. It's also meant to be more rewarding to do it that way, as with Deus Ex. Might go the violent path on a second playthrough as there are achievements for killing people also. And I do want those.
  20. I know what you mean. This was also a surprise for me to learn. I just read a review giving it 9/10. It sounds good and I forgot that I actually enjoyed Deus Ex: HR, so I might actually enjoy this game. I have put it on my wish list on Amazon.co.uk (I couldn't find it by searching for it, though, which was quite weird). http://www.gamereactor.eu/reviews/48821/Dishonored/ This is the review I read.
  21. I think it'll probably get harder for you now that you begin exercising regularly again as that will up your amount of calories needed throughout the week. Hopefully, you will just eat more on the non-fasting days and thus not feel too hungry the rest of the time. My 'diet' with low carb food is going really well. I don't miss bread at all, I just sometimes miss the easiness of just taking some bread sandwiches with me to uni and work but it just comes down to preparing your meals a bit better. For instance, I almost always make too much supper so that I have some left-overs (especially of the meat) for the next day and everything is fine and dandy. It's a bit more expensive but not as much as I thought it would be. And even though I was slim before I started the diet, I have actually got slimmer and noticably more slender, even though I do eat some cake or candy a bit too often for my own liking, so I guess it's worth it. My girl-friend (who's also on the diet) has also noticed a difference with herself (and I have too). When it comes down to exercising, I have this routine: Mondag: outdoor crossfit (it goes on all year but when it gets too cold, I might drop it), 1 hour. Tuesday: either crossfit at the gym or just some 'relaxed' weight lifting, usually deadlift, squat, or bench press along with pull-ups and dips, 1 hour Wednesday: Either nothing, some walking, or a 2 mile run (in about 12 minutes and 30 seconds) Thursday: Indoor crossfit (with weights), 1 hour Friday: Nothing but always some walking. If I feel like it, I do some crossfit at the gym Saturday: 1.5 hours of random exercise, mostly cardio but also with some good old games like dodgeball. Sunday: Once again, either nothing or crossfit / weightlifting. It depends on my activity level during the week. So I do my fair share of exercising but I do listen to my body and relax when my body tells me to. Also, I almost miss one of the activities during the week.
  22. It's out this month - it's probably a bit late to pre-order, if anything. I have just seen this game and while it has me intrigued, I don't know if it'll be my kind of game. I'll wait for it to drop in price.
  23. Haha! I thought he said '123 Alchemy' when he presented Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Good to see that Paper Mario reaches Europe this year. It's a perfect Christmas wish then. And now that Pullblox is a bit cheaper I will finally get it, although I would have liked to see the price reduced by €2 instead of just €1 but at least it's better than no reduction.
  24. Yeah, it's a step in the right direction but it's seriously useless.
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