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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I have had those exact thoughts, you know. Hm.
  2. Yeah, I can do it on command. I normally make the nerve right next to the left eye twitch at the same time and off goes the rumbling. Heh.
  3. I've heard from a reliable source that it's going to be the 28th March, however, I can't be certain. The source was spot on with the full roster, though. Expect something within the next few days. I hope it's true. ^^
  4. Ratatouille It isn't bad, not at all, but I was maybe expecting a bit too much from what I've heard about it from others. I found both Cars and The Incredibles (the latter is superior to anything, really) more entertaining and touching than Ratatouille. I give it 8/10 as it was entertaining and intelligent, but it lacked something. American Beauty Saw it for the first time last Saturday. It. Was. Awesome. This is my type of movie, it was really great. Can't praise it enough, only downside is that it isn't watchable within some timeframe - at least I know I can't - I will see it again in three months or so, I guess. 9/10 Scrubs season 6 It was nice and enjoyable, though not the best season. I liked how there was less focus on J.D.'s trouble with random women this time around, though, as I was growing a bit tired of that. This season wasn't as funny as the first couple of seasons but who in the world would ever believe that anything could be so funny? Nah, they made a good dicision with stopping at the 7th season, yes. Season 6 scores 7/10 from me. I really like the title of There Will Be Blood. It sounds so.. epic and great. I will watch it sooner or later. Same goes with Juno.
  5. Haha! Nice one. Well, yeah, but he could have been told what to say by Nintendo.
  6. I don't believe it till I understand what that guy said. >_<
  7. I don't have time to play many games, so therefore I only buy a few, but when those few are pushed back again and again, I need to buy another game I didn't really want, hence not having money for the REAL games.
  8. Also, I never understood why European games have to be translated into so many languages. Why, I bet that every French, German or Spanish gamer knows English. Heck, I played LoZ:OoT when I knew very little about English, but I owned a dictionary and learned English through that game.
  9. The real problem is, to me, that NoE doesn't really do much here. Do you ever see anything Nintendo-ish in your everyday life? They don't advertise much, they barely have any events of any sort, and they are very bad at informing us about anything. For example, here in Denmark there are barely any commercials for Wii or DS, there are absolutely no events at all, and stock supplies are usually low. Also, I don't believe that the translation is what's stalling Brawl. Nay, it's probably something do to with marketing, however, I think Nintendo haven't realised just how anticipated that game is here in Europe. Sure, Mario Kart Wii will sell, however, I think people have lost a little faith in the series since MK64. Well, I think Brawl should be released before Mario Kart.
  10. Early May is far better than early June, I must say.
  11. I agree, that song (along with Song of Time, Zelda's Lullaby, and Bolero of Fire) has been burned to my mind, I cannot forget them, luckily!
  12. Oh my.. GOD! THAT TETRIS-MUSIC IS MADE OF PURE WIN!! I love it. Also, the Song of Storms-remix is rather good. Would've loved Bolero of Fire in it, though. That was awesome. Heck. All songs in OoT were awesome.
  13. Isn't it kinda proven by Einstein's theory of relativity? I mean.. many of his predictions have been proven true, why should this one be proven false, if it's not yet proven? Ah, well. Doesn't matter a bit as 'it' won't be found and implemented for use in this generation.
  14. Stupid God for making light travel so slowly and nothing being able to surpass it speedwise. Tsk!
  15. Okami and Brawl are the only games that are definate must-buys for me on that list.
  16. Geez, nerds. >_< Jumping grab in Melee? Didn't know about that. Oh well.
  17. Hah. I've been playing stock matches without items and on FD for two years roughly. Then I lay off the game. Now, however, I've tried to use random characters and stages in a four-minutes time battle with items and I'm having so much more fun. Stupid me. XD
  18. I have no plans. One of my mates recently nominated me "Most Likely To spend Valentine's Day alone" on Facebook via the application 'Superlatives". XD It's sad but true. Oh well. Even when I had a girl friend, I did nothing on Valentine's Day. It's just a bad excuse. Why not do something special an ordinary day instead, that is far more enjoyable.
  19. The Pokémon grow tired after some time, their attack power decreases, they get slower and such. If you change them more often than not this will not be a problem. I guess it was made so no one overuses a Pokémon (Charizard, I reckon). As far as I know, it's based on time. I think it's something like 1 or 1.5 minutes, after which the Pokémon slowly take damage.
  20. I rather like the 4th generation too. In fact, I like all generations, although I barely know anything about the 3rd as I never played the games. How good is Lucario's recovery? He looks really interesting and if his recovery's any good, I shall choose him as my main. It's either him or Pit. ^^ Also, I thought that, what you call it?, "Force palm" was his side-Smash but it seems that I was wrong, no?
  21. Can anyone provide me with a list of Lucario's moves? His up-B is some sort of transportation (teleport or reflected fox-ish something), his neutral-B is Aura Sphere and his down-B is some sort of Counter. But what's his forward-B? Or the one missing anyway, I don't know this, just guessing. My top five: Lucario Pit Zelda ROB (wanna try him out) PKMN Trainer (Ditto)
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