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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Mewtwo's being considered one of the worst characters in the game? That's bullshit, he's just extremely hard to master, but he has some really strong moves, and his jumping capabilities are worth every bit of training! Also, his throw is lovely. No character is better than any other, some are just easier to master than others. At some time, I tried to beat Event 51 with Pichu, even almost succeeded, if I hadn't put the game down "for good" then. That's the reason for Roy and Marth and many others being used by a fair deal of players: they are easy to master. I hate using them, though.
  2. I believe so. They are called Humac. I'll go to one tomorrow, then I shall see, whether it can be fixed or not.
  3. Okay, I get the idea, but I haven't got an external HDD. However, if I had, would I be able to make an image of the now broken internal HDD? I'll have to get it fixed either way, and fast. My idea is that I'll get Apple extract data from the old (broken) one and then transfer that to a new and healthy one?
  4. Everything I wrote up to this post was written on a Wii, and it has a strange dictionary. Oo I cannot plug in the HDD as it's a laptop computer. But I'll take it to a Mac-center this weekend. Thanks, guys, anyway. Jordan: Yeah, I found that picture and such in the disc utility-programme, however, the only disc shown was the install CD, no HDD detected.
  5. I have tried some of those things, however, the hdd is not detected by the disc utility programme on the install disc. I think I may have to find my nearest Mac retrailer, have him to replace my hdd and retrieve my data.us They should be able to do that. Sigh.us
  6. I know it is possible in Windows. So why not in OSX? Besides, I cannot locate the hdd with any utility on the install disc.us Either the hdd is broke or a cable has somehow been disconnected, which can happen and this I prefer!
  7. No updates for a while.us Just answer my question, please.us I'm kinda desperate. Can I restore my current documents after reinstallingenuity OSX?
  8. My Macbook stopped responding just now. It wants me to re-install MacOSX, but I have very important documents on it. If I reinstall the software, will I be able to retrieve those? (I know there is a Mac-thread, however, this is an emergency..) When I start the Mac, it makes weird ticking sounds, and an icon with a ? appears, blinking. OS had frozen while I was away for a brief moment (20 mins. app.). Oh, this is awful, it's the only computer, I've got! I wrote this on my Wii. Hope, you might be able to help.us And fast!
  9. Is there any free programme out there that allows you to cut music in two (or more) without touching the quality? Oo I have some music that has a long pause in it, which I want to cut out, you see.
  10. Wow is one to play golf with that thing on his head?! That would look really weird. >_<
  11. It would be cool, but it wouldn't feel very Zelda-esque, would it? If you had to dodge machine guns, used a laser beam instead of a bow and arrow. If you could be run over by a flying car or something. However, a large, real city-like city in a Zelda-game would be rather cool. With scyscrapers and such.
  12. Ah, something like that. You have to tilt the remote to the opposite direction of Sonic's body, so to speak. If his front faces the right whilst grinding, you tilt left to jump to the other rail or tilt right to jump off the rails. ^^ Thanks. Just got Gold on the Grinding level in the Lost Prologue or whatever it's called.
  13. Whilst grinding, how do you jump from one rail to another?
  14. Well.. I'll just roll over and die, for I cannot wait those couple of months for this movie! Just one word: OMG. (Yes, I am aware that that is an abbreviation, however, that is completely irrelevant.)
  15. The import authorities have caught my game, I guess, as it's been nigh two weeks since Play.com posted it. This is pretty frustrating, waiting for this long for this game AND paying 50 % more for the game, which makes it more expensive than in the shops here in Denmark.
  16. Argh, it didn't show up in the mail today! Damnit, now I have to wait till Monday. Jeez.
  17. Wah, hadn't got my copy from Play.com when I got home today. Then I hope it's here tomorrow! It'd better be!
  18. I'm absolutely positive that IMDB.com can help you out on that on. Yes, it could! Look! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0354899/ Oh, BTW, I just found a region 2 release date. Apparently it is due for release on the 24th April this year. Well. That's in two months. Cool. ^^
  19. Yeah, I've seen it, great movie, but doesn't beat Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in my opinion, sorry. This has a really strange sense of humor and the puppets were a fantastic idea! Sometimes you just stared at the screen, unable to find any reason in it. I liked it very much! Does anyone know when it's out on DVD? It's out in Region 1, but I can't find a release date for region 2. I really want it, though. I REALLY DO!!
  20. That's probably just a look-good-game. The ones I have the most interest are: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Metroid Prime 3 Super Mario Galaxy The rest really depends on the genre and style / gameplay features.
  21. A blizzard has hit my part of Denmark so I'll buy Kid Icarus and Sonic tomorrow so I have something to do in the weekend - I'm kinda trapped!
  22. I'm still gonna get it, I enjoyed Adventure 2: Battle most of the time, so I think this will be fun too.
  23. I don't like the design of Adium either. The MSN:Mac-version is kinda cool to look at. If only they would include webcam-options...
  24. I don't have that programme. I think you'd have to pay for it and I didn't - bought the Microsoft Office 2004 suite. Yeah, I use that sometimes but it really is a bit slow and such. Well. I just point and click now.
  25. I have a Mac and I love it. Few things annoy me, being used to Windows, but that's not important stuff. (The most irritating thing is that I can't seem to find a shortcut for toggling between to active MSN Messenger-conversations.) However, I really need a simple drawing programme! Like MSPaint. I've tried a few but they were lame. Unfortunately, I don't remember their names. The most important things I need is copying graphs from GraphPlotter and editing these by adding straight lines and some text. Really simple tasks, really, but I haven't found a programme that does this easy enough. Does anyone know of such programme? (Please excuse my English at the moment - just had three weeks' vacation from everything school-related except math.)
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