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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I'm gonna get this, too. It looks rather good, I must say. I'll be waiting for the reviews, though, but might end up getting it even if it gets slapped in the reviews. I enjoyed Adventure 2: Battle rather much.
  2. Goddamnit, where are the female gamers of Denmark, huh?? Geez, I've never met a girl who liked gaming as I do. So I don't believe in them, simple as that!
  3. I'm looking forward to seeing this movie; the trailer made it look rather awesome, I think. I love Jim Carrey's style of acting and Eternal Sunshine is one of my favourite movies. I think this movie has a good plot and might have some psychological experiments for further thinking, just like Eternal Sunshine. To Zechs: It's out (ironically or good timing?) on the 23rd March this year.
  4. Isn't that like.. Harry Potter's birthday in the books? Oo It's somewhere around that anyway. Well, I really look forward to this title. I've read every book so many times up to now. Might want to read them again, or at least the last two, before the release of DH. What do you suppose the "Deathly Hallows" refers to? Edit: Oh, no it isn't. Harry's birthday is the 31st, not 21st. Sorry, my bad.
  5. My optician gave me two when I got my lenses. I have only experienced this once. I picked in my eye (ish) and it fell out. Luckily, my sister found it again. But besides that I have no problems. Only thing is - they might disappear in your eye. Suddenly it can, like, move up behind your eyelid, which is rather irritating, however seldom this happens. And btw, wanna add that I'm almost blind without 'em. I'm long-sighted with +11 on each eye. Oo That's rather much, although I'm not aware that you understand these numbers? This is how we measure "blindness" here, I have no idea whether this is international or not.
  6. Hell yeah! I talk to myself all the time, mostly because I'm alone much of the time. But even when I'm with others, I tend to mumble to myself. Well. I constantly do that. Nobody wants to listen to me, anyway. >_<
  7. I wear hard lenses and, yes, they hurt and irritate like hell the first week or so, but after that you will get used to them. I wear mine like.. 16-18 hours a day without any problems. And yes, hard lenses are smaller than soft ones. They can not be bend and I take mine out with a.. erm.. I have no idea what it's called in English, sorry. But you put it on the lenses (while they're still in the eyes..) and pull it out. It's supposed to be rather nasty to look at. Heh.
  8. I really ought to buy the DVDs, this series makes my mood go up really well. However, £16,99 for each of the 5 boxes is a tad expensive, I must admit. What I really love about Scrubs is the character development! They really mature.
  9. Probably around 2-3 hours of Zelda every day on an average. Sometimes an hours' Wii Sports alone or with my brother.
  10. Hmm. I haven't found the real fishing spot yet. Really, I have no idea where it is. Can anyone help? (I am rather far in the game)
  11. I find the controls a bit strange at times on Wii Zelda, as they don't always react the same way I want them to react. That might just be me being stupid, though. ^^ Well, keep both. First take the Cube-version, then when you want to play it again, go for the Wii-version! It's like playing a new game when it is mirrored. Ish.
  12. Oy, shouldn't this thread be a sticky? And what happens when you fill up your adress book?
  13. I felt a slight pain in the wrists yesternight while playing Zelda. Nothing to worry about, though. I hope? Meh. But phew, playing tennis with yourself can be rather tiring.
  14. Why do I have difficulties in believing that? Didn't Nintendo make patens for the Wiimote before Feb. 2005? And it makes no sense that they sue them now, rather than earlier when the system hadn't been launched. Or am I just being stupid?
  15. Yeah, I wonder about that too! I want that sexy light! >_< So. I have something to ask you all about: When in the Wii Channels, the xylophoneish music is playing, great, however, there is also this irritating "wrrrrr"-noise in the background. Like, the sound doesn't get clear through. Only in Wii Channels does this occur. Very weird. Maybe it's my TV?
  16. Speaking of porn... Wouldn't the Wii be splendid for a sex-simulation game? >_<
  17. This game is utter crap. Seriously, it isn't even worth the few money you pay for it. I picked it up by accident, actually only wanted a Wii-mote. But I thought "What the hell" and took it anyways. Shouldn't have done that. Well. Just my opinion. I guess this game will never be put on ever again. Hopefully.
  18. Mine: 0125 3365 5447 5480 Just PM me if you add.
  19. No, next is Australia. They get it the 7th whereas we git it the 8th. Oh well.
  20. Well, at least he remembers to eat and sleep so this won't turn up like those cases in Asia, where gamers actually died after spending too much time with their games. I, for one, remember the Diablo II incident...
  21. Yeah, tried that but I cannot shrink the DVDs. That is the essential function I need. And after ripping them to the computer I naturally want to burn them to ONE disc, hence the shrinking. ^^
  22. Hi. I really need a program for the Mac, but I cannot find one. It concerns a program like the Windows-based DVD-shrink. In this particular program you could upload a DVD-movie, alter its content so it could fit one disc and then make a back-up on your computer. All of this in a friendly and easy-to-use interface. However, I have not been able to find a program similar to DVD-shrink for the Mac. I have found some but they were strange and difficult. I just want it easy and functioning. Is anyone able to help me out? Thanks (Oh, after this I will stop making posts like this)
  23. I don't want to pay for it. I don't use it for anything serious so it would be a waste of money.
  24. Hmm. Okay, I'll try again then. It worked. Thanks. Then I need one more thing, though not relevant to the FTP-problems I was having: A program for shrinking DVD-movies so they can fit one disc. On Windows, I used DVDShrink, easy program. I wonder if Mac has something like that build into the O/S or if there is a program available. Thanks.
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