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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. I tend to have some problems at the moment. Well. This time it's about FTP. I have tried several FTP-programs for Mac and they work fine. However, when I try to edit or save a file, the program just "crashes". Even om Mac. That's rather frustrating as I have some files I would like to edit. From Duck-what-ever-its-name-was I got this message: Too many connections from this IP (or something like that, anyway). I really have no ieda what to do. If I use Disc Order, I can edit the files, although it freezes upon saving the changes. So. Is anybody able to help me out?
  2. Hi. I have finally got my MacBook. And I have every episode of the anime Naruto, which are .avi-files. But I cannot see them! Neither QuickTime nor Windows Media Player can load the movies. I have the newest QuickTime installed and Windows Media Player 9. I don't know whether that's the newest installment, but I can't really find an update. So. Any ideas? Thanks.
  3. Hi. I am just about to receive my new MacBook, however, I really need a decent program for maths! I have been using Derive until now on Windows but it doesn't work with Mac computers, hence the problem. I have also been using the freeware program Graphmatica, which has proven incredibly useful when dealing with functions. But that doesn't work with Mac either, although they are working on a Mac port. I just don't know for how long. Well. I have been experimenting with many different programs such as Mathematica and Maple but none of those were as good as Derive. Maple mainly because its plotting (drawing graphs) sucks big time. Maple was the easiest to use, though, so I might be getting that. So, my question for you is: Is there a program out there that works as good as Derive AND works on Mac OSX? I really hope you might be able to help me. I've been searching the Net for hours now.
  4. I ordered a MacBook 2.0 GHz with 1 GB of RAM this Wednesday. It'll arrive primo october. Looking forward to it. Though I've never used anything non-Windows, so I'm a bit worried. But I'll learn to use the MacOS in time.
  5. Oh, shut up already.^^ Here in Denmark the price will be at the very least £180. This is best case scenario. However, the most possible price is £208 due to taxes and such. Yikes. I don't want to hear ANY more complaining about the price. Hehe.
  6. Hmm. None of those games appeal to me. Except Zelda, of course. Rayman did at first but when I read about it, I thought no. I had hoped for a full adventure, not just minigames clipped together. Well. We'll see if I buy another game at launch.
  7. Twilight Princess is the only certain one.. I'll be buying Metroid Prime 3 when it gets cheaper.. Rayman is a bit interesting, though.. And I don't know anything about Dragon Quest Swords, so I won't say anything about it.. but the title is .. well.. rpg-ish.. ^^
  8. Hmm.. For GameCube it must be: Pikmin: just boring.. :S Super Monkey Ball: well.. it's too hard for my patience.. SEGA Soccer Slam: Fun in multiplayer but as I'm more alone than with friends (they live far away from me) its no fun.. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within: There's a glitch in the game so I can't continue.. and it was not that good.. Well.. that's about it.. I have some for Nintendo 64, though..: Mischief Makers, Mario Party, Silicon Valley, Gex 64, Yoshi's Story and Bomberman Hero I bought all of these before I heard of the Internet....
  9. I have one question: how do you save your games? Is that what the 512 mb flash memory is for, or what?
  10. I ain't using firewalls and Windows Messenger works perfectly.. but I would appreciate using MSN Messenger.. Donnu why.. So, got any ideas?
  11. Hello My problem is that MSN Messenger freezes when I try to sign in. I've tried versions 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0 and it's all the same: When I log on, it freezes instantly - except 8.0; it froze after 2 seconds of being online. The strange part of this is that it worked Friday evening but when I tried to log on yesterday, it froze. I tried reinstalling MSN several times. Today, I even reinstalled Windows (XP Pro). Still no positive effect on MSN. I've tried searching Google and also found some solutions but I still couldn't get it working. My computer IS strong enough and I have not installed anything new. Can someone help?
  12. Am I the only one having problems with downloading the newest episode of Naruto (no. 183 fra )? I use BitTornado for downloading the episodes (which is legal). But recently my BitTornado has started screwing up. It freezes the downloading proces several times: Previously, it could easily download an entire episode within just 30 minutes but now it just freezes..:S Also, starting yesterday, I receive the following message: ERROR: Couldn't listen - unable to forward port via UPnP I have not touched anything at all - it started screwing up a couple of weeks ago. Furthermore, I have tried updating and uninstalling the program, nothing helps. So, can anybody possibly help me? The greatest help would actually be if someone told me that it's a general problem from BitTornado and that it will be fixed.
  13. Hey. I want a DS Lite..! I don't really know whether I'm gonna wait for the European launch in June or buy it from Lik-sang.com.. The ladder appeals me the most.. however, I don't know if there are any taxes thrown into the price.. Although I live in Denmark, I think it's the same across Europe.. So.. my real question is: does Europe add anything into the price when I buy something from Lik-sang.com, whose articles are sent from China? Thanks! (ps. sorry for my English - it's been a while since I last wrote anything in English due to the Easter holidays..)
  14. Thanks.. Well.. I tried searching the web, although I couldn't quite find anything.. and I'm using wikipedia for the project..:P
  15. Harry Potter are among my favourites.. as are the Artemis Fowl-books and especially the Northern Lights-books by Philip Pulman.. those books are great.. truly amazing works.. I usually read fantasy, as this genre.. well.. I dunno.. the mysterious worlds just call for me, you know? You just captivate me.. if written in a decent way.. Also, the Broken Sky-series by Chris Wooding is actually pretty good.. written in a manga-sort of way.. Erm.. I think that was it..
  16. So, in short, Mozart's popularity is due to his genius and young age? Hmm.. I'll try to listen to some of his music.. And I'll write it in German myself.. Have to learn something, you know.. heh.. Thanks.. more inputs appreciated..
  17. I'm in the midst of writing a German report on Mozart's life and compositions even though I don't know anything about music. This is a little problem, though, as I have to write something intelligent and not just tell about his life. So I have this one question, I would like some help with: Why was Mozart so special and popular? I hope you can answer this 'cause I cannot!
  18. I hope that one day games will go back to the roots.. instead of one always having to collect a certain amount of something or shoot someone important to progress in the game, I want to actually just come to the goal of a level.. One of my biggest wishes is Super Mario Bros 3 re-animated.. with updated graphics and new levels and such.. where all you need to do is come from A to B.. I know that Prince of Persia had this element.. Although I haven't been able to get my hands on this:(.. Super Mario 64 was great.. but is it just me, or is it tiring to collect things all the time? If there's too much to collect that might keep me from playing the games more than twice.. I know it's difficult to make a game lengthy an' all.. but.. well.. it's difficult to describe how I feel about this.. Hope you understand just a little of my feelings about this.. heh..
  19. The s is there because of the ' .. thanks for the comments..
  20. http://www.deviantart.com/view/25813745/ I know X-mas is over now but I remembered this picture I made about a month ago.. I would like some comments.. ^^
  21. Thanks for the replies.. MoogleViper: We won't use make-up.. it must look like he just died? ah well.. no make-up..:P Konfucius: I've tried that on the update.. dabookerman: well.. I know there is inaccuracy.. I don't want the scene to look realistic.. I want the thing I add to look realistic.. and I just wanted the idea carried out in real life.. About the blood dripping from the blade; we tried that but it didn't really work out that well.. it just looked like it was on my jeans.. so.. well.. Thanks for the comments..
  22. My friend and I took this picture, and I've then manipulated it: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/25796307/ I want to know what you think.. And I also want ideas of how to improve it (esp. the blood).. *Update* I've made a new picture now!! wow.. http://www.deviantart.com/view/25813745/ What do you think? If you can, please comment on dA!
  23. http://mindfreak0.deviantart.com/ that's me :]
  24. Hehe.. well, it's not meant to be a basement.. just the fundament of the house:) hehe...
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