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  1. 5 points
  2. 4 points
    BAM! Results! GP1 GP2 GP3 It's a good night when I beat @Dcubed in every GP. Anyway... Now for a GIF of me getting UTTERLY ROBBED! Tell me that doesn't look like I was in front Which one of you nonces used the Lightning there!? Confess!
  3. 4 points
    Oh my god, Serebii is smiling in photos now! The Happiest Place on Earth has worked on him! Massively jealous too. Never been to the Cali one, and not been to Orlando since I was a kid. Desperate to get back over there!
  4. 4 points
    For my next entry into my diary, I've decided to call this post... Bloody Hell, Glen. You're Mental! A small little testament to the insane amount of time I've spent (Probably wasted) reaching particular milestones in games I've played. So we'll start with Fire Emblem: Awakening. Fear the Pie Brigade. FEAR IT! For those of you not in the know, renown is basically a point based system for fighting people you pass in Streetpass. About 6 months ago, I finally maxed it out. Huh? What'd I get? Actually, an item that sells for a lot of money. Which I suppose would be useful if I ever did a Lunatic difficulty run. So nothing then... Yep, it's bloody Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition again. You might remember me literally punching through Diamond to finish every stage in this incredibly difficult game last year. Well yeah, I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to unlock every character as well. Boomerang Luigi pictured above could only be unlocked by completing the last Score Challenge with a very high score. It demands getting a very strong team (If it ain't Level 99, they might as well not bother), and then pretty much finishing it without ever getting hit. Trust me, not easy. But I did it! And then I leveled every character to 99. For that extra layer of crazy. Not enough 9's for you? Here then, have some more. I also maxed out the Rhythmia counter in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call. And amazingly enough, I got something for it. As you can see above. It's nothing big, but at least you get something. To be honest though, this particular loony trip was fine by me. I love this game. I still boot it up and knock out a few quests just because it's so fun. Which leads me nicely to... Final Fantasy is easily one of the most influential games from the NES era. It really kicked off the turn-based RPG over in the west, after all. Of course, it being an old-school RPG, it never actually came out in Europe. Not until 2003 on the Playstation. I played the GBA version that came out in 2004. Fun fact: it's the game that introduced me to the series. But you probably knew that already. The story follows four "Warriors of Light" who are destined to reawaken the four Crystals and save the world. Hey, it's an old game. Cut it some slack. So yeah, the story is about as basic as you can get. And that's about all I can say. The gameplay consists of very traditional turn-based RPG goodness. You choose what your party does and watch them go. A cool thing is that at the beginning of the game, you can select from 6 different classes to build your party from. Pretty big back in the NES days. It helps with repeat playthroughs, you know? Add some spice to it. Thankfully the game is pretty easy, so no matter what you choose, you should be able to get through the game. Well, as long as you don't do something stupid and choose 4 White Mages. But that's just common... Ah... So yeah, 4 healer characters, quite a lot of money grinding for spells and whole lot of hammering for 10HP damage. Final Fantasy wasn't really designed for stupid party setups like this. But that's all part of the fun. There was definitely some road blocks that required some unorthodox strategies to break past, but it was strangely satisfying getting these 4 identical pathetic excuses for fighters past some eldritch abominations. Including a train from the future! You can't suplex it though... The graphics translate well from the Playstation version nicely. What's more impressive is the music. Most GBA ports tended to sound horrible, but this manages to maintain a high quality version of the Playstation version. I'm not sure how Square did it, but its sounds really close. Final Fantasy is worth having a look at, if only to know where the series started. The GBA version is certainly not a bad place for the RPG newbie to start, but there's plenty of other versions out there. Oh, and as for It, Will, Never and Work... The comic is 8-Bit Theater, one of the best gaming webcomics I've read. Those 2 pictures were over 9 years apart, making it the longest call back in webcomic history. The comic is hilarious.
  5. 4 points
    Nintendo Life have written a decent article about how the SNES Mini preorder situation in the US has been an absolute mess.. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/08/soapbox_the_snes_classic_edition_pre-order_farce_proves_nintendo_hasnt_learned_a_thing It's crazy that Nintendo haven't sorted this situation out. The way that ThinkGeek are making bundles out of their stock is flat out disgusting and I do think it's Nintendo who needs to step and and call out such practices. Many fans over in the US are once again going to have to either pay scalper prices or try their luck on launch day with various retailers. A few people have suggested an easy way to sort this situation out is to simply make the first wave available to My Nintendo customers and make it 1 order per person. You would use the My Nintendo system to place your preorder, pay up front for it, and then receive it when it is released. This would help Nintendo in showing how much stock is initially needed ( providing they do it months in advance), get people to sign up to their system and stop scalpers/bots buying multiple units.
  6. 3 points
    Still life with fruit.
  7. 2 points
    I've just been sitting playing this and decided to call it a night and put the Switch in sleep mode. I encountered that bug where the sleep option stays on the screen but I can't actually select it as the controllers move Sonic and not the menu. I've got no choice but to just let the battery run out because a hard reset doesn't work either. I guess this is where the shoddy Switch battery life comes in handy.
  8. 2 points
    I can't help but notice but...it looks like your Magikarp is eating your woman's boob. I mean, it looks like you had a nice time.
  9. 2 points
    Oh boy! I can't wait to be screen watched by @Dcubed once again! Stupid Nintendo, encouraging old school players... EDIT: DAMNIT, @S.C.G Can you ever get in on the first race?
  10. 2 points
    You're clearly drunk now. Because everyone knows I'm as hip and happening as one person could possibly be.
  11. 2 points
    Early weekend for me. Decided to work longer today and take tomorrow off. Gonna spend all day preparing for two nights of drinking which basically means: Sleep a lot and eat Tomorrow night: Drinking at a mate's and going to a club. Saturday night: Drinking at my best mate's girlfriend's place. Already logged in on my phone so I might be able to post some stuff in the thread for the cool people, i.e. @Nolan and @martinist. Not you @Glen-i. You don't belong in the Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!! because you're not cool.
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. 1 point
    I took the capture. Finally got my capture set up back up and running again just this week! I use an Elgato HD60. Just used it to nab the clip from MKTV and then used Adobe Premiere to make the gif. Fun night BTW!
  15. 1 point
    Serebii, you look so happy So does your lady
  16. 1 point
    Jealous! Been to the Paris one loads of times, but Disneyworld is on top of my list of places to go! Hope you had a great time!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Darn your acceleration. Darn it, I say!
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I have to say, I've really enjoyed Nintendo's efforts at this years Gamecom. The competition are either using this as an E3 retread or just aren't really bothering with it all. It's nice to see Nintendo treat the show, viewers and attendees with some respect. Its be great seeing footage of FIFA, Splatoon and ARMS and there's still more to come. I'm looking forward to the few indie games that are going to be shown, as well as Xenoblade 2. Using Gamescom as a mini Direct was a welcome surprise, even if I would have preferred a standard showing. Stuff like the SNES 3DS, Splatoon maps, new ARMS character, FE Warriors trailer and special edition announcements could have easily been Direct material but instead Nintendo kept these things for Gamescom week. In other news, Mario Odyssey has picked up both Game of the Show and Most Wanted Game awards.
  22. 1 point
    The page has updated today. It is £49.99. My worry was that it'd be like Zelda and have an extra tenner added to it.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I had it on in the background while at work and they seemed to be showing lots of footage from Ultimate Team. Two of the guys had a game against each other, as well.
  25. 1 point
    The narrator is annoying. Aside from that it looks wonderful, though.
  26. 1 point
    Probably Simply Games. I see they've changed/added a few trophies from the PS3 version.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    It's a fantastic game, if a little rough around the edges now. The sequels aren't half as good, as they go all GTA and make Jak all dark and moody.
  30. 1 point
    This is a great watch. The moment Diablos pops out of the ground and then the player gets sucked into the sand pit is amazing. Also, when the water beastie attacks and wraps itself around Barroth was such a cool moment. This is looking to be something very, very special.
  31. 1 point
    Shin'en have announced that more content is coming to the game in September; 6 new tracks and 2 new cups. Update is totally free and the game is coming out in Japan. I look forward to it, really enjoyed my time with the game so happy to have a reason to play it again.
  32. 1 point
    Loads of impressions are starting to filter out from Gamescom. Everyone seems to be loving it.
  33. 1 point
    It's been a long time coming, but i finally finished Pokemon Soul Silver (including the Kanto League). Going back to a Pokemon game after the improvements in later games, it's a tougher experience. But all good fun none the less, which is what i like. How i normally play these is thus, i choose anything up to 3 last gen Pokemon for my team and the rest is made of Pokemon new to the game.
  34. 1 point
    Blue spheres... blue spheres everywhere! Even when I close my eyes, they are there! After a mammoth series of play sessions on this fantastic title since the second it launched, I have finally finished Sonic Mania... to completion, as Sonic & Tails. Yes, that includes all main Special Stages beaten and all Blue Sphere stages perfected. Oh plus all trophies obtained (PS4 version) no really... check my card if you like, I haven't got 100% on many PS titles but this is one which I really wanted to finish and wouldn't rest until it was properly complete. Of course I'll do a Tails run at some point & Knuckles as well, of course! But that will do for now. I've enjoyed every second with this sublime Sonic title which may have taken Ages to create but it was worth the wait, I'm sure Sega will agree and really... I take my hat off to Christian Whitehead, Simon Thomley, Tom Fry, Tee Lopes , Lola Shiraishi, Jared Kasl, Headcannon, PagodaWest Games and everyone involved in making this dream come true. Now to put the Switch version through its paces.
  35. 1 point
    I just can't get over how amazing and true to the originals this game is. How can Sonic Team not produce something like this since 1994? It was only a couple of days before this game was released when I began getting excited about it. There have been so many crap games in the past and this has made me feel apathy towards Sonic. Playing this has made it feel like Sonic & Knuckles was only released not so long ago. I can't explain how happy I am with this game. I feel like the kid at xmas in the 90s receiving the latest Sonic game.
  36. 1 point
    Completely agree. Nothing will beat the initial experience in D1 though. Obtaining purple drops, experiencing the first ever raid. I wish they revamped D2 more so it feels fresh.
  37. 1 point
    Even if I enjoy D2, I don't think I'm going to have the same completionist drive I had in D1. That's because the mystery has gone, and nothing has changed from Destiny 1. You understand how the weapons drop from the outset, there's a fixed set of weapons and a fixed set of exotics. Unlocking the majority of them is going to be at the whim of RNG, and only a set few are going to be fun/worth having/worth using in PvE. Within a few months you will be scorned for using an exotic weapon you like on a raid boss because it's less efficient than a sniper rifle or whatever. I was kinda hoping they would change things up a bit and that playing would feel more like Diablo, where any purple drop gets you excited, but lets be honest, that stopped being the case for most people a long time ago with D1, and if they're not changing that, the feeling will simply continue.
  38. 1 point
    I had a go at this with @lostmario yesterday evening. The game looks very pretty and impressive. We had a go at the strike and ended up immediately tackling the boss. It was a pretty standard Destiny style bullet sponge. We then had a go at the strike again and this time we managed to start from the beginning. There was one big LOL moment - those cogs! My opinion is that its just Destiny. Nothing really further to say. After spending 100s of hours on the first one I am unsure whether to spend the time on what is essentially the same game. I am on the fence with this one. As its an online multiplayer, I would need to be in a group and play regularly to fully appreciate what the game will have to offer. After the effort of trying to create a regualar second group last time I may not bother.
  39. 1 point
    Direct feed from N-Europe Moderators Board
  40. 1 point
    Hmm @Shorty how about we charge everyone $300 a year to host their images on N-E?
  41. 1 point
    I want to be optimistic. Destiny was probably the best gaming experience I've had in my life. For the first year I probably played it nearly every single day. Did so much with the N-E clan, there was so much in there to keep you playing. After a while patterns began to emerge of artificial difficulty/elongation, but even as far as the last raid it was pretty amazing. The first time we went into Vault of Glass.... That said, Destiny 2 needs to be so much bigger, and it needs really changing. The story needs to be infinitely better, not just the story itself but the way it's delivered. Nothing in D1 came close to Bungie's storytelling in the likes of Halo 3 etc., nor did their setpieces. I remember a mission available during the beta, The Last Array, that felt epic, music came in at the right moment and you had to fight a wave of (then) difficult enemies. It was great, a struggle, and an awesome visual. But... outside of raids there wasn't much more that captured that feel. They also need to iron out everything crap about D1, like the vault system. That was abandoned a long time ago anyway.