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    • Just a word of warning. Make sure you manually quit to the system menu if you want to save your progress. Don't have a PS5, so don't know what exactly that would entail, but yeah, keep that in mind. It seems auto-save doesn't work properly (or even exist?). Wouldn't want a power outage to make you lose hours of progress.
    • Japanifornia. Glen-i already explained it pretty well, but yeah, it's fitting a round Japan peg into a square California hole. It's hilarious. Incidentally, every reference to the United States from the JP version suddenly became a reference to "Europe" or "Germany" after localisation. It's wild. Funnily enough, the first game still contains one of my favourite instances of "this was clearly written in Japan". When the characters absentmindedly forget for most of the day that the 25th of December is a special occasion. Because it's such a minor holiday, you see. Another good one is when Athena only has a vague understanding of what Saké is, because she's too European. And then the entire American court berates her for her cultural ignorance.
    • See now, that's quite fascinating. In Japan, it's very much meant to be set in a fictional Japan. The court system is heavily based on it (Less pointing and fighting game sound effects, mind you). But when we got the DS version localised, the American team Capcom used decided to take some liberties, you know, to try and make it more appealing to us lot in the West? For the first game, it mostly worked. Even with a spirit medium-in-training playing second fiddle to Phoenix himself. But then it sold better then expected, so naturally, Capcom localised the two sequels, and well, those games steadily lean more into the Japanese aspect more heavily, which kinda left the Western localisers written into a corner. They doubled down, still insisted that it's set somewhere in LA. Eventually, the fans started cottoning on, but considering how completely insane the series can be. It didn't feel totally out of place, really. In fact, a lot of people found it endearing, and would delight in poking fun at it. I still quote "Eat your hamburgers, Apollo" to this day! Such a good line. Apollo Justice (the game that comic is based on) decided to just roll with it. There's a place called "Nine-Tales Valley" that's a town of Japanese immigrants, who also happened to have some ancient yokai spirits immigrate along with them. (That's canon! As far as the English version goes, anyway) Now it's just part of a running gag, and everyone digs it. Honestly, after Spirit of Justice, I'm kinda convinced the developers are amping up Japanese culture references just to watch the Western localisation team try and explain it off.
    • Sounds like it's time for me to put on the mask and adopt my role of Resident N-E Youngster.  As someone who started high school in 2010 and so would be pretty much the perfect age to assess this in terms of it being a "thing" – I think it was probably on the verge of becoming a thing, but wasn't actually yet a thing, you know? At least over here in the UK it hadn't really cemented itself I feel, I imagine unless you were really brushed up on social media (and tech?) at the time it seems unlikely you'd have come across it in 2011 from what I remember.  People might have already been calling them selfies elsewhere in the world, but I wouldn't say it was a commonly used word to my ear until around halfway through my time in high school, which would make sense looking up the UK release dates for both Instagram (2010 on iOS and 2012 on Android) and Snapchat (2012 on Android and 2013 on iOS) and also considering that the first "selfie" cameras in smartphones apparently came along and was popularised with the iPhone 4 and HTC Evo G4 (damn, been a minute since I've thought about HTC), early 2010s was the right breeding ground for the word to embed itself culturally I feel, but I wouldn't say it was firmly established as a term until 2012/2013, obviously anecdotally, but I think backed up by it being added to the Oxford Dictionary as the word of the year for 2013.  (to...myself? More of an asterisk for clarification I guess?) That being said! Where's Ace Attorney actually suppose to be based? In my head the US makes perfect sense because of the character looks and the way they speak (and how gosh darn Hollywood the drama comes off as being), and I feel like it's possible the term became popularised in the US and Japan a bit before it did over here? Can't help but also just wonder if the localisation team are around the age where they'd be questioning the same thing, but also yeah now I'm just curious about where the series is meant to be located...    Also, thought it would be a fun fact to share, but in my nosing around I came across this (from Wikipedia, where else?): Not sure if they referred to it as being a "selfie" at the time (doubt it) but there's just something about the idea of 90s Japanese salarymen trying to take selfies with, say, a life-sized Tifa or Neo cutout in the late 90s which makes me chuckle 
    • Booted up Investigations 2, mostly to see how it compares to the fan translation. Done the first case so far. So far, as far as name changes go, the fans have it. Not a strong opening move from the official localisation. Gonna put this in spoilers for obvious reasons. BTW, were Selfies a thing in 2011? Might be my age speaking, but I wanna say they weren't? This official localisation mentions selfies, but I can't help but feel that if the original DS game was localised back then, that word wouldn't be in it. Of course, I could be completely wrong.
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