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Oooh, a year already (though I actually signed up a couple of days later). I think this is a really nice site with a great community. I already checked it out when it was still C-E and sometimes posted a comment on the news stories, but I (sadly) didn't sign up to the forums until after the change. I'm glad I finally did though. =3

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According to CE:

Name: Jordan

Posts: 10071

Position: Moderator/Elite

Date Registered: September 12th, 2005, 6:29pm


However, my actual join date was Dec 28th 2001... i've been here a VERY long time.

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I set up my vbulliten profile on the 13th of Sept, 3 days before it went live.


But if still counting C-E then



Name: Mokong X-C

Posts: 6311

Position: The Elite Veteran

Date Registered: 08. January 2002 at 07:34 (note: the day after C-E's 1st birthday)


Hah ha! Nobody has yet beaten my join date! :heh:



Beaten, but i'm sure there's someone (like Conor, Platty and Tim and others) who can beat mine

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Happy Birthday to us!


Here are my details if anyone wants to see em...


Name: darksnowman

Posts: 401

Position: Nintendo Pro-Fanatic

Date Registered: January 11th, 2003, 6:04pm


Only a 2003 join date but Id been browsing and lurking about since the N64 times. 401 posts and Im just as prolific as ever eh.


Long live n-europe!

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According to Cube-Europe:


Name: The3rdChildren


Position: Nintendo Gold Member

Date Registered: November 16th, 2002, 11:13pm


I'm fairly sure I registered the day I put up impressions of the Wind Waker as I'd that day received it from Japan. I'd been stalking Cube-Europe forums for a long time before that, mind. Since the GameCube came out in Japan.


Kinda dabbled and argued about for a while before eventually settling in and making some good pals, mostly thanks to Halo 2. Now on N-Europe I have made even more good friends. Cool beans.


Apparently I've racked up more posts on here than on Cube-Europe. What a surprise.

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To carry on the trend. I remember when i signed up to R-E(n-e now), it was right after , im sure when c-e announced they were moving or something, and iwent and joined. I actually remember when i joined c-e. looking on google one day, typed in 'Nintendo in europe', then c-e came up as frst item, then i signed up straight away.

How do i find my info like above? How do i get to c-e to get my stats?


Wow, i've just seen i joined n-e today, last year.

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To carry on the trend. I remember when i signed up to R-E(n-e now), it was right after , im sure when c-e announced they were moving or something, and iwent and joined. I actually remember when i joined c-e. looking on google one day, typed in 'Nintendo in europe', then c-e came up as frst item, then i signed up straight away.

How do i find my info like above?


Log yourself into Cube-Europe's old forums here and click your name at "who's online" at the bottom and it'll bring up the profile other users see. It has your posts, join date and the like.

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Log yourself into Cube-Europe's old forums here and click your name at "who's online" at the bottom and it'll bring up the profile other users see. It has your posts, join date and the like.



You make it sound so easy. What I did was log into C-E, then cast my mind back and go in search of a thread I could remember posting in, then reading and scrolling down, clicking on my name there to bring up my profile :shakehead


I found myself in the GBA forums in the thread about Rebelstar. (that sounds like something I should be telling a psychologist.)

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cheers for that, well i wasnt the one for posting in them days:

Name: stefkov

Posts: 126 (lol, now look at it on n-e: Total Posts: 2,438 (6.68 posts per day))

Position: Nintendo Fanatic

Date Registered: November 7th, 2004, 10:41pm

I joined pretty late, but i'm sure I was just lurking, ike many people do. biding my time to release those 126 of awesometastic posts, lol.


Anyway, happy birthday n-e, I'm glad ive at least been here since day one.

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You make it sound so easy. What I did was log into C-E, then cast my mind back and go in search of a thread I could remember posting in, then reading and scrolling down, clicking on my name there to bring up my profile :shakehead



You're such an idiot!


(I did that too.)

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If we're going way back, back to the old school as it were, then here are all the details:


Name: weeyellowbloke

Posts: 614

Position: Nintendo Elite

Date Registered: July 25th, 2002, 11:52am


Think I joined just after I got my cube for details about game releases, then I spent quite a while just lurking in the shadows, watching, waiting, biding my time to strike.


Hmmm, only got 453 posts here, very disappointing, must try harder.

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