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This is probably one of the most under-rated games ever, and a hidden gem for Wii owners. I picked it up very cheaply, but it's one of the few times a game is actually worth full price. I've not had such fun on a racing game since Sega Rally on the Saturn, and I can't believe Wii fans didn't get this in huge numbers. It's just such fun simply playing the game, even if you don't win, because the controls are so well done.


Well recommended to anyone considering this game.

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i second that, K-Project. I got this game when it came out for 30 quid and its a great purchase. Seemed a lot more entertaining than motorstorm from what i played of the ps3 game. VExcitetruck has that arcadey immediacy and over-the-top old school SegaRally style but with that points system its very moreish. Theres a lot of replayability in this game. If you like racers or remember stuffing Sega Rally/ Daytona arcade machines with 50ps, buy it

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Wohoo! I made it, I got S-ranking on all tracks on Super Excite. I'm really proud of myself now. Played some races on Mirror mode, and the requirements seem slighly more difficult. Do I need to get even more stars on them?


How are your records guys? Mine:

Air: 689.99m Canada - River Run

Drift: 513.44m Fiji - Atoll Hop

Tree Run: 49 times - Canada - Winding Road

Air Spin: 1440¤ Canada - River Run

Jumb Combo: 6 combos Scotland - Baron's River


Races won: 134

S-Ranks: 89

Super Air: 315

Super Tree Runs: 482

Super drifts: 115

Super Truck Smash: 284

Super Rings: 214

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How are your records guys?


My random facts (brackets is the highest trophy I've gotten, out of 5)


Races finished: 303

Races Won : 138 (5)

S-Ranks: 147 (5)

Super Air: 157 (3)

Super Tree Runs: 453 (4)

Super Drifts: 159 (4)

Super Truck Smashes: 373 (4)

Super Rings: 97 (2)




Air: 649.80 (Fiji - Atoll Hill)

Drift: 492.93 (Finland - Tanker Hop)

Tree Run: 29 (Nebula - Crystal Road)

Air Spin: 2520 (China - Southern Loop)

Jump Combo: 9 (Scotland - Baron's Run)

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I went back and finished this off today.. got my last S-Ranks on Mirror Mode and then all the S-Ranks on the Super Challenge Mode. All that's really left is to get a few paint jobs and get all the best trophies.


Awesome game.


S-ranks on mirror mode was fine, been there done that. But how in god's name did you complete Super Challende mode??? It's been bugging me for ages and I still can't do it. Oh well I hear you don't get anything amazing for completing them. I'll just have to live without it being 100% complete.

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..some funky wee icons that replace the stars you obtain.. for example, golf balls..



The Super Challenge Mode was difficult. Not the Crash Mode, or even really the Ring Mode (took a few attempts to get the ring locations/distances, but after that it seemed fine). The real challenge was the Gate Challenges- you almost had to be perfect! I missed one gate on both courses, but thankfully I was fast enough to get through the rest of them and obtain exactly the required 145 Stars in both of them.


I love this game :hehe:

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I got it delievered on the day of release (if not a day before) from Play.com and I have loved it ever since. I'm almost a bit gutted it's sort of over now, but I'm gonna try to get all the trophies and paint jobs for the hell of it, just so I can play it a bit more with a goal to achieve :heh:


I urge everyone to get this game.. that £17.97 was amazing by the way..

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I finished this game a while ago, getting everything, but still think it's an excellent, game. If multiplayer didn't stink I'd play it so much more often, but this has reminded me to pick up the very, very, very fun single player mode. I recently wrote to NGamer professing my love for the game (issue 15, or whatever the most recent one is).

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  • 2 years later...

Old thread bump! :D


How lovely is it when you plunder your back catalogue and rediscover an old flame? Been playing this again a lot recently, and I stand by my comments years ago that this is one of the best Wii games and a complete joy. What's so startling is how it seemed to hit the ground running with some amazing controls and levels so early in the Wii's lifespan. There's nothing like grabbing big air and hearing the whoosh of space and the music stop as you drop back to earth with a thump on top of a rival and a cheeky boost. A classic Wii gaming moment for me.


I'll never forgive some of the low scores it got at the time (Edge 6/10! WTF??), but I think time has revealed the true diamond within and it has quite the following now. For me this is easily the racing classic that the Wii needed and like F-Zero GX on the GC before it, it deserves to be remembered as such.


If any of you are craving a truly great Wii racer and you haven't played this...where were you? Try and get it now if you can.

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I loved this game! So much so that I actually got Super Excite and most of the trophies (because I'm so lazy that I don't end up completing most games :P)

I fully agree with K-Project, it's one of the best Wii games out there despite being one of the first. What I also find is that it's one of the most... polished Wii games. Considering this came out so early on, I only wish more Wii games had followed in it's footsteps. SD Card support for music playback in races, unlockable trophies... the only thing this is missing is an online mode!

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Hard sure is the word! Haven't played it for ages, but did get it around release for a bargain twenty at Gamestation(so good I got two and gave it to someone, I think!), but my wii was lacking in games at the time and so I thought I should. Was fun having the ability to play your own music alongside too, anybody make some banging excitetruckin sountracks? :P

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Really glad my bumpage unearthed your hidden love for this game people! :D It's a stone cold classic imho.


It's funny because what got me back on it was watching my daughter play it again recently. She's 10, and already a bit of a serious gamer these days and a natural talent, which takes me back to when my own reaction times were better and excitement at gaming was at a high. She's completely pasted through the whole game no problem. Really put the time in (and no, her school work isn't suffering as a result...she's doing absolutely brilliantly there too!), and has bested this game easily while her sad dad still struggles.


But the beauty of Excite Truck is no matter how crap you are at the game it draws you back in for more, simply by virtue of being fun to play. The reward of the game is purely in the playing of it, the scores and extras come later. It's just such rollicking, stomping great fun without any fuss, and it's one of the Wii gems that takes me right back to when I was most passionate about gaming, and crucially it underlines why I was too.


What a great, great game. I won't say any more than that now. :D

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I have played Excitebots and it's just as good, if not slightly better! At first I was wary, it seems a bit too insane, but once you've gotten used to getting a "SUPER SANDWICH" and scoring goals mid race or playing the traingle whilst trying to bash other bots out of the way, you realise that it's so great because of how crazy and quirky it is. The best bit though? The fact it's online!

It's a pretty robust online system, you can get into a race pretty quickly with no lag! The only thing missing from this is weirdly, no SD card support for music or any of those achievements from the first - I wonder why they removed it?

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I too have been replaying Excite Trucks recently - you're right it is an absolute classic! Me and my mates have had so much fun trying to unlock super excite mode, just keep missing out on one or two stars on each of the last three courses but rather than being frustrating its just incredibly addictive to fire it up and try again and again. I think that's pretty rare in today's market.


The sad thing is it makes me want Excite Bots even more. I still can't understand why we didn't get it, or why the US never got Disaster or Another Code R. Nintendo are still a very strange company at times.

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