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The Best Gaming Music Ever.

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Bear with me here:


Nearly every single track in tomb raider legend is amazing. Im being absolutely serious they are mesemerising and beautifull match the locations you explore and the atmosphere you are in.


tomb raider 2s title screen i love.



Anyway i would like to say the farewell hyrule king song in wind waker. which is basically a piano version of the zelda rescue theme from LTTP

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Yeah, the hero of time- love it.

It came free on a dvd with ONM, and I love it.


I even start a new game just to listen!




That's not necessary, you can view the legend along with The Legendary Hero soundtrack at any time just by waiting about 30 seconds after the title screen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been listening to awesome tunes which are...


1000 words Jap version - FFX-2

Zetsubo to Kibo - Shining Force Neo Theme

Do As Infinity - Tales of Legendia Theme

Dreaming My Way Home - Rogue Galaxy, has a Disney feel to it.


All worth checking out especially the top 3 if you like Jap music

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  • 1 month later...

Listening to the FF XII soundtrack and its damn fucking good!!!


"The soundtrack is made out of four discs with a hundred tracks in total. It also includes tracks not included in the game, only used in promotional stages. The limited edition of the soundtrack will be stored in a DVD styled box complete with printed images on each disc. The limited edition also includes a 28 page booklet with many more printed images, providing more information about the soundtrack."



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  • 1 month later...
I'm going to have to go with The Legendary Hero from the Wind Waker. I just love it and it still gives me goosebumps.


Have you heard Darkesword's version of the Ancient Hero theme on overclockremix (ocremix.org)? It's gotta be 1 of the best OCR's i've ever heard.

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  • 1 month later...

Some of my all-time favourites (in no particular order):


Bionic Commando stage 1 (nes version; stage 2 in the arcade version)

Intro theme of Solstice for the nes

Overworld theme from Alundra ('The winds that shook the earth')

Tal tal heights theme from Link's awakening

'Into the thick of it' and 'Angel's fear' from Secret of Mana

'Millenial Fair' theme from Chrono Trigger

that theme from twilight princess when you finish a dungeon

'J-E-N-O-V-A', 'Anxious heart' and boss battle theme from ff7

favourite battle victory theme (RPG's): from lufia 1 & 2

favourite RPG overworld theme: from the first dragon quest on the nes


edit: a few i forgot:

brinstar theme from metroid 1

battle theme from traverse town in kingdom hearts

ichor theme from jet force gemini

theme from gruntilda's lair from banjo kazooie

As for the ff7 themes I listed, 'anxious heart' is definately the one that really stands out for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Super Smash Bros. Melee's music is very under rated (probably because everyone was obsessed with playing it and not listening to the music. It was awesome.


Yeah I agree, it was great hearing dramatic orchestrated versions of traditional nintendo music. I can't wait for SSBBrawl for many reasons but the music is one of them

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For those who enjoy (FF7) Sephiroths theme, which do you prefer? The game version, or the orchestrated one from Advent Children?


I prefer the AC remix although I like the Jenova AC remix better than the Sephiroth one.


Super Smash Bros. Melee's music is very under rated (probably because everyone was obsessed with playing it and not listening to the music. It was awesome.


Totally agree! I often listen to the CD that NOM gave away ages ago.


As I suggest for everything, NiGHTs. And PSO. I'm a Sonic Team fanboy.


Again I agree. The NiGHTS theme tune is very catchy and I hope they keep it in the Wii version. I love the opening song from PSO, the ending song is pretty sweet aswell.

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