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The Best Gaming Music Ever.

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Well, I've always loved the FFVIII soundtrack but Crisis Core has taken some of the original FFVII music to the next level. One great example is "Fulfilled Desire" on the FFVII:CC OST - I urge everyone to try listen to this one. :D


To me, the music in past FF games is unmatched. They really took the soundtracks of the games seriously and Nobuo Uematsu was fantastic.



Majora's Mask had a few tracks that I like to this day. "Staff Roll" is pretty cool at some parts (jazzy sections), and the almighty Song of Healing Demo (the sheer nostalgia dripping from this song reminds me of the Christmas years ago when I was first playing this game).


Chrono Trigger has an epic soundtrack. Frog's theme, Corridors of Time, Magus's Theme (forgot the name), Robo's Theme, Crono's Theme, plus a hell of a lot more.


A great Corridors of Time remix was done by the CT Resurrection team, shortly before they were forced to stop. :/

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I've been taking in the Jet Force Gemini soundtrack over the last few days and apart from making me clamour for the good old Rare games of old, I have to say JFG features one of THE most unique soundtracks I've ever heard.


It must be something to do with the 'natural' soundtrack mixed with the foreboding impactful space elements that makes it sound so powerful yet so natural at the same time which does it for me.


A brilliantly (underplayed by many) title which has some of the best music in a videogame.


My favourite:



Oh, Jesus. I need to play that game again! JFG was a magnificent piece of videogame art.


This also gives me some ideas for future articles of mine...

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The first two Prime games had some awesomely atmospheric music. The way the soundtrack seamlessly blended with Talon IV was the closest thing I'd ever gotten to true escapism in a video game. Then you just couldn't help crapping your pants every time you walked into a room, everything went dark and you hear that ear-piercing screech of the Chozo Ghosts.


But I always remembered the music that played when you fought Metroid Prime Core. They used it for the Echoes trailers as well - never failed to send shivers down my spine:


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Body Harvest has some pretty good tunes but it just really lacks a variety of music - either way, it really does suit the atmosphere of the game.


Otherwise, Perfect Dark is utterly amazing. However, crowning achievement goes to Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon. Absolutely bloody brilliant!


A few samples:





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Well...it's been a while since I have looked at this thread and well....my top 3 have changed BIG TIME. Gone is Final Fantasy and Metroid and now....


1.Dragon Quest

Oveture (This song alone makes it sound more epic then any other game :D )

Heavenly Flight

2.Zelda (Already enough of the songs on this thread ;) )


Persona 3

Mass destruction (battle music)

The Battle For Everyone's Souls

Persona 4

Reach out to the Truth (battle theme)

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  • 2 months later...

Jet Set Radio gets my vote. It's the only soundtrack I've ever bought.


Other notable ones for me:




Sonic Adventure (Ok, I just liked the intro music)

Virtual On

Rock'n'Roll Racing (Midi rock is awesome)


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Super Soccer on the SNES.. first game me and my brother ever owned :heh:


We were playing it at the weekend there and it is still amazingly fun to play.. and the music was fantastic! Each team had their own track which played during half of the match.. so many great memories :smile:


The next couple of videos take you through the music for 'all' 16 teams (there is a hidden team :yay:)


Part One (including Intro Music)


Part Two


Nintendo Team


Well worth a listen :yay:


The penalty shootouts in Super Soccer are the best I have ever played in a football game too.. not bad for 1992 :heh:



It's also worth watching the following video to see the Intro and the music during the selection screens :smile:



I would love a DS sequel! You could set your goalkeeper to Automatic or Manual.. but Manual was by far the best way to play- it really was amazing, especially when you pull off some fantastic saves : peace:

Edited by nekunando
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  • 2 weeks later...
The entire Dragon Quest VIII soundtrack is stunningly beautiful, but I find "Over the Sorrow" in particular more moving than I can explain:


Broadcast Yourself


I've not played Dragon Quest VIII, but that track does indeed sound beautiful.

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