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Farewell, see you again when the wii comes

Atomic Boo

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OK guys, as you mightve heard, im going to leave RE for wii surprise purposes. Im not going to read any news about the system or games, i'll just get the rundown when im back on Nov 3rd. Im glad to say a couple will miss my company, and I salute you. Hope you enjoy the news that comes between now and then and i hope to get lots of feedback from you guys for anything I missed.

Yours scarily

King Boo

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I dought you'll last long, especially if you over here someone mension some new thing, and you want to find out more...

I'm currently trying to do a similar thing in regards to Twilight Princess...


Anyhow, I'll see you when I see you.

Au revoir!

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I don't see the point really; almost as stupid as when people say; I won't be coming on for the next four months as I have exams in three and I have to study.


I mean, jesus, It isn't as if you won't have 10 minutes spare a day to read and make a post or something.

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There is no way this would work for me. Firstly I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to know all the secrets. And secondly it'd be way to hard to avoid all information, because I'd somehow find out accidentally.

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(ive had to wait till morning to say this cause my sister was on the PC all night) Ok ive come to comment, and i will know when (if it is released before nov) the wii is released as i visit shops regularly. Im doing this so it is an ultimate surprise, its good to come back on a birthday and get loads of exciting news. Its also because i spend way too long on here and im trying to break an online habit.

But honestly, im leaving, and i'll be the person who doesnt come back, for the first time.

I will miss you all,i know some will be glad to see my back, but from here on in I wont comment or even log onto RE. Its from this post i wont read anything until the 3rd, so if you comment, ask yourself the questions.

This'll be tough. I assure you i will NOT be checking any gaming sites. Id like to ask a favour though, please keep the top gear thread up and going. Thanks.


When i come back itll be for the metroid prime 3 corruption footage.

Bye RE

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