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It would appear nothing is sacred.

Guest Jordan

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Read that - Basically it seems that the functionality is the same as in the analogue stick attachment and similar to the technology in the likes of Kirbys: Tilt and Tumble and Wario Ware Twisted - It won't have nearly the amount of functions the Wii controller has and as its a tacked on feature its unlikely to be used for much. Not only that but its still the same off-putting controller to non-gamers.

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I'm appalled. I don't care if it's nothing like the Wii controller. They showed a controller last year, shaped like a boomerang without motion sensors in it.


Nintendo announce a controller with a motion sensor, everyone likes it.


Sony then reveal a control with a motion sensor in it.


As a company this is VERY embarressing.


My only worry is, people may go with 'playstaion' because they have done all their lives. Nintendo might be beaten by it's own idea, which is awfully sad and irritating.


Nintendo has to pull something out of the bag today! Which will totally blow Sony out of the water!


and you know what? There hiding something.....;)

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You see, this is why Nintendo should keep everything secret until the last minute, and why its fans shouldn't moan when then they don’t show/announce anything so we don't pressurise them to reveal stuff too early.


Either way, I don’t think this will prove to be much of a problem for Nintendo, I’m sure they were expecting it actually. I know I was.

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Aye, while the technology isn't exactly the same, it's the idea behind this. It's just plainly obvious that Sony decided to rip off another of Nintendo's ideas after they originally unveiled a boomerang that everyone hated.


Well, I have a good feeling about the Nintendo conference later. :) As other posters have said, Nintendo are still hiding at least one more ace. There are even hints that the "final secret" is even bigger than the Wiimote.


I really hope Nintendo show Sony just what true innovation is.

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Sorry for replying again - See main article - But...


When I think about it, this is really a good thing for the games industry.


This could mean a world-wide acceptance of tilt/ gyration controllers! If Sony is making a tiltable controller too, no one can call it a gimmick anymore, really. It's the next step in controllers, like the analogue stick!


I can't wait for this change in controller design. I am a studying game designer; this would definately make game design, and game playing, much more interesting.


How long till Microsoft reveals their tiltable controller? :laughing:



+ Who cares if Sony is making a replica. Nintendo came up with the idea first. I just hope they will always be known as the ones who first created a motion-sensor controller. I don't want Sony to take any of the credit :p

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Where it differs substantially is in the fact that it includes technology that ties character movement on screen to that of players' hands. That is, as players move their hands around, the controller automatically senses the movement and translates it to character movement on screen.


That is a significant innovation that the Xbox 360 does not have, and it is not known if Nintendo's own forthcoming next-generation console, the Wii, will have similar functionality.


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News just in. Sony announce new name for their new console...


The Playstation Wii60.


I watched the last 40 minutes of the Sony conferance and I didnt see anything that would make me get a PS3. I was interested in getting one but as soon as they showed the motion detection in the controller, I now have no intention in getting one. The fantastic 360 and the Wii will do me for the next gen.


I hope the PS3 crashes and burns.

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Before the Sony conference, I did consider getting the PS3 as a second console.


Now? No way in hell.


Sure, there is the motion sensing ripoff, but what really struck me was how the PS3 is mainly composed of ideas stolen from both Nintendo and Microsoft. Not only that, but it has extremely expensive technology (Bluray etc.) that will only be useful if you also happen to own an expensive HDTV.


The games themselves were very pretty, but offered nothing new apart from that card game. In short, almost everything could be done on PS2 (just with weaker graphics).


PS3? Unoriginal, overpriced, never going to appeal to non-gamers.


Sony also likes to think everyone is stupid.


EDIT: Sorry, couldn't resist making this. :grin:




Behold; Obi-Wan Kaz Hirai!

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Nintendo no doubt expected this - Miyamoto went so far as to say it would be corporate pride that would stop the competition from including wii features...


Is Miyamoto-san suggesting Sony have little to no corporate pride?


sony aint a japanese company, at heart they are a western company, they have no pride.

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Oh come on, you guys cant honestly say you never seen this happening?

It was just obvious they were going to copy, its what Sony does best!

They change it slightly then try and implant into peoples minds that its a new and innovative idea.


It was inevitable.

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Nintendo shouldnt have unveiled the controller until this years E3 then it would have been too late for sony to copy.


I cant beleive they copyed nintendo...just hope now all the fanboys will have the correct story and not think that sony created this motion sensor thing.


Nintendo worked hard creating that controller and even delayed the unveiling of it cause they thought it was THAT special..and to have it copyed is just bogus

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