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About Jay

  • Birthday 03/31/1987


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, N64, Cube, Game Boy, GB Pocket, GB Colour, GB Advance, GB SP, Nintendo DS
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, PS2
  • Favourite Game?
    Final Fantasy 7
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Cid Highwind
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Mario Kart DS - 382320 904343

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  1. I just cleared that big room shortly after you fight the first 'prisoner' and just before you have to stop the guys on the walkway taking ashley and thought 'jobs a good'un' only for me to slash at a vase with my knife and ashley to stand up right behind me and die.
  2. PC's have hardly struggled with not having a look button for FPS games and just having a bounding box instead and the wiimote can work on exactly the same principle. It just needs to be done better. I don't think for most games you need to simulatenously control the camera and the character - simple solution is on any camera game use the 'C' button to centre the camera or hold it down and use the analogue stick to position the camera where you want (as with the right stick).
  3. Mine arrived this morning and I'm quite impressed so far. Its all very well presented and the opening level is fantastic, looks like it has a hell of a lot of promise from what I've played. Controls are pretty good although the aiming isn't as good as Resi 4, cursor tends to go off screen more often. There are a few different camera control schemes available, only tried two so far and both seem ok, not brilliant but I've only played it for around 20 minutes so far. Graphics are a bit ugly but much like GTA there's a lot going on at once and its very smooth so its totally forgiveable. Overall so far it seems like a hell of a lot of fun and a very authentic game of the license. If you like Scarface/GTA then I'd definitley go for it.
  4. The thing is that the original Mario Smash Football got slated widely by magazines and received disappointing reviews at best. NGamer (UK) berate it at every opportunity. I think anyway who liked the original will surely love this as it just seems to be a refined version.
  5. Excellent news. Makes up my decision on whether or not to replay Resi 4 again. I've listed both my PS2 and Gamecube versions on eBay as frankly right now I need the money - I was gonna keep them and play them again if we weren't gonna get Resi 4 till November or something but no need now.
  6. On screens I think it looks better than the Cube version, slightly - seems clearer, probably due to a higher resolution but nothing more. At the end of the day ports are the perfect way to try things out on a new system. Capcom release an existing game, which will take relatively little time to port over - sell it at a budget price and both the consumer and Capcom get a quick and easy way of seeing how proper Resi (And similar games) can work on the Wii.
  7. Resi 4 is probably my favourite game ever. I own it on both PS2 and GC and this version, as long as it turns out well should give me the best of both worlds + improved controls and proper widescreen Not only that but I'll make more than the money RE4 Wii will cost me by selling the other 2 versions. Hurrah.
  8. Frederick Raynal (An absolutely superb french developer, better than Ancel in my opinion - Alone in the Dark, LBA and Toy Commander are his biggest titles) and Little Big Adventure (Essientally a BG&E style game but done about 10-15 years ago - gameplay differences obviously because of its age but BG&E was inspired by it apparently) is now reportedly under Ubi Softs roof. It has a bigger fanbase and better sales behind in than BG&E so to be honest the chances of a BG&E sequel are probably smaller than they were before .
  9. A football game (Probably a Wii PES, possibly a return to ISS just incase it doesn't work out, ala the early Xbox/Cube games) and a DDR game are inevitable, if not with this batch of games then in the near future. I would like to see a big franchise brought to the Wii - Kojima has said he likes the Wii but also I seem to remember him saying there won't be another MGS game whilst MGS4 is in production, Portable Ops was started before apparently so that doesn't count. A modernised Castlevania that brought its story telling and atmosphere into this decade would be very welcome but another Castlevania 64 style mess is best avoided. I think it could work if it played a bit like a combination between God of War and Prince of Persia with Castlevanias own style imo. A new franchise, with the potential to be an MGS style/quality of franchise would be class but I don't think Konami have really pushed a big new franchise/idea in a good while.
  10. As I've said before, I wouldn't totally like to see the back of Dr. Mario - I don't imagine it would be hugely difficult to keep him but as an alternative costume for Mario. Keep the same moveset obviously, just have the fireballs changed for pills for that suit. To be honest when it comes to third parties I'm not really fussed beyond Snake and Sonic. I'd love to see a character from FF7 but given that game wasn't on a Nintendo system I can understand why they wouldn't make the cut. I don't think Resi characters really have enough of a character, history or enough individuality to really suit Smash Bros and I don't think Megaman or Rayman are big enough, or likeable enought to appear. Unless we could get Cloud and Sephiroth then I'd just stick to Sonic and Snake, maybe throw in Robotnik as well but I wouldn't want to see too many Sonic characters. 1. Mario (w/ Dr. Mario as one alternate costume) 2. Paper Mario 3. Luigi 4. Peach (w/ Daisy as one alternate costume) 5. Bowser 6. Wario 7. Link 8. Child Link (WW Style, as that his how he has always appeared since that game) 9. Zelda (but I'd probably drop the Sheikh transformation, I'd rather see a warrior type Zelda as she appeared in TP) 10. Ganondorf (With his own unique moveset this time) 11. An Animal Crossing Character (Nook using shop items as weapons perhaps) 12. Donkey Kong 13. Kirby 14. Meta Knight 15. Pikachu 16. Jigglypuff 17. Mewtwo 18. Sonic 19. Robotnik 20. Solid Snake 21. Your selected Mii (With Wii Sports/Play/Music based attacks) 22. Mr. Game & Watch 23. Yoshi 24. Samus (w/ Zero Suit Transformation - Sheikh style) 25. Ridley 26. Fox McCloud 27. A Fire Emblem Character (Roy/Marth? Not played path of radiance so I wouldn't know who to go with) 28. Captain Falcon 29. Pit 30. Olimar (Pikmin as Attacks) I think that covers all major Nintendo franchises and adds a bit more depth to what was in Melee whilst creating a good, round number. I think some games, where the franchise is big but there isn't really a character established enough to have something developed around them in Smash Bros (Such as the Wars series, and the other Wario Ware characters) could have a few levels based on them or something along those lines, I think other classic series' such as Wave Race, 1080, Excite Bike/Truck, Balloon Flight, Ice Climbers etc. would work fine with levels based on them as well, its a homage to them without adding some completely crap characters.
  11. Exactly - adds a bit of variety, much as I'd much rather see Paper Mario than Dr. Mario as he could have a totally different moveset and look totally different.
  12. I lost a good friend of mine a few days ago in a tragic accident and I know how much that hit me and I can only imagine it being harder to lose a sibling. Sorry to hear that man, stay strong and you and your family will get through this.
  13. I'm sure plenty of games in those genres will come, is just a matter of time - all I eamn is that at this moment in time there aren't enough games I'd want to play over Live. Gears is the only game that I own that I really want to boot up on Live.
  14. My router is in the hall, the 360 is in my bedroom. A wired connection isn't convenient for me, wireless can be convenient for everyone, those who prefer the stability of a wired connection should of course have it offered to them, whilst I'm aware the Wii doesn't do that the adaptor will cost nothing like the 360's wireless one will. If I could get a wireless card for my 360 for £20-25 then I'd be fine, paying more than double that is ridiculous though. As I've already said, what Silver offers is great for me. Its free and easy to use although I can't keep it permanently connected and being able to download demo's in particular has really helped improve the 360 experience for me. Nintendo's service isn't much different though bar the lack of demos, something which I'm sure will be sorted in time. Instead of that though we have the browser which I've found incredibly handy, not for browsing but for watching videos from bed. That's something which is free for the time being and will cost a couple of quid upon release, not to mention that its something that the 360 doesn't offer. However Gold, and playing online games in full doesn't have enough of an appeal to me for the price I'd have to pay and as I've already said, I know I'm not the only one. As for different types of games, an online RPG (that is actually decent), an online strategy game or something like that would be nice.
  15. The things I said, if I must I'll bullet them for you. 1. The Price of a subscription 2. The lack of Wireless out of the box and the utterly extortionate price to get a wireless apapter (£65 when you can buy a 2nd hand DS that can do the same, and many more for the same price) 3. The lack of variety of games (not in my original points but in retrospect a very valid one) Given I don't have the time to regularly play online games it really isn't worth my while to get into it and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
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