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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)


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The game has supposadely been delayed in US till March 2008 now...


Nothing yet has been confirmed by Nintendo, but Walmart have recieved a mail stating the new date.


I wish Nintendo would announce a specific date when they know the game is ready.

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The game has supposadely been delayed in US till March 2008 now...


Nothing yet has been confirmed by Nintendo, but Walmart have recieved a mail stating the new date.


I wish Nintendo would announce a specific date when they know the game is ready.

I really doubt they'd do that. The game has been complete for some time, theres no logical reason for it

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i hope the stage Builder is still in it i have been looking forward to that one and i'm really curious about the zelda twilight transformation ( only to see if where right )


I don't think they would remove some content of the game that's been announced on the website. Especially not the Stage Builder.

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No ones posted the new info? O_o


Sheik is in.

Zelda's Final Smash is light arrows.

Sonic and Snake are unlockables.


Dante did, a few posts back.


I'm so glad Sheik is in, one of my favourites from Melee. I'm dying to see what the new model looks like.

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Pikmin & Olimar: Special Moves


Captain Olimar is among the most specialised characters within the cast of Smash Bros. Brawl.


In order to really unleash Olimar’s full potential, you’ve got to have a good knowledge of his helpful cohorts, the Pikmin!


Standard Special Move: Pikmin Pluck




Pluck, pluck, pluck up Pikmin.


First, uproot a few Pikmin from the ground. You can have up to six Pikmin at one time. As long as there is ground beneath your feet, you can reach down and pull up a Pikmin, but be aware that certain Pikmin are more likely to appear in specific types of flooring.


There are 5 types of Pikmin to use!


- Red Pikmin -




* High attack power

* Attacks imbued with incendiary properties

* Immune to fire




- Yellow Pikmin -




* Range of attack slightly larger than usual;

easy to hit enemies with

* Travel in slight arcs when thrown

* Attacks imbued with electrical properties




- Blue Pikmin -




* Strong when thrown

* Slightly more durable than average




- Purple Pikmin -




* Doesn’t fly far when thrown

* Slow

* High attack power

* Slams into enemies instead of

latching on when thrown




- White Pikmin -




* Quick and light

* When latched onto opponent,

poison does additional damage


You can work out which Pikmin you will attack with next by looking at the order they are lined up in.




You’ll use a Red Pikmin in your next attack.


In order to perform a Smash Attack, certain mid-air attacks, and even throws, you’re going to need Pikmin!


Anyhow, just do your best to not kill off your platoon. Olimar doesn’t stand much of a chance by himself.




Pikmin don’t have graves, you know.


Side Special Move: Pikmin Throw


Throw Pikmin that latch on to your opponent!




They’ll cause an enemy’s damage percentage to slowly rise!


Up Special Move: Pikmin Chain


If you think you’re about to plunge to your doom, this right here is your best chance for survival.


The recovery distance for this technique is dependent upon the number of Pikmin currently in your troop!




Just imagine what would’ve happened

if you had had one less Pikmin!


Down Special Move: Pikmin Order


Call back Pikmin who have managed to separate from you. You can also use this technique to shift a new Pikmin to the front of the line.




Tweeet! Line up, everyone!


So there you have it. I bet you’re a little confused by his eccentric play style.


But don’t fret! It’s easier than it looks. Spend some time playing around with him. That’s key.




Whoa, the battlefield sure is crowded today...



I like his special moves, his playstyle is really original. And seeing as his standard special is Pikmin Pluck, it will be interesting when Kirby gets that move, I wonder if he will be able to attack with Pikmin as well.

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Olimar looks kinda complicated. I just hope he's not caused to be rubbish due to having to mess around with the Pikmin and such.




10.Ashley - (Secret)


38.Dr. Lobe - "Big Brain Academy AND Brain Age"


42.Rainman- (Secret) "Hanafuda"

Ashley's not even an original WW character.


How would you play as Dr. Lobe?! :wtf:


How the hell would you play as anything from Hanafuda?



These could all be assists however.

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so now we have a lot of characters to choose from who is your favorite and why?


mine is the pokemon trainer he is so original and they put my favorite pokemon in it i always wanted to play with charizard like that sinds he got out of a pokeball in smashbros






i also wonder if his flametrower is like Bowsers when you hold it for too long it goes out

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It's astonishing how original they have made Olimar! Sakurai is no mere God anymore, he's an überbeing!


I like how all the characters are very original, but my favourite is and will be Pit - for several reasons:


1) He was the hero of my very first video game: Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters

2) I've always had an interest for mythology and especially Greek mythology and culture has interested me.

3) His bow/sword combo is really cool.

4) He seems to have extraordinary recovering skills - floating, mulitple jumps, and Wings of Icarus.

5) If what I've heard is correct, he has a Reflector-like Down B move called Mirror Shield that alledgedly protects against attacks (I've always liked the Reflector ability).

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My favourite character at the moment has to be...it probably is Olimar. The amount of creativity they've gone to to make this character is amazing.


Other than that, it's always going to be Ganondorf, for me.



Hmm, Miyamoto and Sakurai to work on the new Zelda together. Meh, I can dream.

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Thats awesome, just the way I saw him working.


The Up B was the one thing I wasn't sure about, and they've come up with something awesome with that. Olimar, if he's a starter, will be one of the first I mess around with for certain.

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God, I'm loving Olimar. I guess he'll be my second Mr. Game and Watch. It's incredibly fun to play as, but not necessarily good with.

I could be wrong, though. Here's hoping he'll be good.




I sure hope every Pikmin has poses like this. The lil' guy made me laugh.

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