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Are you happy with your life?

Guest Jordan

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Guest Jordan

Are you?

Yes? No? If not what could be better?


I'll post my thought after you post yours. I'm interested to see how happy our community is. Lets hope its not too bad. :)

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I am really, really happy with my life. I could just point out everything that's going well but that may seem a little list-like. The most important things to me are my wife and my religion. With those two things under my belt everything else just slots into place. Sure, money, a nice house, friends, a job, etc are all nice to have. But as long as I have Est and a bit of faith then all seems to be well.

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I have a great girlfriend, i'm in a band. My Skating has jsut got a whole lot better, and the SATs are next week, im not even worried, my life is great. I also have a great group of friends, not long ago i made up with my ex best made who i fell out with. My job can be a little sucky, but the money is good :)

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Life is alright for me too. Not great, but pretty good.


I have a fairly wide circle of friends that I get on really well with, and i have my family around me. I just got a job for summer so hopefully i an raise the cash for travelling. I have a place to study medicine in 2007 and my work on college is on target. So yeah, i should and am content.


I wouldn't mind a girlfriend but that can wait - you cant have it all!

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Im more slanted to no,


YES I GET FOOD ON THE TABLE, enough with the cynical crap


Right now, i have a terrible job, at least i got a job right.

I have no girlfriend, but you have your health right.

I live in the 4th worst place in britain, but at least i aint homeless right.

My university aint that great, but at least i have an education right.


well like i said, i aint happy, maybe its me being selfish, i dont care, what ever it is its making me unhappy. then i figured out what to do after uni, and that IS something to really look forward to.


Oh and i dont have any close friend woo

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my life is a mess.

I am dropping out of uni, as i can't afford it. I need to find somewhere to live in birmingham and a job by june and I have just permanently fallen out with my best friend of 9 years in a very messy horrible and drawn out situation.

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I have a headache and im tired but i have to give my 125 gallon aquairum a water change and then do the washing up.. Cant say I am happy right now! Anddd I have to work saturday so only get one day off work this week because i had to take today off even though i didnt want to...it makes the wait to the weekend 1 day longer and the weekend half as long.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: next week i am working 11:30am to 8pm...happens once every two weeks and its annoying as hell. One week you are either working on saturday or you're working until 8pm at night.


Once my braces are out and im not tied down to certain comitments anymore, im going to leave the country and then i'll be happy. Grass is always greener on the other side!;)

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In a word NO.

But some days I do fell ok, never great. I've realised that I need to retake my AS year. No really close friends to speak of and I find it hard to chat to people I don't know. No job. No real qualites to speak of. Probably suffer from depression.

I suppose I do have my health, well my physical one anyway. Plus a nice family. Today is just a bad one.

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i like my life lots at the moment...

i am enjoying college and i guess im doing quite well, plus i cannot wait til i go to uni.

i have a great group of friends and an amazing girlfriend.

my job blows but i get paid in about two and a half hours so it sort of makes up for the fact that it is the worst thing ever :)

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Guest Jordan

Wow, i thought my life was bad till i read some of those.

Its good to see alot of you are happy, I was expecting worse i'll be honest.


Right now i'm currently in limbo about how happy i am about stuff. First off, i don't have much to look forward too. I haven't got a guarenteed place at uni, and want they want from me in terms of results is fucking stupid and i'm never going to get them. Next, i've been pawning over a girl for the last 2 months who 'shot me down' a while back (number 12 in a row, since year 6...). I haven't really got many good friends, if any at all that i can confine in so i have to bottle all my emotions up. The only thing i have in my life are computers, games and pointless shit.


I fucking hate my life at the moment, but i do have a few good things i suppose so not everything is all that bad.


EDIT: I thought i'd ramble on some more since i have the chance. Although some of you on this forum know me quite well, i do kinda put an act on half the time. I aren't really the jolly, happy and always laughing guy i would want to be. Infact, i am really really sad alot of the time and to be honest i have pretty much no self asteem what so ever.


I dunno where my life is gunna go, i'm trying not to be all fucking emo about all this, but i'm sorry if i sound that way. *sigh*

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Meh. I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are great. So I guess that's better than having many "friends" whom your relationship is pretty superficial with. I don't have a girlfriend. School's boring but my grades aren't bad. I'm supposed to be in a band, but we haven't jammed in months (the guitarist/singer is in college and very buzy at the moment, hope he'll have some time soon).

In other words I'm not extremely happy with my life, but I suppose it could be worse.

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Oww! :(


Sounds like we have a lot of sad people. I suppose that's kinda to be expected on a forum though.


To generalize, by the sounds of things, those who have sucky lives right now look like they'll be getting better soon. I know this isn't much help, but keep your chin up! Keep it all up!

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Mine ish not good not bad.


For starters i hate the place where i live and will definetly move when i finish school, I dont like school its so depressing and you get the same routine every day, however my friends are kool (Moogleviper as one of them, even though he can be an arse sometimes)


At home though im very happy, everythings good. Got my health even though i am a bit chubby, so kind of a mixture over all :)

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Hells yes!

Life has been good for many years now.

I have a good "fancy" Car

I have my "own" house

I have all the gaming stuff i want

I have a jobb I Love

I have a Nice kind Girlfriend

My friends are fantastic.

I have a Fan :yay:

My Blog is getting enough visitors ;)

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I haven't really been happier in my life for ages. I've got a group of really good friends in which we can talk about absolutely anything. School is really good at the moment, despite having exams in less than a month. Most of the people I don't like left at the end of last year leaving only the cool people, who are actually cool to everyone. There's hardly anyone who doesn't get on with anyone else at the moment. I've managed to cut down my video gaming ten fold. I play the DS for about 30 minutes each day and that's it. I occaisionally got onto BF2 or CS but I haven't played properly in ages, same with Halo 2. I'm actually planning on selling my Xbox soon. I'm actually managing to get in quite a lot of work too which is good, I never used to be able to revise at all. I'm going out with friends a lot now too, something I very rarely did this time last year, in the last month I've been out with friends over 5 times, considering I was away for a week that isn't that bad. I'm also that close to getting a girl. There's a party on Sunday night (holiday) on Monday so I'll make the move then I think.

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Meh mine's up and down. Depends what week it is. If I get to hang out with my mates, great. If I have to spend all week at work and not get to go out at the weekend it's very depressing. I'm looking forward to summer and college again in September to do a wicked ass course so I know i'll be happy then. Unfortunately it's the shit I have to put up with in the mean time (work, mind games with girls) that makes me depressed. Could be worse right? That's what I tell myself when I get down that i'm not the only one.

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Surprisingly yes. But I suppose this is the quiet period before Richard comes out and the drama builds up again.


Theres obvious things I'd prefer, more hours at work so I can save for uni and such. But on the other hand I have been so scatterbrained lately because im doing so much.

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Well......No. Life would be better If i didnt get bullied and picked on at school. Also if we didnt have p.e :( Ok yes i have a nice house/family. We go on holidays every year but I have now realised money doesant always make things better.


Sometimes I just wish that school life would be better for me, half-terms go too quick. I think things will change for me after my school days are over.


Thnx for reading this (if you did)

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