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Who do/have you must regularly use(d) in SSBM?


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Link for me.I just got so use to his move's and 'style' that I became really good with him.I also use Fox because of his speed ,really annoy's my friend's.Especially when a friend of mine double team other player's.Good time's with both character's.

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I used to play as Captain Falcon in the original but his annoying scream when he fell off the edge put me off in Melee - I used Link and Kirby mostly until eventually settling for Roy. Problem was that although I always came out on top in any of the single player or melee modes (against bots) I wasn't all that great in multiplayer, so I experimented with a variety of characters and now I'm a Luigi master :hehe: Pink Luigi too :grin: Barely anyone ever seems to use him but I think he's a great character, his smash moves are easily the strongest in the game.

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I used to play as Captain Falcon in the original but his annoying scream when he fell off the edge put me off in Melee - I used Link and Kirby mostly until eventually settling for Roy. Problem was that although I always came out on top in any of the single player or melee modes (against bots) I wasn't all that great in multiplayer, so I experimented with a variety of characters and now I'm a Luigi master :hehe: Pink Luigi too :grin: Barely anyone ever seems to use him but I think he's a great character, his smash moves are easily the strongest in the game.


Beating your mates with a Pink Luigi oh the shame.I like your style, rub salt into that wound!

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Link through and through. First because I love Zelda, but mainly because he's very balanced. He's not too slow, he has somewhat strong attacks that aren't too slow, has a nice recovery time and has great ranged and melee attacks. Kirby my second fave. In the old SSB Pikachu was my fave, but with Smash attacks, his poor defence makes him worse.

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Beating your mates with a Pink Luigi oh the shame.I like your style, rub salt into that wound!


Hell yes :grin: There's honour in being beaten by someone like Roy or Link but when Kirby/Pichu/Pink Luigi kick your ass it really does, as you say, rub salt into the wound :laughing:

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Actually, I can use most characters, and change whatever mood I'm in :P I can't us those ice climbers though...tricky little buggers. I must say, I do enjoy using Fox, Ness and Pikachu. All completely differant yet great if you can use them well :P

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Captain Falcon is my main character at the moment. Gotta love those nipples. Samus is my second, but i'll use her a lot more if me and my mate are playing doubles, since he's link and the short/long-range pair up works well. If I feel cruel i'll bust jigglypuff out, that counter is deadly.

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I used to use DK in the original SSB rather much, but in SSBM I used Young Link alot in the beginning, mainly becouse I like to chainsave and I like both his smash and his Up-B attack rather much.

Nowdays I use any character, but I like to use Mr Game&Watch just because he is so cool (altought he really does suck) and Jigglypuff becouse it is sooo satisifing pwning someone with Jigglypuff (and I've become rather good at it) :)

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Marth or Falco are both great cos I can really get a flow going- it looks so much less like a game and more natural when everything is smooth. Link is cool, but not as powerful as the others.


Jigglypuff rocks. Rest and rollout are the two coolest moves in the game.

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