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At first I thought it was going to be another Bad Wolf, but I'm glad the Doctor has cottoned on a bit sooner. However it would've been better if there had been subtler cracks for at least a couple of episodes. After all the one in Amy's wall looked like the effect of normal wear and tear.


And Amy pond is a bit of a slut. But it's really, really hard to care.


But add Amy Pond to the list of people I keep being freaked out that are younger than me or around the same age as me. Like Lady Gaga.

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At first I thought it was going to be another Bad Wolf, but I'm glad the Doctor has cottoned on a bit sooner. However it would've been better if there had been subtler cracks for at least a couple of episodes. After all the one in Amy's wall looked like the effect of normal wear and tear.


And Amy pond is a bit of a slut. But it's really, really hard to care.


But add Amy Pond to the list of people I keep being freaked out that are younger than me or around the same age as me. Like Lady Gaga.


because the whole thing is a bit crap anyway?


oooo i said it! flame meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :bouncy:


Nah I dunno I'm just not so into the bumbly foolish doc. I mean yeah, ok, in its doses its pretty funny, but fuck off and save the world already. Amy is a mere mortal GOD DAMN IT.


I do like some of the storyline, but I think the acting/character portrayal ruins it a little.

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At first I thought it was going to be another Bad Wolf, but I'm glad the Doctor has cottoned on a bit sooner. However it would've been better if there had been subtler cracks for at least a couple of episodes. After all the one in Amy's wall looked like the effect of normal wear and tear.

Word, but it's looking like they're putting all focus on Amy with the whole "You're the Chosen One" bullshit at the end of the last ep.

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Word, but it's looking like they're putting all focus on Amy with the whole "You're the Chosen One" bullshit at the end of the last ep.

Or she is the doom bringer.


She went back and became her own mother, hence why her parents are no longer around. It created the crack.


Wibbley-wobbley timey wimey


I think this would be awesome, albeit a bit Futurama :P

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because the whole thing is a bit crap anyway?
No, duh. Eye candy.


And it ain't crap :heh: I find the show very fun, and this Doctor is far from foolish, he's just playing up, a bit mad, eccentric even, but still brilliant. Too brilliant, if you care for Terry Pratchett's claims. I don't see how you can dislike the acting either, I thought it had been on top form except for perhaps the dalek ep.

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Pratchett hit the nail on the head in my opinion, but that's what makes Doctor who awesome, and I get the impression that's how the comments were meant to be interpeted. It's what I was getting at when I said:

Instead of pretending to be a serious epic with a consistent canon, the show is now taking delight in its own silliness

As in, now it's embracing the fact that it revolves around deus ex machina, rather than pretending it doesn't.

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But I think Pratchett had one slightly negative thing to say about that, that it robs the viewer of a chance to ever figure things out themselves. The Doctor can arrive at a conclusion far before anyone else because his external knowledge can be explained simply as "he is a genius, he has lived a long time, so he knows these things you wouldn't"

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I'm pretty new to the Doctor Who franchise but I'm just wandering, do all the season finales end with the Darleks attacking?

Nope. One doesn't. Two if you count the specials as a mini series and have the final ep as the finale of that

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What on earth was that?


That was possibly one of the worst episode's I've ever seen!

It was so all over the place, with no coherency, poor acting and dialogue!


One minute the Doctor was all 'Cassandra... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'.... the next almost skipping down the street!

and "Did you just say something about my mother?" :nono:


And how come the Doctors completely stupid and irresponsible all of a sudden... seemingly not really bothered about sending Amy into any situation?

I'm not really liking the relationship in this series... it's all a bit wierd.


But you've gotta love the old, 'walk along the floor as though you're walking up a wall trick!'


Next weeks concept looks interesting, but I'm beginning to loose interest tbh!

Edited by Retro_Link
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What on earth was that?


That was possibly one of the worst episode's I've ever seen!

It was so all over the place, with no coherency, poor acting and dialogue!


The only poor acting was the doctor's no part.

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That was one of the best Dr Who episodes I've ever seen. Just utterly witty.


The episode has galvanised my love for Matt Smith. Best Doctor, bar none. I loved when he popped out the cake at the beginning and little things like how he moves a bit like a puppet and how he just doesn't get social convention sometimes.

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One minute the Doctor was all 'Cassandra... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'.... the next almost skipping down the street!


And what's wrong with Smith retaining some characteristics of Eccleston and Tennant?


seemingly not really bothered about sending Amy into any situation?


Because he knows he can't stop her. Even if he sends her back home he knows she'll try to carry on.


Anyway, I really enjoyed that episode. Had the right balance of fun and seriousness. My only complaint is the sky looked awful at the end (a bit like the Sontaran episode).

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What on earth was that?


That was possibly one of the worst episode's I've ever seen!

It was so all over the place, with no coherency, poor acting and dialogue!


One minute the Doctor was all 'Cassandra... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'.... the next almost skipping down the street!

and "Did you just say something about my mother?" :nono:


And how come the Doctors completely stupid and irresponsible all of a sudden... seemingly not really bothered about sending Amy into any situation?

I'm not really liking the relationship in this series... it's all a bit wierd.


But you've gotta love the old, 'walk along the floor as though you're walking up a wall trick!'


Next weeks concept looks interesting, but I'm beginning to loose interest tbh!


I didn't like it that much either, especially from the brilliant Weeping Angels episodes. I wasn't really interested in it much, I'm starting to lose interest a little in this series which isn't like me at all with Doctor Who. Here's hoping the next episode picks it up a little.

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It does seem like this series is turning into a very love or hate kinda thing.


I for one am in the love catogory and i thought this episode was great as well. Daft & Cube's comments are pretty much my thoughts!


Next weeks looks really interesting 2!!

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The episode has galvanised my love for Matt Smith. Best Doctor, bar none. I loved when he popped out the cake at the beginning and little things like how he moves a bit like a puppet and how he just doesn't get social convention sometimes.
Yeah granted I did like that scene (though in my head I was still thinking, 'hang on... having lived amongst human company for so long, why are you all of a sudden behaving as though this is your first time amongst them and thus do get understand how to behave).
And what's wrong with Smith retaining some characteristics of Eccleston and Tennant?


Because he knows he can't stop her. Even if he sends her back home he knows she'll try to carry on.

Well I can't think of anything specifically you're referring to, but I'd like to think they would have at least had their head down, troubled by what just happened literally a second earlier.


Carry on trying to what?

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Just started watching the new series.


I have to admit, 2 episodes in I quite like the new doctor, I was worried he'd be a bit of a prat, but its more like David tenants doctor but with a very quirky twist.


Amy is quite cool, pretty, she's very I don't quite know the right word, she's just very different to the other companions I think.

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I've been watching this new series after not really watching any of the Tennant stuff because I just didn't like him much as the doctor for some reason. I watched all the Ecclestone stuff and loved it. Felt his part was a little short run but no use complaining now.


Anyway, I'm not sure what to think of Matt Smith as the Doctor. He seems to be part Tennant and part Ecclestone but not managing to quite hit either of those properly, at least that's what I think. He seems to be acting more inside his head with his interpretation of the Doctor, if people get what I mean (he seems to jump about in thought and attitude) which is interesting enough but I kind of feel it's hammed up a bit too much and would like to see it held back a little.


Not really got an opinion on Amy Pond yet. Seems to be a bit too much crying out for the Doctor so far in comparison to previous companions but it either clicks instantly or takes a little while to get going and it's sort of on the right tracks.


As for the episodes so far, they've been ok but nothing great. I have to say I was rather disappointed in how the episodes with the angels turned out. That could have and should have been a much more interesting turn of events than they portrayed. I wasn't expecting it to compete dramatically with the best TV shows but it just didn't play out as well as it could have. And yesterday's episode wasn't that great. Again, an interesting premise but the script/acting was pretty poor for the most part meaning it felt a little flat.

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Again, an interesting premise but the script/acting was pretty poor for the most part meaning it felt a little flat.


Really? I thought premise was predictable from the off and the script was sharp, pretty much what made it.

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