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300. Great battle scene, looks great. Story does what it's supposed to do. Would make a great "endurance" mode for a game.


It reminded me of Gladiator for some reason - but, unlinke Gladiator, this is actually interesting.


9/10. Best film I've seen this year.

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Pan's Labyrinth


A very dark and violent fairytale that's grounded in a harsh reality.


A film for adults that remember what it is to be a child, and a grueling portrayal of post-civil war Spain in the 1940s. I shan't go too much into the story, all that really needs to be said is that you should watch it and be allowed to make your own mind up about the ending.


Enchanting, frightening, disturbing and beautiful.


Overall I give it 3 fauns out of a minotaur.

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Big Lebowsky

Not the first time I've seen it, but damn, this movie amazing. I freaking laughed my ass off


Winter Passes

Even though it's all "look at me alternative" it's a pretty cool movie with great performences from every major actor. And it has Will Ferrel. Always a win.

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every scene with Oliver Reed is fantastic. He truely acted like this was his last film, and he's bowed out well.


you know he did actualy die hammered in a bar in southampton, drinking whiskey and chalenging sailors to arm wrestles, poor feller tried to ahrd and had a heart attack.


that, my friends, is the finest death you can have, its got everything, its noble (well, he put everything into it)

its fun,

and its so obserd that your friends and family would just be in disbelfie untill a couple started to giggle at it.

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One of Schwarzenegger's earlier films but I thought his performance was actually better than in Running Man. The film feels pretty timeless actually and despite lacking a good storyline or a clever plot he manages to entertain very nicely. There isn't even a good background to the motives of the characters but the violence and action scenes easily make up for that.



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Just seen The Illusionist


Quite different from the prestige but also quite samey.

Same in general story but differs in the telling.

This film I felt was a more mystical interperatation of a magicians work without detailing how everything is done which is the essence of any illusion.


The film is basically about a magician who is reunited with his first love after years travelling the world, however she is due to marry the current prince. Love story wrapped up in all the bells and whistles.


Edward Norton is great, as he mostly is. His performance creates a completely intriguing character wrapped in mystery which in my opinion betters that of Bale and Jackman.

Giomatti and Sewel's performances paticularly stand out. Jessica Biel was a nice change to her usual characters, a significant improvement even though she didn't stand out as much.


In all I'd give it 8/10 but be warned, if you are a fan of The Prestige this is a slower paced narrative which may leave you in dissapointment if you're not expecting it.

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One of Schwarzenegger's earlier films but I thought his performance was actually better than in Running Man. The film feels pretty timeless actually and despite lacking a good storyline or a clever plot he manages to entertain very nicely. There isn't even a good background to the motives of the characters but the violence and action scenes easily make up for that.




Also includes a tripple one liner execution, one of which is post mortem. That alone is worth another 3 points to your score.

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Awesome film and the best of the whole Highlander series of films. A good moment in the film is when Kruger comes into the church bald with a few missed bits stating he is in disguise.


Along with some great Queen songs, this film gets 9/10

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Just watched Unforgiven

Amazing film. definite 10/10 here. Just doesn't need any explianation.




Great escape movie that delves deeper into the minds of the inmates than most escape movies do.

Steve McQueen plays "Papillon" a man falsely imprisioned, dememented with the idea of freedom and escape from a French prison island.

Dustin Hoffman stands out as "Dego", a man of weak disposition who Papillion befriends.

A film that focuses more on the desperation in escape rather than smart methods and intricate planning it feels like a more personally involving film which I enjoyed.

The shawshank redemption of the 70s, another great film.


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Cronos - 7/10


one of the films in the Guillermo Del Toro collection that came out at the same time Pan's Labyrinth did. Pretty good film, got Ron Perlman in it (Hellboy) and is mainly in Spanish.

it's about this device which gives the user eternal life, but in return gives them a thirst for blood and aversion to sunlight


plods along a bit in some points but the relationship between the grandfather and granddaughter is well done

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One of Schwarzenegger's earlier films but I thought his performance was actually better than in Running Man. The film feels pretty timeless actually and despite lacking a good storyline or a clever plot he manages to entertain very nicely. There isn't even a good background to the motives of the characters but the violence and action scenes easily make up for that.




haha this is the most unintensionally hilarious film ever. I'd give it a 9 for comedy value. his fight scene with freddi mercury at the end is unsurpassed well mayeb the fact that he beat an entire army too. arnie what a guy


but seriously the film would get a

3/10 from me

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