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Rate the last film you saw


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Yeah if you like! :heh:


The bear scale means it was either so mesmersingly good that it has to be placed onto the Bear scale or it means It doesn't matter if it was good or bad either way I had too much fun while watching the film. :)


Wait that is just confusing. Perhaps all films should be shifted back to the Bear Scale just to confuse people. :p




Sherlock Holmes


A bit O' fun. Nothing Special. Rachel McAdams. :)


6/10 or 4 Bears out of 7. :D (transition period?)

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Yeah, interesting... A good interesting. Need to mull it over.




Heh I saw that recently. =P

It was indeed interesting, but also kinda weird and confusing. Part of it was confusing because sometimes French subtitles were thrown in (when they spoke non-French), making it a bit difficult to follow.

I still don't know what to think of the film haha.

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Heh I saw that recently. =P

It was indeed interesting, but also kinda weird and confusing. Part of it was confusing because sometimes French subtitles were thrown in (when they spoke non-French), making it a bit difficult to follow.

I still don't know what to think of the film haha.


Uhhh... don't you speak/write French over there? Pardon my ignorance, if not. Or is it that you aren't used to subtitles? I was under the impression that you didn't dub things.

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Uhhh... don't you speak/write French over there? Pardon my ignorance, if not. Or is it that you aren't used to subtitles? I was under the impression that you didn't dub things.


French is our second language... or supposed to be. Most people suck at it. =P

And honestly I didn't understand a word they said. We get Dutch and French subtitles for most films (so one line for each language); but this film would sometimes just have Dutch subtitles, then suddenly have a French line thrown in too. So it got confusing at times. =P

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French is our second language... or supposed to be. Most people suck at it. =P

And honestly I didn't understand a word they said. We get Dutch and French subtitles for most films (so one line for each language); but this film would sometimes just have Dutch subtitles, then suddenly have a French line thrown in too. So it got confusing at times. =P


Got it.


Two languages on subtitles? That seems a bit chaotic! :confused:

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Got it.


Two languages on subtitles? That seems a bit chaotic! :confused:


Haha yeah, it can be a bit annoying. But you get used to it. Though then seeing a film which keeps switching between one and two languages is just reallllly confusing. X3


I'm just happy they haven't decided yet to also include our third official language in the subtitles, namely German. =P

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Yeah, cause The Spirit doesn't take itself at all seriously, so it's fine.


Same with LVK...it's almost intentionally shit?


Things like I Know Who Killed Me (personal worst film ever) are the true horrors...the ones that believe they're good.

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Yeah, cause The Spirit doesn't take itself at all seriously, so it's fine.


Same with LVK...it's almost intentionally shit?


Things like I Know Who Killed Me (personal worst film ever) are the true horrors...the ones that believe they're good.


Hahahaha, I Know Who Killed Me is brilliant. If you could describe that film in one word, it would be ARSE. Definitely one of the worst films I've seen, and I didn't even have the heart to watch it all the way through. Avoid like genital herpes.


The Spirit isn't great, though. I can't believe I got tricked into seeing that. What a con. :heh:

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It was on movie posters all around town, on the side of buses etc....


and given away for free on iTunes. Stars that annoying one(s) from that Gavin and Shitty doesn't it?




I liked the way most scenes began/ended with a fade to/in from black. Made it seem like a series of disconnected memories (although it was told linearly).


Nice. In the sense that it wasn't nice at all. Mo'Nique really did give a great performance and looked like hell (I mean that in a good way...in this context).

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Sherlock Holmes


I always thought it would be good since seeing the first trailer, and, whilst I never got round to seeing it in the cinema, I was damn right. Downey and Law were both excellent, and Holmes' mannerisms suitably true to the books. Both the explanatory flashbacks (especially the chasing of his ex) and the planning of his attacks were very nicely done, and the fight scenes were generally excellent. My only two quibbles would be the lack of a 3rd fight-plan (expect one was planned for the Chinese guy in the cellars at the end, but cut due to it being too long), and they got from the Houses of Parliament to Tower Bridge all too fast for my liking. All in all a damn good film, and I would write more, but it's just gone 3am, so I'd better not.


I look forward to a sequel with much anticipation!



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Sherlock Holmes


I always thought it would be good since seeing the first trailer, and, whilst I never got round to seeing it in the cinema, I was damn right. Downey and Law were both excellent, and Holmes' mannerisms suitably true to the books. Both the explanatory flashbacks (especially the chasing of his ex) and the planning of his attacks were very nicely done, and the fight scenes were generally excellent. My only two quibbles would be the lack of a 3rd fight-plan (expect one was planned for the Chinese guy in the cellars at the end, but cut due to it being too long), and they got from the Houses of Parliament to Tower Bridge all too fast for my liking. All in all a damn good film, and I would write more, but it's just gone 3am, so I'd better not.


I look forward to a sequel with much anticipation!




Jesus fucking christ, a 9? Are you serious? o.O

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