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Decided to go through my DVDs today and decided to have a night dedicated to 3D.


Spy Kids 3D: Game Over


Not a bad movie and the effects were used brilliantly in it.




The adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3D


Meh, it's so-so. Effects were good though which was basically why I had it in the first place, lol.




Journey to the Centre of the Earth 3D


Enjoyed this alot. Thought it was brilliant.




My Bloody Valentine 3D


Love this movie so much, just brilliant and it's even better in 3D




I really want to watch more 3D movies, does anyone here know any old movies that are in 3D? (going to watch the Final Destination in 3D, can't wait)

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District 9


I cried. I felt so sad for the aliens.


I hated the lead actor. I hated him when he was supposed to be hated, and I hated him when he was supposed to be liked. His face just pissed me off.


Halfway through the film I thought to myself "this is great", but then I hated the last half hour or so. I hated how it was so "hollywood". All 3 of the main characters (the alien, the main guy, and the army guy) should have died, about 4 or 5 times each, considering they were in a cross-fire war. The film would have been 25% better if the main guy had been shot dead at the end, after he saw the mothership fly off.


I liked the concept a lot - but there were a lot of "WTF?" moments. Like how the "fluid" was both a fuel and turned you into an alien. Made little sense. And why the South African public let them live there when they were quite obviously really dangerous. Why did his arm change really quickly, and the the rest of his body took ages? Why was his arm different to the prawns? Why didn't the clever alien just get in the indestructible war-machine thing when he saw the MNU coming? How did his finger regrow? Why was he unaffected by the tear gas?


The clever alien was a brilliant character. I felt for him, genuinely - I cried when he discovered that they were working on his fellow aliens. He was 5000% more likable than anyone else in the film, which I liked.


Far too many explosions, and things that didn't make sense. The general story (I hated the synopsis and the fact they all inexplicably lived through several hails of gun-fire), and concept were great. The way it was handled wasn't great. Also, too much pointless, superfluous swearing. They should have just made it an 18.



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Sorority Row


I actually loved this. The script was much, much better than the standard teen horror movie as far as I'm concerned. It was genuinely hilarious in quite a few places. Some of the deaths had the entire cinema screen jumping and screaming in shock, which I've not seen much of before. I'm not for a second saying it's a fantastic film, but damn it's a freaking enjoyable one.


The bitchy blonde character was amazing. She was a total bitch, but they developed her in such a way that I genuinely wanted her to survive because she was this uberbitch with an (albeit tiny and probably shrivelled) heart.


It's much closer to the style of Scream (Kind of Mean Girls meets Scream) than the style of current slasher flicks out there, which was quite refreshing to see. Jessica was the best on-screen bitch I've ever seen, I swear. I adored her chracter so much.



Edited by Slaggis
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Sorority Row


I actually loved this. The script was much, much better than the standard teen horror movie as far as I'm concerned. It was genuinely hilarious in quite a few places. Some of the deaths had the entire cinema screen jumping and screaming in shock, which I've not seen much of before. I'm not for a second saying it's a fantastic film, but damn it's a freaking enjoyable one.


The bitchy blonde character was amazing. She was a total bitch, but they developed her in such a way that I genuinely wanted her to survive because she was this uberbitch with an (albeit tiny and probably shrivelled) heart.


It's much closer to the style of Scream (Kind of Mean Girls meets Scream) than the style of current slasher flicks out there, which was quite refreshing to see. Jessica was the best on-screen bitch I've ever seen, I swear. I adored her chracter so much.




NEED to watch this!!!!

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District 9


Despite some pretty big (IMO) flaws, it was still awesome.



I can't recall any film with a similar plot. I thought the plot was actually pretty good too.

Good CGI

Likeable main alien



All humans appear to be cunts

Some very far fetched moments

Total bad ass mercinaries can't shoot for shit

People-exploding gun


Why did they need to collect fuel for 20 years? The alien said that he had enough to turn the main guy back into a proper human, but then said he would need all the fuel to get home quicker. So he could have gone home slower with less fuel.


Also, why did they even need that fuel when all they had to do was remote control the mothership and use the tractor beam thing? Surely it would have only taken a fraction of the collected fuel (if any) to turn the dropship on and call the mothership?


Why did the aliens come here to begin with?


Why did they stay in the ship to the point of starvation?


Why did the dropship/command part drop off to begin with?


Too many unanswered questions.




Still rather good despite its many flaws.



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Saw District 9 last night


Solid Sci Fi actioner all round, mostly. I thought some of the politics were heavy handed and shied away from their true potential but the central performances were brilliant, the CGI was absolutely staggering and the plot was really decent. I liked the way it didn't answer many questions, too. Particularly about the nature of the alien technology.

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District 9

Why did they need to collect fuel for 20 years? The alien said that he had enough to turn the main guy back into a proper human, but then said he would need all the fuel to get home quicker. So he could have gone home slower with less fuel.


Also, why did they even need that fuel when all they had to do was remote control the mothership and use the tractor beam thing? Surely it would have only taken a fraction of the collected fuel (if any) to turn the dropship on and call the mothership?


Why did the aliens come here to begin with?


Why did they stay in the ship to the point of starvation?


Why did the dropship/command part drop off to begin with?


Too many unanswered questions.




Still rather good despite its many flaws.




He wanted to get home quicker though to get back to rescue the rest of his kind as soon as possible after he saw that the humans experimented on them.


I think they needed the fuel for the mothership and just transported it there in that small craft.


I guess they came here because they ran out of fuel and couldn't make it back home.


I have no idea about the other questions.



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Saw Død snø (Dead Snow, duh) at the cinema last night. A nazi zombie movie that was a little too self-aware, being very referential to the genre as a whole, with characters vocally comparing elements of their situation to Halloween, Friday the 13th, Evil Dead and Brain Dead.


Bunch of med-students go stay in a cabin for no real reason besides because teh film needs people in a cabin miles away from anyone. Nazi zombies (complete with nazi gold!) come and start giving them all this hassle, yo. Pretty much... It. Gore was good, the zombies didn't look ridiculous, but the set-up took too long (we just want the zombies!) and the actual zombie stuff was probably only 30 mins long and not really anything we've not seen before.


But I've seen a norwegian zombie film and you haven't, so ner.

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The September Issue


A documentary that is sort of the counter to Devil Wears parada, showing what the woman Meryl Streeo's character was based off is like and how running huge magazines like Vogue actually work behind the scenes etc.


It leaves you with little, but was enjoyable, and informative, as I'm interested in both photography (fashion or otherwise) and magazine editing.


Shouldn't really get a rating, it was just a nice little thing.

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Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince


Pretty shit as the Potter movies have gone. Two and a half hours long and had a slow and boring finish with a slow and boring end. Always worth seeing Ginny though... Fuckin' love redheads.


Draco Malfoy = Emo pussy in this film.

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Superman IV: The Quest For Peace


Oh god its so bad! Id forgotten just how crap that movie was. The only reason its worth watching it seeing Milton Keynes as a substitute for Metropolis.


And where the hell did movie Superman's latest power come from, I mean who thought it was a good idea to give him vision which can rebuild walls :S


Also, why is Nuclear man supposed to be such a threat to him??? If he was created from the sun then really if anything he should power Superman even more.


2/10 (For the Milton Keynes novelty)

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Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince


Pretty shit as the Potter movies have gone. Two and a half hours long and had a slow and boring finish with a slow and boring end. Always worth seeing Ginny though... Fuckin' love redheads.


Draco Malfoy = Emo pussy in this film.


She was possibly the least interesting ginger person I've EVER seen in that film. Because of the awful acting, the character made no sense at points. And when people are like "Oh, Ginny's attractive!" in it, you're just like "...no please".


And I'm a fan of red hair on girls.

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She was possibly the least interesting ginger person I've EVER seen in that film. Because of the awful acting, the character made no sense at points. And when people are like "Oh, Ginny's attractive!" in it, you're just like "...no please".


And I'm a fan of red hair on girls.

Least interesting? I'd say Malfoy got that honour in Half Blood Prince. Namely due to standing around doing nothing, maybe looking like he was going to cry like the pussy he is. Snape did less in this film.


So using your "no please" line, you're saying you're a fan of redheads, but don't like Ginny?


Either way, Luna made this film entertaining with bullshit happening, then she appears wearing a lion suit = genius.

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I think I actually enjoyed the movie a bit more watching it this time. The second half of the movie didnt feel like it dragged as much.

I always enjoy watching Will Smith in movies and thought he was good in this one aswell, quite looking forward to the sequel.


This has put me in the mood to watch another superhero movie today so I think im gonna go search through my dvd collection, see what I havent watched in a while. Might even order some that im missing.



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Hot Rod


An epicly funny film that kind of slipped under the radar. Sort of like Napoleon Dynamite, but with the bits that made it "love it or hate it" toned down a bit.


"He died instantly......the next day"


Isla fisher/10


Edit: No excuse not to see it.


Andy Samberg AND Isla Fisher? Yeah. Sold. *Buys*


Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince


Pretty shit as the Potter movies have gone. Two and a half hours long and had a slow and boring finish with a slow and boring end. Always worth seeing Ginny though... Fuckin' love redheads.


Draco Malfoy = Emo pussy in this film.


Well I agree it was shit, but Draco was by far the most interesting character.




Fucking awesome as all hell. (Not particularly funny, more a great drama with a crackingly good cast) Kristen Stewart I think...is...the most...attractive person, certainly in our galaxy, probably all of them.



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Hot Rod


An epicly funny film that kind of slipped under the radar. Sort of like Napoleon Dynamite, but with the bits that made it "love it or hate it" toned down a bit.


"He died instantly......the next day"


Isla fisher/10


Edit: No excuse not to see it.


loved it. in so many ways did i love that film. its got everything.




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A great film for sure, but I was left wanting to know more about Rorschachshchchchschsc (yeah I can't spell his name) and his history. Don't get the comments about there being a ton of big blue cock in it though, for the most part he's covered up or wearing some...sling sort of thing :heh:

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