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Not bad.








Just what? Apart from the main guy, who turns out to be a total psycho, being quite attractive and the fact that the two girls turn out inadvertantly fucking everything they do up, including killing a lot of people, this was just...shite.



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Inglourious Basterds


First off, I fucking hate Quentin Tarantino. He strikes me as the sort of person who spends most of his evenings patting himself on the back with one hand and wanking with the other whilst alternating between watching his own movies and looking seductively at himself in the mirror.


That said, Inglourious Basterds was fucking ace. Rather than bang on about how ace the film was, I'll list the only things I didn't like:


The violence in the cinema was a bit too gratuitous/sadistic/over the top. The rest was fine.

There might be too many subtitles for some people (I quite liked it though).

Some of the "comedy" moments were a bit shit.


Other than that, it was great. Didn't seem like a Quentin Tarantino movie (apart from the obligatory foot fetish scene, which admittedly wasn't that bad). There wasn't even any scenes where the characters waffle on about crap that has nothing to do with the movie. At least not that I noticed anyway.


(and coming from me, hating Quentin Tarantino and all, that's quite rare)

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I thought the violence in IB was great. It was horrific, yes, but it was very realistic (mostly) which is something I always...I don't think 'like' is the right word, but I'd rather be shocked by violence than bored by it.


The cellar scene, in particular, seemed very realistic in that everyone died once the SMG set off in such a small room.


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I thought the violence in IB was great. It was horrific, yes, but it was very realistic (mostly) which is something I always...I don't think 'like' is the right word, but I'd rather be shocked by violence than bored by it.


The cellar scene, in particular, seemed very realistic in that everyone died once the SMG set off in such a small room.


Yeah, the violence was pretty believable in the rest of the film, I just thought that the cinema scene was a bit too "enjoyed".


I thought it was odd that quite a bit of the scene was setting up the guy to be a new father and getting people to feel for him a bit, then the woman shot him for no reason. What a bitch. Oh well, she got strangled.


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But then, the cinema scene was

described as Revenge Of The Giant Face, when all the plans come together in a suicidal explosion of doom, so the excessive violence was fine. Eli Roth and the other guy were gonna die anyway, they may as well mutilate Hitler. I would.


In chairdriver's words, it was their moment of glory.




And anyone complaining about "too many subtitles" needs a kick in the FACE. That's not a complaint a real person makes.


I also hated the violence in things like Kill Bill, it seemed cheesy and OOT for the sake of it (which it was). Whereas in this it was all appropriate to the scenes/story.




Yes, Lars Von Trier. Yes Nicole Kidman. Yes experimental film making where the set is effectively a soundstage and chalk marking the buildings.


It was really good, and got it's questioning of (faith in) humanity across in a dynamic and interesting/effective way. Not very realistic, but well done overall.



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Okay, question time... I'm gonna be in Switzerland starting tomorrow, and I've just found out there's a day of the week when they play movies without dubbing them, but this isn't exactly good because plenty of the film is in german and french, right? So I shouldn't really go see it there coz I won't understand shit about the german/french parts... or are they passable?

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And anyone complaining about "too many subtitles" needs a kick in the FACE. That's not a complaint a real person makes.


My friend summed it up best. If you're reading subtitles, you can't focus on what's going on in the actual scene, so you could miss the more subtle things.


Plus if you don't know what the individual words mean, then you could miss out on emphasis on certain words or different ways of saying sentences etc. Subtitles only give you the meaning of what is said, they don't tell you how things are said. You can get the general mood of character by listening, but miss the subtleties. For example, a characters voice could "wobble" at a certain word, meaning that it holds some importance to them, but because you don't know what that word means in English, you could miss it or just assume that's the way the words said in the language spoken. That's probably a shit example, but hopefully you get what I mean.


I personally don't mind it, but I can understand why people wouldn't like it.

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My friend summed it up best. If you're reading subtitles, you can't focus on what's going on in the actual scene, so you could miss the more subtle things.


Plus if you don't know what the individual words mean, then you could miss out on emphasis on certain words or different ways of saying sentences etc. Subtitles only give you the meaning of what is said, they don't tell you how things are said. You can get the general mood of character by listening, but miss the subtleties. For example, a characters voice could "wobble" at a certain word, meaning that it holds some importance to them, but because you don't know what that word means in English, you could miss it or just assume that's the way the words said in the language spoken. That's probably a shit example, but hopefully you get what I mean.


I personally don't mind it, but I can understand why people wouldn't like it.


I normally don't like them for these reasons, but they just seemed to work in this.


Also.....is it me....but....were some of the subtitles intentionally taken off screen really quickly so it was ambigious what they said. About twice I was barely a quarter through the sentence and it went away. I was like "WHAT No one can read that quick!"

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I didn't notice any fast subtitles.


I did notice that some words were left in German/French. It was simple words like Merci, Wunderbar etc, but what's the point in subtitling if you're not going to do it in English? Surely that's the point of the subtitles in a foreign language section of a film?


Another thing I remembered about the film. Brad Pitt as an "eye-talian" was fucking hilarious. I thought some of the humour in the film was a bit silly (not in a funny way), but that was priceless.


I think I'm going to have to watch it again. Maybe today.

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I did notice that some words were left in German/French. It was simple words like Merci, Wunderbar etc, but what's the point in subtitling if you're not going to do it in English? Surely that's the point of the subtitles in a foreign language section of a film?


I thought the point of the untranslated words were that they were said but not meant.


Forced small-talk.


Like when he said "Merci" for being granted permission to smoke in his own room. When she said "Au Revoir" when really she had no intention of ever seeing him again.

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It might just me not having any trouble at all wih subtitled films, but I films are allowed to challenge the viewer in whatever way they feel necessary. As Chair says, there are loads of possible nuances and jokes within the subtitling.


And the thing is, Goafer, this film was made by an american, for american/western audiences, so presumably, he'll direct his actors appropriately, if emphasis would have been lost.


I didn't feel like anything was missed because of the subtitles, because the actors conveyed the emotions/feelings of the scene well.

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I thought the point of the untranslated words were that they were said but not meant.


Forced small-talk.


Like when he said "Merci" for being granted permission to smoke in his own room. When she said "Au Revoir" when really she had no intention of ever seeing him again.


Maybe taking a page out of Dexter's book of having unnecessary dialogue (ie not important to the plot but kept in for realism) translated as there's often a sentence or two left in Spanish....but then I've not seen IB so I'm just guessing here.

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I saw two people walk out of IB about an hour and a half in! :P They'd seen most of the film why not stay until the end?


I'mma see it tomorrow. :D



The Simpsons Movie.


A return to a Season 9 level of humour which means it had some good stuff to be had but the cracks are starting to appear. :)

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Just what? Apart from the main guy, who turns out to be a total psycho, being quite attractive and the fact that the two girls turn out inadvertantly fucking everything they do up, including killing a lot of people, this was just...shite.




I saw this last night on Film4 and I agree. It was so bloody boring. Even when it livened up, it was still bloody boring. Zoned in and out of the movie too many times to mention. If you're having trouble sleeping, then watch this movie because you'll soon be sleeping within 5 minutes of it.



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I didn't think it was great. In fact it was pretty crap until the line '...and all the time you two were in here 70 -1ing.' was said. Fucking lol. There were some good bits and Ste was an interesting character when you got past the clichés. Also the James' mother was good.


There's a good film here buried under a load of crap.




Edit: Actually, I'm going to give it 8/10. It still has all those flaws I said but as wayward as it was it deserves a bit more credit for its sincerity. Plus, I love the song at the end of the film.

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I Know Who Killed Me




I'm sorry. The Madonna gif when used in reviews is reserved for a special kind of film.


This is most definitely the worst film I have ever seen, and most anyone who has the misfortune of seeing it, ever will see.


I can't describe how awful it is. It's not even self-aware of it's own absurdity. It tries so hard to be arty, using SHITTY imagery, it's...just...remarkable how atrocious it is. I could fucking make this film better than whatever cunt made this.


Oh my god. No.


You know a film is bad when you notice how awfully directed it is, how bad the camera work is, how shit the whole...UGH. Oh god. I'm going ot vom everywhere. Take it away.


I really really try and find merits in all films, but there was nothing. I feel naked, raw and dirty.



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I didn't think it was great. In fact it was pretty crap until the line '...and all the time you two were in here 70 -1ing.' was said. Fucking lol. There were some good bits and Ste was an interesting character when you got past the clichés. Also the James' mother was good.


There's a good film here buried under a load of crap.




Edit: Actually, I'm going to give it 8/10. It still has all those flaws I said but as wayward as it was it deserves a bit more credit for its sincerity. Plus, I love the song at the end of the film.


I really love this film.




My Bloody Valentine


Freaking gruesome in quite a few places. For a couple of the deaths I had to literally turn away from the screen until it was over, it was horrific. The action came thick and fast, and (however dumb it makes me) didn't fully realise the twist until it was actually spelled out near the end of the movie. Anyway, I really enjoyed it. It kept my attention, I didn't get bored and it just seemed to be a generally higher quality film than most horror movies nowadays.



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I had a feeling you might.


You see what I'm talking about, though?


I think I reviewed it a few (probably a lot actually) pages back. Totally agree that it starts out a little bland, but by the ending it had just totally won me round. Came across as genuinely sweet, and by the end of it anyway, it was pretty funny. Think I gave it an 8 too (could be wrong), but in retrospect it probably deserved a solid 7.

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I just watched Atonement having read the book, pleasantly surprised by it. Whoever thought of the whole typewriter being a big part of the soundtrack deserves a big pat on the back, worked really well. Looked stunning aswell, 'that' panning shot of Dunkirk is completely staggering. Bits were missed off and the war section in particular was chopped down to about 10 minutes which was abit disappointing, but yeah, good watch.


8 / 10

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Okay its a short but Mickey Mouse: Runaway Brain



Fun enough for a Mickey short, suprisingly dark for a Mickey short too. Plus several references to Steamboat Willie are always a winner, and Kelsey Grammar playing a crazy doctor. Brilliant.

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RE: Subtitled films; I'm hard of hearing, so I'm inclined to have subs on anyway when I watch a movie by myself -- but I can hear well enough to notice that subtitles certainly offer an 'abridged' version. It's always curious.


Waking Life


I loved. Stunning animation, which looked like it was done on MS Paint, but so well. I was promised a mindfuck, but really, I just found it really engaging and interesting on a philosophical level, as effectively, it's just one long really appealling lecture about the concept of existance and time. But more stunning than that sounds.


The talkiness of it appealed to me.



Glad more people are getting around to it. Check out other Richard Linklater stuff, particularly Before Sunrise and Before Sunset (in that order). There's a scene in Waking Life which actually occurs after both of these movies, despite Sunset coming out last.


Linklater's ambitious 10-year project is out next year -- he's shot parts of it each year for a decade to capture... well, the actor's aging, as well as the development in skill and ability and other somehow-layered things[/geek]. Otherwise, if you want more talkey, then The Man From Planet Earth, maybe What the Bleep Do They Know?, consider Short Cuts.


For thinky - Koyanisqaatsi (should come with a warning level on, as you may become a hippie afterwards). If you watch all of these then you'll've seen four of my favourite movies.


Feck. What did I say I'd do? Warning right?

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