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Unashamedly lowest common denominator gross out type humour but all the better for it. Most cringe-worthy film I've ever seen but I don't think I went 30 seconds without laughing. Almost like a horror film in parts going by my own and others reactions. Not sure how it'll last on a second viewing though as I expect a lot of the humour comes from the initial shock factor.


9/10 - I think Borat is a better film but then I didn't dig Borat that much until the second viewing. I have a feeling this will have the opposite effect.

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I love this film, I love bruce willis in this too, suits the whole 'SHESMYDAUGHTERWTFBOY!' thing which is amusing. Its actually kinda heartbreaking at the end, stubborn bastard.



I watched it the other day, tooooo!


It may be too cheesy for many other people, but I seriously love this film. It's dramatic, it's good entertainment, and it makes you smile and cry.


I'm leeeeaving

On a jet plaaane!

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40 Year Old Virgin


So yeah, been meaning to see this for awhile. Finally got round to watching it and I liked it. Enough laughs to keep me entertained. The waxing bit is brilliant and probably the best bit of the film. Steve Carrell can be hit or miss in the films he's in but this was mostly hit. Coming home from the cinema having seen Bruno and watching this, I can say that I probably enjoyed this more than Bruno.


8 out of 10

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I watched it the other day, tooooo!


It may be too cheesy for many other people, but I seriously love this film. It's dramatic, it's good entertainment, and it makes you smile and cry.


I'm leeeeaving

On a jet plaaane!


Don't know when I'll be back again. :heart:

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"Have you ever heard of Evel Knievel?"

"No, I never saw Star Wars."




If relationships came in threes, you would be the other woman, WolfyMcWolferson.


You know that makes me second best to Ine!..


I think I can live with that. :heart:

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Finally saw this from the beginning, and FINALLY saw the "GET TO DA CHOPPAAAA!" scene without looking on YouTube. As well as getting a bit of practice in for when I met EEVIL at the meet, the son of a bitch that I am. :blush:


Always knew it was a good film.



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Mad Max 2: Road Warrior


Good points:

It's Mad Fucking Max

The cars/setting is awesome

Beleivable post apocalyptic setting, reminds me of Fallout with cars


Bad points:

Some ropey acting/characters

The random feral child

In the future, all bad men dress like gimps and talk like wrestlers



Still one of my Favourite movies.





Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome


Good points:

It's still Mad Fucking Max

Aunty Entitiy/Tina Turner

Everthing in Bartertown


Bad points:

Everything after bartertown

The fact that Master Blaster seems to go from a dick to a victim for no reason

The scene where Master gets dunked into pigs. Least convincing scary scene ever.


The first half is better than Mad Max 2, but the second half is worse. Mad Max 2 is consistantly good.






Skidaddles off to watch Mad Max 1

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You should. Although it's worth bearing in mind that they were made in the early 80s. It shows.


The first one is totally different from the other 2. The first is more about a post apocalyptic police force. It all seems to organised and civilised to me. The second 2 are more like waterworld on land. But good obviously. I personally don't like the first one too much, but I haven't seen it for a while so that might change. The first one does set up the character of Max quite nicely though.


It's also worth noting that the films can be watched out of order, there isn't many references to previous films. The only thing is the odd flashbacks, which can probably be figured out what happened anyway.

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