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28 days later


early scenes of deserted london asside, there wasn't that much to write home about. not as good as i was led to belive, though not terrible either.




I'm with you on that. I dont know why people say its so great. Though i often find zombie movies pretty pointless because they always have rubbish endings.


i just didnt feel there was enough of the infected in there, ok they didnt go for the cliche'd huge hordes, but they didnt even feel like they were the always off screen menace stalking the shadows.



i will say one thing though, the scene where they are changing the car's wheel is excelently tense.


Funny enough, I've just seen this again for the dozenth time, so I'll comment.


First off, Jav - 28 Days Later is not a zombie film. If you look up the traditional roots for the word "zombie", it talks about the dead being re-animated. So, Night of the Living dead is a classic Zombie film, because the dead are brought back to life. In 28 Days Later, they are refered to as The Infected, because they're not actually dead. Just consumed with "rage."


Also, just a small niggle, but which zombie films have you actually seen with bad endings? The ending for the original Night of the Living Dead is both bitter and powerful. Great ending.


Anyway, 28 Days Later is the kinda film that flies over people's heads the first time they see it. It is not a film that is meant to be seen for the awesome death, kills or violence. Much more time is spent on character development and building up that tension - quite often between characters, not even between people and The Infected!


Look at the character of Selena, and look at how she's portrayed at the start, compared to how she is shown throughout. She almost loses her humanity and regains it. Look at how Hannah copes after the incident involving her Father. Also, look at how the army are represented in this film. Normally, we'd see two sides, which are the characters we trust and the ones we fight against. Here, the army characters were both and neither.


I think the film has a brilliant soundtrack, and it's really shown well in one of the final sequences, where Jim goes on a rampage of rage in the house. Listen to the music and how cleverly that Danny Boyle films this sequence.


Chris: 28 Days Later gets much, much better the more times you see it. On first viewing, you might just class it as a decent horror flick. But, after seeing it more times, it is so much, much more than that.


I'll give it a 9/10.

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one thing that i didnt like was the 20 second infection to crazy monster thing. just didnt seem feasoble, but im no bio chemist.



i did notice the film seemed more about the evil being within humanity, and how easily we can be reverted to beasts, and that love seems to be the only thing keeping us human. the father welcoming the survivors so easily and readily was, in my interpritation, mostly down to the loving nature of his existance, staying with his daughter who he loved.

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one thing that i didnt like was the 20 second infection to crazy monster thing. just didnt seem feasoble, but im no bio chemist.



i did notice the film seemed more about the evil being within humanity, and how easily we can be reverted to beasts, and that love seems to be the only thing keeping us human. the father welcoming the survivors so easily and readily was, in my interpritation, mostly down to the loving nature of his existance, staying with his daughter who he loved.



you know- I'm just inclined to go with the flow with regards to fictional weaponised super virus' :heh:

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one thing that i didnt like was the 20 second infection to crazy monster thing. just didnt seem feasoble, but im no bio chemist.



i did notice the film seemed more about the evil being within humanity, and how easily we can be reverted to beasts, and that love seems to be the only thing keeping us human. the father welcoming the survivors so easily and readily was, in my interpritation, mostly down to the loving nature of his existance, staying with his daughter who he loved.


The 20 second was something that Selena mentioned, so it was never an official "this is what happens when you get infected." But, when you see what happens to Frank, it still took a few seconds before the blood from the infected worked its way into his blood. He had the time to say goodbye to Hannah, and it almost seemed as if he was fighting the infection, but lost.


You're right, the film was much more about that - the primitive nature of man. But, whether love keeps us human, I'm not sure if that was the idea. It works, but I think there's a bit more to it than that. At one stage, when Jim goes on the rampage, he almost is taken over with rage (especially when Selena almost mistakes him for one of the Infected). I think the film may even have been a look into genocide that takes place even today, especially when Christopher Eccleston's character talks about "people killing people for as long as he could remember." So, the same thing is happening, but on a bigger scale.

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Sunshine is great, but it is nowhere near as good as 28 Days Later.


Besides, 28 Days Later really shines in the final third, whereas Sunshine loses it, in my opinion.


This. Exactly this. From the time Jim hops the wall to till the credits roll, I could watch over and over again. The music is just fantastic too in this section.


I've not seen Sunshine in a long enough time to quite remember how each act plays out to the others, but I've heard other people echo your thoughts on the ending losing steam.


Edit: Ha, I missed the last few posts on the other page, basically though.....more agreeing with Flink from me. Especially on the gets better with more viewings.

Edited by Nolan
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This. Exactly this. From the time Jim hops the wall to till the credits roll, I could watch over and over again. The music is just fantastic too in this section.


I've not seen Sunshine in a long enough time to quite remember how each act plays out to the others, but I've heard other people echo your thoughts on the ending losing steam.


It's up there in my favourite film moments. Sadly, I find that not a lot of people are switched on to that part of the film, which is a huge shame, as it's so well shot. I've youtubed that section about a dozen times, because it's just that good.


I loved Sunshine, and it's still a great film, but I do think that the final third is the weakest part of the film. The whole film is a cross between Alien and Event Horizon. Only, the ending was less Alien and more Event Horizon. Not a terrible thing, but it could have been worked better, I think.

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na I agree how Sunshine has a weird ending. Not bad IMO but I can see why people don't like it. I also fucking love the end to 28 Days when he goes berserk taking out the soldiers. Quality stuff.


What tune is it during that scene? I seem to remember thinking it was Mogwai then being wrong

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That's actually one of the off putting things about the sequel is they seem to use that piece of music much more often, and it loses it's impact.


You know, after seeing the sequel for the first time, I said the exact same thing.


The soundtrack in 28 Weeks was just...not great compared to the first. There were some good moments, but they kept reusing that quality piece from the first film, especially when it didn't need to be used. Although, the opening scene with it was awesome.


Even worse, the trailer was accompanied with "Shrinking Universe" by Muse, which led me to believe that the soundtrack to this was going to be unbelievable! Never again.


na I agree how Sunshine has a weird ending. Not bad IMO but I can see why people don't like it. I also fucking love the end to 28 Days when he goes berserk taking out the soldiers. Quality stuff.


What tune is it during that scene? I seem to remember thinking it was Mogwai then being wrong


The choon is by John Murphy. It's titled "In the House - In a heartbeat."

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Looking around on Wiki, I have discovered that there is a graphic novel entitled "28 Days Later: The Aftermath. It bridges the time inbetween the first and second movie it seems. I have decided, that I need to get this.


Although I'm a little wary as nothing mentions any sort of co-ordination between Garland/Boyle and the Novelist.

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She's The Man


What can I say? It was better than I expected. Was hella shocked to see the absolute love of my life Amanda Crew. God...I want her babies, its not fair. Anyway she was stunning in it, Amanda Bynes tends to be hot, it was rather amusing, overally not bad. David Cross had the most lolworthy scenes...pissing myself.



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She's The Man


What can I say? It was better than I expected. Was hella shocked to see the absolute love of my life Amanda Crew. God...I want her babies, its not fair. Anyway she was stunning in it, Amanda Bynes tends to be hot, it was rather amusing, overally not bad. David Cross had the most lolworthy scenes...pissing myself.




Same here, I didn't think it'd be good but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and I thought it was quite funny.



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She's The Man


What can I say? It was better than I expected. Was hella shocked to see the absolute love of my life Amanda Crew. God...I want her babies, its not fair. Anyway she was stunning in it, Amanda Bynes tends to be hot, it was rather amusing, overally not bad. David Cross had the most lolworthy scenes...pissing myself.




Me and my friend were talking about this the other day and decided that we both ashamedly enjoyed it. :heh:


I think the poster of Frank Lampard in their room helped.

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i went to see twelfth night at the donmar recently.. afterwards in the bathrooms i overheard two girls saying "it was good... but it was JUST like an old version of that film 'she's the man'.."



..... :blank:


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Me and my friend were talking about this the other day and decided that we both ashamedly enjoyed it. :heh:


I think the poster of Frank Lampard in their room helped.


i went to see twelfth night at the donmar recently.. afterwards in the bathrooms i overheard two girls saying "it was good... but it was JUST like an old version of that film 'she's the man'.."



..... :blank:



Haha! I liked all the England references, it was great.


Also, the footie match at the end....it kinda....looks like England. Does anyone know if it was partly filmed here? Could just be an Englandy looking area of the US I guess.

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With that chatting, I now fancy giving that "She's The Man" a look if ever it's on again. I'm reminded of a role reversal version of "Ladybugs", where Rodney Dangerfield got some lad to disguise himself as a lass to play in a girl's footie team.


One thing I'd like to know: There's a bit where she gets hit in the groin with the ball and doesn't react...but afaik girls do also have sensitive stuff down there, so it would still hurt a bit if they were whacked there with a football. Probably not as much, but still... :hmm:

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I can assure you that Twelfth Night, either the movie from 1996 (available on DVD) or any stage production is better than She's The Man.


I hate this bastardising of Shakespeare plays...at least do what Baz Luhrman did with Romeo + Juliet...make it modern, yet technically intact.

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I can assure you that Twelfth Night, either the movie from 1996 (available on DVD) or any stage production is better than She's The Man.


Maybe so, but there's no football action in Twelfth Night, is there.



No, thank you. My good man. :wink:

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