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I tried finding the original series on the doovde, I found complete series' of the later incarnations, but nothing decent for our original Mighty Morphin'


It's a travesty.


I always seemed to like it up until the Turbo era, then stopped liking it once all the originals left. Couldn't get into it properly afterwards. The original movie was the best of these two.






Stars Arnie. Second time watching it, still a great movie. 9/10


Juno - 9/10

Finally got round to watching this, it's a really sweet and lovely film. I can see now why it got so much praise.


Gran Torino

Amazing. Clint Eastwood just get's better with age. It start's off a bit slow, but then you're in for a real treat watching Eastwood in a memorable performance as Walt Kowalksi, a racist, who hates just about everything. The story itself is pretty good too, dealing with many theme's such as redemption, and the ending was just perfect. Why this film was not nominated for any Oscar's doesn't make sense.



I believe they only consider films released in the previous year, unless America saw it in 2008.


La Vie En Rose


Actually a brilliant film. Knew nothing about Edith Piaf before this, only Je Ne Regrette Rien, as a song.


Marion Cotillard easily deserved her Best Actress Oscar for this, she effortlessly slides between Piaf in her early 20's, all the way to her dying years. You feel the pain of her arthiritis...brilliant performance.


Her voice was truly amazing though...so controlled and passionate.


But yeah. Very touching biopic, summed up brilliantly in the last 3 minutes.




Yeah, good film that. The scene on the beach where she is knitting is pretty heart wrenching.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars


A bit crap really.




Anyone else ever tried to keep a list of films you've watched...throughout your life?


It seems like it would be LOADS but then I really want to just do it one day. I'd have to somehow organise it though. In Genre maybe.

Anyone else ever tried to keep a list of films you've watched...throughout your life?


It seems like it would be LOADS but then I really want to just do it one day. I'd have to somehow organise it though. In Genre maybe.


id start with films seen at the cinema, then films seen on dvd, then films seen on tv, but catagorise them like that, do it in excell, put in genra, decade of film, were you saw it, then you can srt it like that. read through and see what films remind you of what else you saw.

Anyone else ever tried to keep a list of films you've watched...throughout your life?


It seems like it would be LOADS but then I really want to just do it one day. I'd have to somehow organise it though. In Genre maybe.


Yep! :grin:


A suprisingly low amount, 589 movies! There may be a few more but that is all I can think of at the moment.


This website helped:




You can add movies by typing in there search box. If it isn't listed (most are) you can add it yourself. (Ninja Cheerleaders) and also you can search through tags so you can get a lot of movies through that which is much less loborious than typing in and trying to remember all the movies you've seen.


You can also rate them. A five star rating system which is quite cool. :D


So check out http://www.listal.com It takes a while to get into it but I managed to get mine done and up to date within a day!


I hope that helps Paj. :)

Yep! :grin:


A suprisingly low amount, 589 movies! There may be a few more but that is all I can think of at the moment.


This website helped:




You can add movies by typing in there search box. If it isn't listed (most are) you can add it yourself. (Ninja Cheerleaders) and also you can search through tags so you can get a lot of movies through that which is much less loborious than typing in and trying to remember all the movies you've seen.


You can also rate them. A five star rating system which is quite cool. :D


So check out http://www.listal.com It takes a while to get into it but I managed to get mine done and up to date within a day!


I hope that helps Paj. :)


Oh thanks! Adding stuff on Listal as we speak. :)


Just watched Bolt (pirated version my dad put on dvd >.>; ). Even though it's a pretty typical family film, I have to say I enjoyed it. I really liked the characters (the design of Bolt and Mittens is great), though not so much the hamster. But yes, was a nice film; I needed something easy to watch tonight, haha.

Yeah, good film that. The scene on the beach where she is knitting is pretty heart wrenching.


Star Wars: The Clone Wars


A bit crap really.




I know what you mean. It's nothing spectacular. However, the TV series that follows is really awesome! I've been following it like a hawk...or falcon...a Millenium Falcon...


Can't say I've ever considered trying to keep track of all the films I've ever seen as I have the memory of someone who uses forget-me-nots as a condiment.


Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind

A nice film. Not particularly striking/grabbing except the fact it had Edward James Olmos' voice in it, which of course soothed me because he has that kind of voice. The mental parallels to BSG because of it was amusing.


Umm yeah. Don't damage the environment kids! Although if that's what insects will turn into I'll make more of an effort.


And I kept expect her pet to perform an electric shock attack ;)

I know what you mean. It's nothing spectacular. However, the TV series that follows is really awesome! I've been following it like a hawk...or falcon...a Millenium Falcon...


Yeah, I can see it working a lot better as a series. As a film it didn't really work.


I hated how they chose to set it between two films, then introduce loads of new characters...


Why not just make films about Qui Gon Jin to prequel Episode I, or make Episode VII?


Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder

Definitely the best of the four movies, although still not as good as the series (well, actually, it runs rings around some of the later episodes). A steady run of funny lines throughout, and a decent storyline to boot. Best of all though, was the ending, and I really do want Futurama to end there, as I couldn't imagine a better finale. It even had a great final line from Bender. I've heard that there's a small possibility of it coming back, but judging by a lot of the movies, it wouldn't be that funny. I'd rather it went out on a high point.

Cheers for the listal! Totally wasting my day with this now :P


Same. / Last night, til...3 am.


Ran dry at about 480 or whatever. Obviously loads more, but they don't come to mind. I'm'a go to HMV with a notepad, noting down ones I missed!







Why not just make films about Qui Gon Jin to prequel Episode I, or make Episode VII?

We need one of those. Just before he started using the sabre, he was still using his Taken pimpsmacking skills. Fuck, both at the same time.


He must have forgotten the art before he took on Maul though, because Maul wouldn't have stood a chance.

A year to soon to be saying that.

Well it was released December 2008 in America so I thought it might be eligible. Hope they don't forget about it next year then.


Journey to the Centre of the Earth in 3D

The film was awful. Just as bad as Fraser's third Mummy. Only watched it, as my friend invited me over to watch it on his projector. 3D effects were hit and miss, with the smaller effects (smoke, drops of water etc) being better than the bigger one's. I just hope Disney's 3D efforts won't be as gimmicky, but thankfully all the Bolt reviews I've read on here have been positive.


I've not searched for any yet; just going through the pages. Stopping on page 107 - I've watched 968 movies so far, but there are a lot of movies I'm not sure on, so I don't bother adding :) Blerg!

Cheers for the listal! Totally wasting my day with this now :P


No problem. :) I think it is a good website.


Woah 968! :o


I don't add movies that I've only seen half of like 12 Monkeys, Memento and Falling Down which are some of the worst movies only to see half of as I really want to know what happens at the end of all of them!


Death Note


After watching Along Came A Spider on film four, I couldn't be arsed to turn over, so I just began watching this. I'm so glad I did. Usually subtitles really bother me, but this time I didn't even notice. I loved the story, really liked the main chracter "Light", and the ending was just a little bit hilarious. I can't wait for the sequel to be on next week.




Along Came A Spider


Typical kidnapper movie, apart from the actually pretty good twist near the end of the movie.



Death Note


After watching Along Came A Spider on film four, I couldn't be arsed to turn over, so I just began watching this. I'm so glad I did. Usually subtitles really bother me, but this time I didn't even notice. I loved the story, really liked the main chracter "Light", and the ending was just a little bit hilarious. I can't wait for the sequel to be on next week.




Watch the series because if you rank the film 8 the series would be like 28964 because seriously, the film is awful.


So says I anyway :p

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