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Rate the last film you saw


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After what Molly said about it, it actually got interesting towards the end. Maybe something better worth watching at home rather than being restless in the Cinema.


But cinema viewing pwns home viewing...actually makes you pay attention...::shrug:

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old boy


ben waiting to see this for a while, love film finaly sent it over, put it on to watch in piece. about 30 mins later, in toddles my dad, who asks if its "a martial artsy film" i said "not really" he dissapears, comes back abotu 20 mins later and sits watching it, asking questions to catch up.. fair enough. then he starts making comments. i ask him to stop, last 5 mins. starts playing with everything around him, making noise, i ask him to stop, again, that buys 5 mins peace.


at the en, he actualy gets up, starts walking in front of the screen. i lose it, tell him i cant enjoy anything with him around. he bassicly says "oh right" as in, dosent care.


my dads a cunt/10



though actualy, as it was subtitles, i did follow the story ok, and thought it was beautifully twisted, clever and totaly out of stnch with what we usualy see.



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Saw Valkyrie the other day, which was OK, I suppose. It wasn't a particularly deep film, per say, or even anything more than a history lesson in the disguise of a blockbuster, but that's not critisism. It's an interesting but not a widely known event, which is proficiently executed by Bryan Singer with fine pacing and timely direction leaving the audience involved with the plot. And say what you want about Tom Cruise, but when he wants to, he can be a fine actor.


By no means a classic, but, y'know, you could do worse.



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old boy


ben waiting to see this for a while, love film finaly sent it over, put it on to watch in piece. about 30 mins later, in toddles my dad, who asks if its "a martial artsy film" i said "not really" he dissapears, comes back abotu 20 mins later and sits watching it, asking questions to catch up.. fair enough. then he starts making comments. i ask him to stop, last 5 mins. starts playing with everything around him, making noise, i ask him to stop, again, that buys 5 mins peace.


at the en, he actualy gets up, starts walking in front of the screen. i lose it, tell him i cant enjoy anything with him around. he bassicly says "oh right" as in, dosent care.


my dads a cunt/10


Quick question, is your dad 10 years old?

Because that sounds really fucking annoying :/

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Slumdog Millionaire


Yeah, whatever... Good and all that jazz but I was expecting much much more. Still quite awesome, but the hype is ridiculous.

I was pleased because it was better than I expected.


Before I saw it I thought it was probably being WAY overated, and whilst I didn't think it was groundbreaking, I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it!


There was such a good atmosphere in the cinema, people were really getting into it and rooting for the characters, and we were somewhat playing along with millionaire etc... it was one of the most enjoyable cinema experiences i've had!

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Battlestar Galactica: The Mini-Series


Not really a film. not yet a TV series, but yeah.


REALLY anjoyed this! Definitely glad I got on the love train for this, gonna get Season One soon!


I love Rihanna being in it (Duella). And Tricia Helfer is ridiculously seductive. The bit where she points out the "device" to Gaius, literally turned me on.


Plus I choked up blood at the ending. The one I didn't even expect.


Rating this a TV show really.



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Lilo & Stitch followed by My Neighbour Totoro (to be followed by World of Goo)


What an awesome birthday-eve :D! Such fun films that lift the spirit.


And while im here; anyone know of any website that lets you find a film playing close to you? I want to see Tokyo Sonata and it doesn't seem to be playing in Brum and despite the fact im going to London twice in upcoming weeks I don't have the time to go see it :(

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Saw Valkyrie the other day, which was OK, I suppose. It wasn't a particularly deep film, per say, or even anything more than a history lesson in the disguise of a blockbuster, but that's not critisism. It's an interesting but not a widely known event, which is proficiently executed by Bryan Singer with fine pacing and timely direction leaving the audience involved with the plot. And say what you want about Tom Cruise, but when he wants to, he can be a fine actor.


By no means a classic, but, y'know, you could do worse.




Once again, I agree 100%. Except for the score, I'd rate it a 7.5/10. :awesome:

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Most enjoyable and a very well made film. Impressive acting from everyone, the special effects were very good, there were MANY emotional moments and laugh out loud situations also, and there's wasnt any pointless or scene's that dragged on. Forrest Gump for the new generation of movie-goers.


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Wow. Much better than I thought it'd be. The fighting was choreographed superbly, with some really bone-crunching hits and falls coming in. Quite strange with it being a Thai martial arts film but I did find it better than many of the chinese ones I've seen. Sometimes the story in a martial arts film can be a bit on the boring side but this was actually a really good one, with the basic premise being that Zen, the main character, basically just wants her mother well enough so she can take her out. Not a lot to the story but it was done really well. I think the music was great as well as it complimented the story and the action scenes. Wasn't all serious as there were a few funny bits to it, noticeably the gang of Thai ladyboys being used by the 'bad guy.' Acting as well was really good. Jeeja Yanin was fantastic as Zen, making for some truly believeable scenes where she could be screaming for her mother (she has some form of mental disorder which isn't alluded to much) or fighting to get the money needed to help her mother.


So, I'll give it 9 out of 10. There were some bits that did grate a little, such as the constant screaming of Zen with the flies around her but that was also part of the character you endeared with because although she was this 'special' child who could replicate any fighting move/style she saw she was also this vulnerable child just wanting her mother there for her. The film is only £7 in HMV and I strongly recommend it because it's a fantastic movie and a fantastic start to Yanin's career in film.

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