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Rate the last film you saw


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You mean you found it weird when he seemingly didn't spoilar much that his spoilar was spoilar, at least in the spoilar where he spoilar their spoilar?


No just the part where it seemingly was a obvious part of the story and wasn´t really a hidden fact outside of the movie/games

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Yep, and I hope it stays that way :)


Pffft. You're too cool for us.






(Whats......this spoilar thing?)


I actually cannot wait today....seeing Zak and Miri make a Porno. God...seriously just adore Seth Rogen. Hes in a film with Anna Farris next year, actually cannot wait. Just....love love love. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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(Mundi originally didn't put his post in a spoiler tag so I repeated what he said but replaced most of the words with 'spoilar')


Is that all there is to get? Lol.


Anyway....wow time people.


Zack and Miri Make a Porno


Probably the funniest, and possibly the best overall film of the year actually. Easily Kevin Smiths finest hour (or two) and just absolutely awesome. Very funny. Very sweet, and heart felt. One scene had the whole cinema (admitadly, only about 4 groups of 2 and a group of 4) but anyway, we were all cracking up, and then we all started laughing more and setting each other off. Bizarre experience. But yeah. God its so freaking awesome. Its just so very nice. At one bit I was literally screaming inside like...shouting at the TV kinda thing. Amazing cast...amazing. Love this film. Excelled expectations.



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Is that all there is to get? Lol.


Anyway....wow time people.


Zack and Miri Make a Porno


Probably the funniest, and possibly the best overall film of the year actually. Easily Kevin Smiths finest hour (or two) and just absolutely awesome. Very funny. Very sweet, and heart felt. One scene had the whole cinema (admitadly, only about 4 groups of 2 and a group of 4) but anyway, we were all cracking up, and then we all started laughing more and setting each other off. Bizarre experience. But yeah. God its so freaking awesome. Its just so very nice. At one bit I was literally screaming inside like...shouting at the TV kinda thing. Amazing cast...amazing. Love this film. Excelled expectations.








Not even up for debate.

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Project A part 2


Jackie Chan plays a naval officer transfered into a corrupt police force after kicking serious pirate ass in the last movie. It turns out most of the force is lazy and stage crimes for publicity or somthing. Anyway it ends with a big fight in a warehouse or somthing.




Awesome movie that is. From a Chan fan, this is one of his best movies in my opinion. Not as good as the first, nothing in this movie could beat the clock scene from the first.




Big Stan


After watching a few trailers for this, i thought this was quite a good movie. Great training is what i say, hate to be trained by that guy. 8/10


Don't Mess With the Zohan


Second viewing and it lost some of its appeal from the first. When i first saw it, i think i rated it an 8. Now i rate this movie a 6/10

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Quantum Of Solace


The trailers and previews make it look like a very intense, story-driven action movie. All it turned out to be was one huge disappointment. No real story involved, no ingenious dialogue that we're used to hearing in every Bond movie, nothing. All I got was too many action sequences and Ford cars in every scene.


Spy movies with revenge plotlines never mix.



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Son of Rambow


A nice little film actually. Reminds me of childhood, and after watching it I was thinking about it and I used to do the same, just with the Power Rangers.


Seeing Ed Westwick with his natural accent (and a huge brick of an 80s mobile) was weird and amusing.



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Saw V


I can honestly say I liked this movie. It answered some questions that I was asking, the traps were great and yeah,[spoiler=]"I did like the 5-people-5-rooms trap"


the only thing I didn't like was the actor who plays Hoffman, he was a little crap. Oh yeah, and I believe how it ended and half-seen it coming.

[spoiler=]"I thought Strahm would screw up in a trap towards the end"


All in all though, it was a great movie and is an improvement from Saw IV.





I really want to see Zack and Miri make a porno, if anybody has seen it, could you tell me whether it's worth watching :)

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I really want to see Zack and Miri make a porno, if anybody has seen it, could you tell me whether it's worth watching :)


Yeah sure,...



Zack and Miri Make a Porno


Probably the funniest, and possibly the best overall film of the year actually. Easily Kevin Smiths finest hour (or two) and just absolutely awesome. Very funny. Very sweet, and heart felt. One scene had the whole cinema (admitadly, only about 4 groups of 2 and a group of 4) but anyway, we were all cracking up, and then we all started laughing more and setting each other off. Bizarre experience. But yeah. God its so freaking awesome. Its just so very nice. At one bit I was literally screaming inside like...shouting at the TV kinda thing. Amazing cast...amazing. Love this film. Excelled expectations.



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Yeah sure,...


Great, thanks. I thought it might be a brilliant movie to watch :smile:


Forgot one other movie...


Shaun of the Dead


I friggin' love this movie, it's fantastic and so hilarious. But then again, I'm a massive zombie movie fan so no doubt I was going to love it anyway, lol.



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Shaun of the Dead


I friggin' love this movie, it's fantastic and so hilarious. But then again, I'm a massive zombie movie fan so no doubt I was going to love it anyway, lol.




Glad you enjoyed it but should be a 9 or 10 in my opinion, there's so little to fault with this film!! Comedy, Simon Pegg and Zombies, what more can you ask for?!


Nacho Libre - Good film all round, pretty amusing and visually awesome, I was so impressed with the colours and use of shots too!! - The soundtrack was fun, I don't really know why but it stood out to me tonight, I bet if I get hold of it though I'll be disappointed, never as good as when you're watching the film :heh:


I'd say 7/10 not the best narrative but enough for the silly film it's meant to be!!

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Glad you enjoyed it but should be a 9 or 10 in my opinion, there's so little to fault with this film!! Comedy, Simon Pegg and Zombies, what more can you ask for?!


Nacho Libre - Good film all round, pretty amusing and visually awesome, I was so impressed with the colours and use of shots too!! - The soundtrack was fun, I don't really know why but it stood out to me tonight, I bet if I get hold of it though I'll be disappointed, never as good as when you're watching the film :heh:


I'd say 7/10 not the best narrative but enough for the silly film it's meant to be!!


Anything from a 7 or 8 upwards (mostly 8) is probably about right for Shaun of the Dead.




(outside the pub at night)


I've seen 3 films in the last 24 hours.


Jingle all the way


Hahahahha. Arnie at his cheesy best. This film just had me in stitches throughout, and watching it in the company of other people who appreciate Arnie just makes it a million times better.


Its over the top, and very cheesy in parts, but that is what makes it so, so funny.


7/10, haha. Generous, but I love Arnie.


Saw III and Saw IV


I didn't really pay attention to IV, but it seemed alright, and III seemed pretty decent.


However, there are so many bits in these series of films that fuck me off. First of all, the sequels just seem like a way of justifying the first. Now, why do this? Just leave it be. Slowly, ever so slowly, they're killing any bit of mystery that the first had.


Secondly, those sequences right at the end where it shows clips of what has happened so far, with dramatic music, and then speeds up faster and faster, until the pictures give you epilepsy. Such an over-used technique, and it doesn't serve any purpose other than to fuck off the viewer.


I think a 5 or 6 apiece.

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Stand and Deliver

A true story of a teacher(Edward James Olmos) who encouraged 18 students to pass the AP exam for college credit. He started teaching them in their second to final year(junior year of highschool here, idk what it is in the UK though...) He decided that he wanted to teach Calculus the next year, so he taught summer school 7AM-12 6 days a week to the top 18 students of his class. Eventually the exam comes around, and every student passes, of course a few days later they are accused of cheating. They retake the test and are given a single day(the second test is happening months after the first) to study. Once again they all pass.


A well done movie based on a true story. There isn't the unnecessary embelishing of the story to add false plot points to keep viewers interested, there are small side storiess, but they don't cloud the mainstory.


Oh it also stars Lou Diamond Phillips.




Lean on Me

Another true story of turning around students, except this time Principle Crazy Joe Clark(Morgan Freeman) reforms an entire highschool instead of a single class. He starts the year off by immeadiately expelling any student that is a known drug user and/or been their for 5 or more years without graduating. He employs his own security, forces the entire school(prolly movie embellishment) to learn the school song and be able to sing it on command. His trademarks were a bullhorn to make himself heard and at a point he carried a bat. He chained and locked all the doors in the school to keep the drug pushers out, when a parent(whos deadbeat child was expelled) heard of the locked doors she reported it too the fire derpartment as a fire hazard and JOe Clark was taken to jail. The student body congregated outside of the Jail as protest of arresting Clark. Eventually he was released.



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Indeed :P After all, Fargo was "based on a true story" ;)


Nacho Libre.


A soft-hearted, predictable movie with unpredictable quirky moments that amused greatly. Along with School of Rock this will one day be shown at least five times a year on ITV on sunday afternoons to keep the kids amused. But that's not a bad thing! Not a great thing, but hey. It never had any misguided intentions to do anything more than it did. A perfectly nice film to watch with your amigos and some beverages.



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