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Rate the last film you saw


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I'm not disputing people of all ages are enjoying it. I'm saying the older people wouldn't applaud.


That being said, I am curious about seeing it. If only to hear the audience wail "WILDCATS!" and smack their hands together and scream at the end.


Erm, but they did. I was there, why would I describe something that didn't happen? Again, why is it so hard for you to belive that a cinema can enjoy watching a film that much?

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Maybe it was some sort of field trip from a mental institution or something... It'd make sense, then.


Again, what the fudge is everyones problem? I'm serious, I just plain don't get it at all. Come back to me after you've watched it in a packed cinema. Until then, I see no reason in considering your opinion on it. (Then again, if you have seen it, and didn't feel the slightest sense of enjoyment, even if it's laughing hysterically at how ridiculous some of was, then fine. I'll just have to accept you're obviously dead inside.)

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I just might do that kitten. Possibly Tuesday night since I work Wed and Fri and Sat nights. So it might not be as packed as it was for you.


I was going to ask if it's important that I watch the previous two. But I've seen the bit where Effron and that other lass meet, that bullshit kareoke where they're oh-so shy. And Tisdales' bell end who can't stop wearing hats. So it's not really that important methinks. Is he depicted as a gay chap in the film?

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I just might do that kitten. Possibly Tuesday night since I work Wed and Fri and Sat nights. So it might not be as packed as it was for you.


I was going to ask if it's important that I watch the previous two. But I've seen the bit where Effron and that other lass meet, that bullshit kareoke where they're oh-so shy. And Tisdales' bell end who can't stop wearing hats. So it's not really that important methinks. Is he depicted as a gay chap in the film?


..Kitten? No.


You obviously don't need to of seen the others to get the "story". It's not like it's an epic trilogy like LOTR is it? He's actually not which brought much hilarity through the film. He ends up going to the prom with the (we assume lesbian :p) piano player.


But tbf, the thrid one is a little different to the others. It actually looks like a musical and less like a few kids just randomly singing whilst at work.



Anyway, back to the thread.

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Again, what the fudge is everyones problem? I'm serious, I just plain don't get it at all. Come back to me after you've watched it in a packed cinema. Until then, I see no reason in considering your opinion on it.


I never said I didn't believe it. All I'm saying was everyone in the room over 13 was retarded. :smile:

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Mamma Mia!

I watched this a couple of weeks ago. One of most enjoyable 90 minutes of film I've seen for a while, the plot is atrocious, the acting unbelievable, but it's Abba! For the first 20 minutes my jaw was permanently dropped, I couldn't believe that they'd managed to actually get it made. But you soon warm to it and it becomes a bizarrely thrilling experience.


Basically, my opinion on this is the same as Mark Kermode's, so just head over to YouTube and see his review. "Pierce Brosnan sounds like a foghorn". He really does, not even those words describe how appalling his performance is in this film.


But it's ABBA, even if it's ABBA done badly.


I know not what rating to give this work of art.


Oh and on the High School Musical front, I haven't seen the third one yet (heck I haven't seen the second) but stop being such arses. They're fascinating films and they're bloody enjoyable to boot. In a very similar way to Mamma Mia! they just suck you in with all their awfulness, and then they transform into these incredibly enjoyable entities. That last song of the first High School Musical brought a tear to my eye.

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ive got to say, im not one to begrudge people having a differnt taste in movies to me, and i can even understand adults going to see highschool musical, as long as they are with a woman/child/gay mate who they owe a favor (theres probly a less painfull way tbh). i don't get the whole claping and shouting WILDCATS! after a movie.


would you shout "WELL I'M HOME!" after lord of the rings (last line of return of the king) then stand up and clap?


perhaps i am to bitter and cold to enjoy the super sugary world of highschool musical, but my reasons are good enough. for example, if i ate a tonn of sugar id get diabetes. if i watch a tonn of super happy movies then i'll get emotional diabetes, or worse, lose my dry wit.


that would be terrible.

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ive got to say, im not one to begrudge people having a differnt taste in movies to me, and i can even understand adults going to see highschool musical, as long as they are with a woman/child/gay mate who they owe a favor (theres probly a less painfull way tbh). i don't get the whole claping and shouting WILDCATS! after a movie.


would you shout "WELL I'M HOME!" after lord of the rings (last line of return of the king) then stand up and clap?


perhaps i am to bitter and cold to enjoy the super sugary world of highschool musical, but my reasons are good enough. for example, if i ate a tonn of sugar id get diabetes. if i watch a tonn of super happy movies then i'll get emotional diabetes, or worse, lose my dry wit.


that would be terrible.


Emotional Diabetes? Thats a fucking awesome term.


Anyway, it's exactly what Killthenet said. It sucks you in, and you just can't help but get completely wrapped up in the film while you're watching it. I saw Mamma Mia a few months back, and even though I tried to hate it, I've ended up watching it twice since. You won't understand until you go and see it at the cinema (hsm3), and see just how into it people are by the time it's nearing the end. Leaving the cinema, it was like we were on a sugar rush, so your "emotional diabetes" term is rather fitting.





Hmm, I expected something awesome and I almost got it. Some of the action was fantastic, and the start was utterly gruesome. Jolie was great, but McAvoy annoyed me slighty though I'm unsure why. Anyway, I loved it when he stood up to his boss and whacked his mate with the keyboard.



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I saw Mamma Mia a few months back, and even though I tried to hate it, I've ended up watching it twice since. You won't understand until you go and see it at the cinema (hsm3), and see just how into it people are by the time it's nearing the end. Leaving the cinema, it was like we were on a sugar rush, so your "emotional diabetes" term is rather fitting.


I'm not going to mention HSM because I've never seen any of them, and I try not to judge things when I haven't seen them. But Mamma Mia, well my mum dragged me to see this a few months back. By the end all the middle aged ladies were singing, clapping and dancing in their seats. Unfortunately this open display of joy didn't rub off on me, it was one of the only times I've wanted to walk out of a cinema. But millions of people love it, so good luck to them. :smile:



Where eagles Dare


I've grown up with this film and I absolutely love it. Its a WW2 classic with Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood. The music at the beginning gives me goosepimples, just class.



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I know a guy who's 22, straight and likes HSM. I like it too and I'm straight, doesn't really bother me what everyone thinks. I couldn't give a crap whether it's cool to hate it or not. If I like it, I like it and I'm not going to pretend I don't like it just to look cool :heh:


Mamma Mia!


Since it was advertised like hell, I went to see this again since I fell asleep through it the first time I went (my cousin wanted to see it with me). So I decided to watch the rest. I don't know what all the hype is about, it's not that great a film. The singing was a tad horrible, the dancing was like WTF?! And, to me, the story got boring for me. Oh yeah, it might not help that I'm not really an ABBA fan, haha.


Enjoyment: 3/10 (them damn women in the cinemas singing along with it never helped)

Movie: 5/10 (not terrible, but not good either)

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Bought this on dvd the other day, forgot how much I love it!


Such a charming film, and I just love the song "reflection" (not because Christina Aguilera did a cover for it for the soundtrack :P)


Also, Eddie Murphy as Mushu was hilarious ^_^



The song "Make A Man Out Of You" was better. :blank:


Regardless of the fact that Donny Osmond did it.

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Much better than I thought it was going to be. A bit confusing as I missed a part of it, but thrilling non the less. My friend had to turn away sometimes. Not as gruesome as I thought it was going to be either.


4 and a Half Bears out of 7 :D


27 Dresses


Solid Romantic Comedy, just the kind of thing you want to watch at 1:30 in the morning as it doesn't take up too many brain cells. Makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face.


5 Bears out of 7 :)


The Simpsons Movie


You know I love it I've rated it many times before! It's the 7th time I've watched it now and still just as funny to me! :grin:


6 Bears out of 7.

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