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Rate the last film you saw


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Mamma Mia


Was the only thing on when we turned up at the cinema, so we went in. The older people were laughing hysterically throughout, but we just didn't. It was alright I suppose, but I really wouldn't choose to watch it again...ever. I could see why people were enjoying it, but the humour didn't really gel with me.



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Mamma Mia


Was the only thing on when we turned up at the cinema, so we went in. The older people were laughing hysterically throughout, but we just didn't. It was alright I suppose, but I really wouldn't choose to watch it again...ever. I could see why people were enjoying it, but the humour didn't really gel with me.




See part of me wants to watch it because I adore Amanda Seyfried (the girl getting married) but then I don't actually want to see the film...if that makes sense.


As far as the humour. I'm guessing its aimed more toward original Abba fans. So you're about 20 years too young :P

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Just finished watching this again and I really do love it. The last quarter of the movie may be weird but it doesnt bother me too much. I just love the scale of the sun in the movie, seeing Mercury pass infront of it was a brilliant sight.


Also this movie probably has my favourite soundtrack, I just hope that whatever problems that have been had with getting it released get sorted as its one I want to get hold of.



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See part of me wants to watch it because I adore Amanda Seyfried (the girl getting married) but then I don't actually want to see the film...if that makes sense.


As far as the humour. I'm guessing its aimed more toward original Abba fans. So you're about 20 years too young :P


She was the best thing in it, just like Mean Girls. A couple of the songs were so utterly cheesy it's untrue, and the locals that kept popping up half way through a song were pretty funny. Other than that...it was bareable.

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IIRC, the soundtrack when he goes feral is Mogwai. Maybe it just sounds alot like them


It's not Mogwai. :)


Do not doubt me. You should be ashamed. :D


Anyway, I've just watched Once Upon A Time In Mexico


As it was on Channel 5 around half an hour ago. Bluddy loved it. Excellent array of actors, a bucket load of action scenes, one liners and black humour. There's very little I didn't like about this. I've been told it was good, and I'm pleased that it has lived up to my expectations.


Would definitely watch it again or pur-chase it on Doovde.



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Just finished watching this again and I really do love it. The last quarter of the movie may be weird but it doesnt bother me too much. I just love the scale of the sun in the movie, seeing Mercury pass infront of it was a brilliant sight.


Also this movie probably has my favourite soundtrack, I just hope that whatever problems that have been had with getting it released get sorted as its one I want to get hold of.




It's by Underworld. If memory serves, it's their own music edited and mixed for the film rather than an original score.

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Hancock - have to say I was pleasently surprise by this. Was not expecting alot but it turned out to be very funny in places I thought. Although I did think it was a bit short and the pacing was a bit off in places, I enjoyed it alot :) 7/10

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She was the best thing in it, just like Mean Girls. A couple of the songs were so utterly cheesy it's untrue, and the locals that kept popping up half way through a song were pretty funny. Other than that...it was bareable.



just kidding, you can have your own opinion!

I went and saw Mamma Mia! tonight and thought it was bloody amazing.

Haven't laughed so much in ages, and the whole cinema was singing along.

The greek people were hilarious.

I loved it.

I would go and see it again tomorrow. I loved it. I love musicals!

I :heart: ABBA!



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Just finished watching this again and I really do love it. The last quarter of the movie may be weird but it doesnt bother me too much. I just love the scale of the sun in the movie, seeing Mercury pass infront of it was a brilliant sight.


Also this movie probably has my favourite soundtrack, I just hope that whatever problems that have been had with getting it released get sorted as its one I want to get hold of.





I got half way through and thought it was very dull. Turned it off to watch something else. Will re-watch it one day as I love sci-fi but...it didn't seem amazing.

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I found the first and second act of Sunshine to be really good, but Garland totally dropped the ball when it came to the horrible sub-par slasher plot in the third act. Mostly it was interesting though and the best thing Danny Boyle's done, though his ineptitude with design is clear throughout.

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I found the first and second act of Sunshine to be really good, but Garland totally dropped the ball when it came to the horrible sub-par slasher plot in the third act. Mostly it was interesting though and the best thing Danny Boyle's done, though his ineptitude with design is clear throughout.


I wouldn't say its the best thing he's done.


I thought 28 Days Later was a lot better than Sunshine. Its a great film, but its still little more than an Alien/Event Horizon Hybrid.

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..is one of his best pieces of work, too.


I didn't say 28 Days Later was his best, but I did say it was a lot better than Sunshine.


As far as his best goes, he did set the bar really high for himself with Trainspotting. It's pretty hard to topple that.


I do enjoy his films, even the ones which often get slated, such as A Life Less Ordinary.


28 Days Later did pretty well, though. For a start, its a new take on the "zombie" film, because the creatures in the film are technically not zombies. I thought he did a pretty damn good job with so many things within the film. The casting was spot on, that opening scene in London, the feeling that a devasting event has just taken place. The UK did actually feel deserted, he managed to capture all of that perfectly.


I'm a very big fan of that film. :)

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Red Eye


Have seen this before but it was on TV the other day and reminded me of it. I quite like it. It's a very simple premise; a woman gets blackmailed on a plane becasue she has authority to move a government figure into a different room at a hotel where he can be assassinated. Despite the simplicity though, its nail-bitting to watch and you start to imagine what you would do in that situation, as in, would i let somebody i knew die, including his familly, to save my own dad? Or can i save them all somehow? Plus the actress is hot, i forget her name but shes so sweet looking.




Panic Room


This was also on tele recently. Again, its a simple sort of thriller where a mother and her daughter have to lock themselves into a built-in security room at their house when robbers come trying to get to the safe that's inside. It's quite clever how the film unravels and the bad guys start to turn on each other in desperation. I wouldn't say it was worth buying, but it passes the time when you're bored quite nicely.



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How could i forget watching this?! I've been waiting for it to be re-released on DVD forever since i missed it last time around so i was over the moon when i saw the advert. Quite simply the best Disney movie ever created, with the best characters, best plot and best songs ever. Plus, with the DVD this time you get the lyrics to them which is actually pretty handy because, even after watching it numerous times growing up, i still dont know half of them!



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that opening scene in London, the feeling that a devasting event has just taken place. The UK did actually feel deserted, he managed to capture all of that perfectly


I may not like the movie, but that is most definitely true. He created a very good enviroment. I just don't like the direction he went with the story.

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How could i forget watching this?! I've been waiting for it to be re-released on DVD forever since i missed it last time around so i was over the moon when i saw the advert. Quite simply the best Disney movie ever created, with the best characters, best plot and best songs ever. Plus, with the DVD this time you get the lyrics to them which is actually pretty handy because, even after watching it numerous times growing up, i still dont know half of them!




I loved Aladdin when I was young....I'll try and watch it sometime soon. The only song I can remember was the "Street rat, street rat, I don't buy that etc". I think that was from Aladdin anyway.:smile:

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I got half way through and thought it was very dull. Turned it off to watch something else. Will re-watch it one day as I love sci-fi but...it didn't seem amazing.


:blank:... Wha??

Imo the start of sunshine was absolutely suburb, and continued to be so until toward the end... where it all got a bit wank. But you seem to see it the other way round so ya might like the end ;)


I found the first and second act of Sunshine to be really good, but Garland totally dropped the ball when it came to the horrible sub-par slasher plot in the third act. Mostly it was interesting though and the best thing Danny Boyle's done, though his ineptitude with design is clear throughout.


Thats better. *agrees*


Meanwhile, I posted in the thread but i watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time with a friend the other day.


I really rate it highly; cute romance with a hint of sci-fi. Even for people who arn't fans of anime... it's definitely worth a watch. Oh and it looks visually pretty amazing.


9 / 10

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