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Rate the last film you saw


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Batman Returns


Catwoman just makes this film what it is. Just a great interpretation of the comic. I love how she's borderline insane.


I never liked Penguin as a character, but I think Danny DeVito nails him.


I don't like Michael Keaton as Batman. He just doesn't feel right as him. I think Christian Bale is the closest to Batman, and even then I wouldn't have chosen him if I were casting.


The story is a bit weak (I don't understand why Catwoman wants to kill Batman really randomly, and it's never explained how Catwoman can survive being shot 5 times and being blown up), and it spends far too long centered on the villains - Batman is like in 3 scenes.




Enjoyable to watch, if only for Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman.

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Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

What is everyone complaining about? It's not as good as any of the first three, but it's a lot of fun. The first ten minutes are bullshit though and a lot of the acting is fairly dire. I was surprised by Shia Le Beouf, dude was pretty good, though I couldn't help but laugh when he rolled up on his motorcycle tanked up like Marlon Brando. Just something very comical about seeing the kid from Even Stevens and Holes being portayed as a serious badass.


CG was terrible in the jungle chase scene, but I assume Spielberg wanted it that way, to be in keeping with the B-Movie aura around the series.


Overall though I was far more impressed and entertained than I thought I would be.



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I think you're pretty dead on. I still think the





were consistant, Shia is a good little actor, and Yeah. The CG was really, really bad in the jungle and I thought the scene in the bar pre-brawl was really, really clunky dialogue wise.


But pretty cool nonetheless.

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I loved it. Literally haven't enjoyed going to the cinema so much in months. It's not something to be judged on anything other than enjoyment levels, and for that it scores mighty high because I didn't get bored once.


Also, Shia was in it...so how could it be bad? You should have heard the lass' reaction when he appeared on screen for the first time. I swear she was a little turned on.



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Indiana Jones And The -insert long title here-


Definatly not as bad as people claim it to be, but not as good as, say, the first and third parts (I didn't enjoy the second one at all). My main complaints would be the following:


1) The communists. They were just boring, tbh, and weren't memorable, unlike the Nazis.

2) Nuclear fridge.

3) Steven Spielburg said they'd be only a bit of CGi... WTF?! Did someone take over during the jungle scenes, and the finale? Those were so fucking CGi intense, it was unimaginable. Plus, it didn't help that it was bad CGi. Especially the jungle.

4) Motherfucking monkeys.

5) Although I liked the alien plot (since the film is partially a homage to the Sci-Fi movies of the 50s), I didn't feel the ending was pulled off very well.


On the whole, I enjoyed the first Half to 3/4, but then it just took a drop in quality, unfortunatly.


Never the less, I give this film a 7.1/10.

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Indiana Jones : in a word meh, its miles better than the Temple of Snore though. Absolutley hated Shias character wanted to slap him 90% of the time he was on screen. (although he was pretty good) George Lucas's best script since Empire Strikes Back but it was still painfully average at best. The end was pure garbage. 6/10

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no, he was an annoying dork who spent his time attempting to get girls. he was annoying in every way, not a single redeeming quality.



wasnt as annoying as the shitty robots mind.


i suppose its ironic that ive spent more time explaining why i want the time i spent watching that film back then i spent watching the film. still, i save the length of time of any future transformers films, so its not all bad.


Intelligent response. Seriously, forget I said anything.


History of Violence - 8/10


Excellent film, Cronenberg is really skilled in showing a dark side of human behavior, and the film is magnificently acted. Viggo Mortensen is something else!

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Batman Returns


Catwoman just makes this film what it is. Just a great interpretation of the comic. I love how she's borderline insane.


I never liked Penguin as a character, but I think Danny DeVito nails him.


I don't like Michael Keaton as Batman. He just doesn't feel right as him. I think Christian Bale is the closest to Batman, and even then I wouldn't have chosen him if I were casting.


The story is a bit weak (I don't understand why Catwoman wants to kill Batman really randomly, and it's never explained how Catwoman can survive being shot 5 times and being blown up), and it spends far too long centered on the villains - Batman is like in 3 scenes.




Enjoyable to watch, if only for Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman.



The joke is that it's ambiguous whether she actually has powers (she presumably does). I prefer it as it is, without some crazy old woman appearing to tell her she has powers, then leaving, just for the sake of getting un unattatentive to understand.

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Intelligent response. Seriously, forget I said anything.


you know what they say, a stupid response for a stupid film!




art of war,


a decent film for a no brainer night in. stupid in places but alot of fun and pleanty of action. a few great kills that raise the film to above the usual guy film. 7/10

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The Boat Trip

The things Cuba Gooding Jr. is forced to do to maintain his career is positive proof that Hollywood is fundamentally racist, socially backward and artistically meritless. I think I may have to publicly murder Ben Afflek just to redress the balance.


Also, Don Cheadle. Two fantastic black actors constantly relegated to comedy roles and low budget shite? Fuck off. Hollywood is its' own level of hell.

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triforce compared to most blockbuster movies it did use little cgi, in some parts not using it would be impossible (the vine part specially, but if they didn't make it, all the better). But the fact that they actually built the sets was a big surprise I was expecting much more CGI

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Infernal Affairs


Awesomeness on disk. Loved this film so damn much. HAVE to get the sequel and prequel. Just awesome, what more can I say. Ah yes i can say this, WHY the hell did it take me so many years before I watched it! >.<





Scanner Darkly


REALLY confusing film that really makes you work as if you are a detective to figure out the plot. The way it has been crafted though makes it such a sight to behold. Really enjoyed watching this and it was quite deep.



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triforce compared to most blockbuster movies it did use little cgi, in some parts not using it would be impossible (the vine part specially, but if they didn't make it, all the better). But the fact that they actually built the sets was a big surprise I was expecting much more CGI
I know what you mean, but if Jorge Lucas and Esteveno Espeliburgo wanted it to be as old school as they liked to think it is, they would have gone with more traditional effects, like miniatures, mattes, stop-motion, etc.


However, with the CGi, especially in the jungle, it didn't help matters that it look awful, especially for a high budget production (around 185 million dollars). What was nice though was the set designs, and I'm surpised they did it, since Jorge Lucas is on the team, after all :heh:

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Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

What is everyone complaining about? It's not as good as any of the first three, but it's a lot of fun. The first ten minutes are bullshit though and a lot of the acting is fairly dire. I was surprised by Shia Le Beouf, dude was pretty good, though I couldn't help but laugh when he rolled up on his motorcycle tanked up like Marlon Brando. Just something very comical about seeing the kid from Even Stevens and Holes being portayed as a serious badass.


CG was terrible in the jungle chase scene, but I assume Spielberg wanted it that way, to be in keeping with the B-Movie aura around the series.


Overall though I was far more impressed and entertained than I thought I would be.




I pretty much agree on everything except Shia. But I don't like him, so, that makes me biased.




"I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I was standing right beside it."


Love this film.




You should've used this one:

"You want to know how I did it? This is how I did it, Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back. "

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Indy IV


I know I'm late in reviewing this, but anyway, I liked it. Personally, I thought it kept in tone with the other Indiana Jones films. Action scenes were great, story was pretty good. I hated the ending, though. I'm pretty sure they were trying to do something similar to Raiders, but fell completely flat on it's face. Without it, it would've a 8 or even a 9, but with it, I'm gonna give it...





I also rewatched Zodiac yesterday. Still fucking brilliant. Even better than I remember, actually. I think I might even watch it again tonight.

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You should've used this one:

"You want to know how I did it? This is how I did it, Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back. "


Haha! You picked my favourite quote. Its on my Facebook and all. I thought it was a bit too obvious though. :p


Nah the best quote from Gattaca is


"You didn't beat me, I beat myself"


When is that said?

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Its when they are talking about swimming is it not? Pretty sure it was said around the same time as what O_W posted. Havn't seen it in over 2 years so my I'm not entirely sure if I even quoted it correctly...

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