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Rate the last film you saw


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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


Second time I've seen it, and as enjoyable as always. Plus, it's only of the only films in existence (for me) that makes me feel really sad at the end, and when the ending is approaching, it provokes a very gut feeling within me.


On the whole, I give this film a 9.9/10.

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shockingly not one I've seen. I've read it, and I've been meaning to get around to the fil, which is on my shelf unwrapped.


Watch it now. It is fantastic. That is all.



I just watched Big Trouble in Little China. I didn't get it.

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Sweeney Todd (blu-ray) - 8.5/10



Funny, dark, charming, disturbing, bloody, creepy, entertaining, and sing-along-able. Johnny Depp is as great as usual, with a strong supporting cast, incredible visuals and an outstanding musical score. Proof that two seemingly opposed genres can mix!

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Brokeback Mountain on Channel 4 last night. Really emotional film, but fantastic acting across the cast. Really moving towards the end and it annoyed me that

It could have been so easy for them, and they could have been really happy together, but it just didnt come to fruition, and ended in essentially, tragedy.



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A nice little romantic tale, although I dunno...seemed to go on a bit longer than it should. I liked the gaem of cat and mouse but the first what, forty minutes? Hmm.


7.7 (looks like a face Jordan would pull)

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Flash Gordon (1980)


Pretty uninspired story but the retro-feel made up for it. The costumes were very awesome in their own special way. The other races were a little two dimensional though and I didn't get why exactly Flash was so awesome and could steer all the spacecrafts and stuff. Also the theme by Queen wasn't exactly pleasant to hear but strangely fitting.


7/10 because of retro-sci-fi-ness

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A nice little romantic tale, although I dunno...seemed to go on a bit longer than it should. I liked the gaem of cat and mouse but the first what, forty minutes? Hmm.


7.7 (looks like a face Jordan would pull)


The thrill is in the chase, never the capture. (Thank you Dr Who!)


Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade


Epic. Brings back memories.


9 million/1

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I know but the non-chase part is what bugged me. I'm aware you have to build up exposition but seemed to go on for a while. Ah well. Least I finally confirmed my suspicions on how to pronounce my housemate's name (Amandine) ^_^

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I know but the non-chase part is what bugged me. I'm aware you have to build up exposition but seemed to go on for a while. Ah well. Least I finally confirmed my suspicions on how to pronounce my housemate's name (Amandine) ^_^


Haha, well don't ask me. I thought the whole thing was commercial tosh. :heh:

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remember this? should be awful, but god it made me laugh, and my friends face when he saw the gorrila talk. great times.




seven samurai.


long film, though its really stood the test of time. the fighting is still exciting, the photography, especialy of the graves is beautiful, and the humour actualy remains spot on.



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Guest bluey

good luck chuck

i'm not entirely sure *why* my cursor moved over this movie title at 1am last night - that madness that comes with insomnia may have taken hold... but i kinda liked it.... in a "braaain candyyyy" kind of way.

something i found REALLY strange was that the main character, while being a total hottie ~ became possibly the most unattractive man i've ever seen after falling into a pool.

dry = hot

wet = NOT! ... how strange....

the only really annoying thing was the horrific overacting throughout the film... but then again, it's brain candy hollywood popcorn meh...

wouldnt watch it again but it was good enough at 3am when a typhoon is keeping you awake outside your door...



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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - 10/10


Up until three quarters in, I was thinking that this wasn't going be that affecting, and might be uplifting or something.


Then I saw the last quarter.


Somewhat too good as a film. And who the fuck is Nurse Ratched? Actually fighting every other movie villain in close combat and winning, literaly just by staring them down.


I gasped thrice in 5 minutes at one point.

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I actually liked it. Terrible in places, but some parts were great. The flashing camera part with Joshua Jackson fumbling around in the dark whilst a ghost woman grabs him was pretty freaky. I actually spasmed (to the amusement of the girl next to me).


Also, boner time. Joshua Jackson got one over the hot blonde. I swear.


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A bit of a mess of a film, tried to include a bit of everything with nothing truly standing out, apart from the gore.


Bet it does wonders for the Scottish Tourist Board too, seeing as it shows how much Scotland will improve in the years to come :laughing:


Scores 4/10, but only because Rhona Mitra, the female lead is H.O.T.

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Guest bluey

she's the man


so it's twelfth night translated into "modern day" terms...apparently. (are debutant balls and kissing booths still around in America O__o!?)

some parts were quite funny but it was all very standard comedy... felt like it was being careful not to be too clever ~ the lead actress was pretty good in the beginning but makes perhaps the MOST unconvincing boy i've ever seen/heard and then turns into an 'I WUV YOU' kind of girly girl at the end O_o

“Duke wants Olivia who likes Sebastian who is really Viola whose brother is dating Monique so she hates Olivia who's with Duke to make Sebastian jealous who is really Viola who's crushing on Duke who thinks she's a guy...”

apart from that being the most confusing plot outline i've ever seen (and i've seen 'a scanner darkly')... "crushing on"??!....why do i do this to myself??!


2/10 <-- only because david cross made me laugh ONCE and it didnt cause me to spontaneously combust or something. then we'd be talking minus points. O___o

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Star Wars The empire strikes back.


I have seen this film like a billion times but it never gets old. Last night I watched the old version that came out in 1980 not the rehashed be sir george lucas version.


Still the greatest movie ever made..


Leia: I love You

Han: I know




Gets me every time.



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