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Rate the last film you saw


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Charlotte Gray


As soon as I realised the French people weren't going to speak in French, I turned it off, because I hate unrealistic shit.


Apparently it's a good movie, but I can't be bothered sitting through people speaking pointlessly in French accents.

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matrix part 3


2nd time ive seen the film, the first was at the cinema, cant say i enjoyed it on any real level.


firstly, its a vessal to show approval of anime, which was ok, untill the neo smith fight. your just crashing into each outher, its wank. (why is that used as a bad thing, if im dissaproving somthing why say its the best part of my day?)


it took itself so seriously. terrible dialouge delivered like its the deepest thing ever.


nonsensical plot. smith in a human, neo seeing and having power over machines due to the matrix? smith exploding? im all for films letting you make your mind up, and i dont need hand holding, but that was just any old bollocks to get the film done.


if i could go back in time, and could either stop 9/11 or stop the matrix sequels, id do the later. 9/11 killed people, it didnt first rape them, ruin their names and charge the people who loved the victims most for the horror of seeing it.


normal rating 5/10 (the zion battle was good)


as a matrix film rating 2/10 (at least they killed trinity, whos body makes promises her face cant deliver)


That, my fellow forumer, was a brilliant post.

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Charlotte Gray


As soon as I realised the French people weren't going to speak in French, I turned it off, because I hate unrealistic shit.


Apparently it's a good movie, but I can't be bothered sitting through people speaking pointlessly in French accents.


Truly ridiculous. I've seen it. I mean, a movie where the audience is supposed to pretend they're talking french or german just so they wouldn't have to deal with subtitles... Bleargh.

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A film where no one can aim, bullets are plentiful, a man's best friends can die right next to him without him shedding a tear, a boy can get medical treatment with no insurance and the hero can flick bullets round corners. Oh and things blow up for no reason. Yet I still love this film. Some cool performances from big actors, great set pieces, and selma hayek looking her finest.


Cant really rate it because any score i give it feels wrong. Too low or too high, never right.

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Truly ridiculous. I've seen it. I mean, a movie where the audience is supposed to pretend they're talking french or german just so they wouldn't have to deal with subtitles... Bleargh.


Yeah, I now can only watch films that are meant to be serious if they actually TRY to act serious. If you get me.




French singer Camille's new single is awful, simply becuase she decided to her entire new album in English, when her french spoken music is SO much better. I'd prefer she just spoke french.

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A film where no one can aim, bullets are plentiful, a man's best friends can die right next to him without him shedding a tear, a boy can get medical treatment with no insurance and the hero can flick bullets round corners. Oh and things blow up for no reason. Yet I still love this film. Some cool performances from big actors, great set pieces, and selma hayek looking her finest.


I saw most of it (I missed the first minute) and didn't even know the name of the film until I read Deathjam's post. It was awesome.



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I saw most of it (I missed the first minute) and didn't even know the name of the film until I read Deathjam's post. It was awesome.




I cant remember the plot. And seeing as I just watched the film, thats saying something. Did it have a plot? Still love it though.

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Iron Man


OK, here's a non biased review from someone who doesn't know all of Marvel's back catalogue of characters and stories (especially not Iron Man's) so won't get any of the in jokes or cross references.


The film is well, rather bland.. but, a rather enjoyable type of bland. The main problem I had with the film was it's pacing and structure, it started off well but when Stark returned to America all tension had been lost and it just went through the motions.


Because the characters (minus Stark) were uninteresting I just wanted the film to focus on the arse kickery, but unfortunately there wasn't quite enough of it. The two villains (terrorist dude and Jeff Bridges) were'nt menacing in the slightest and posed no threat to Iron Man. There wasn't much of an exciting climax either; the final battle felt like a cross between Transformers and RoboCop 2.


Also when time has been spent grounding this film in reality (war, terrorists, product placements, current global affairs etc) the super advanced futuristic technology felt out of place and seemed like a lazy way to get the suits (both good and bad) made in what seemed like a couple of nights.


All these ramblings aside the action was fantastic and Robert Downey Jr was super cool!




I'd say on par with the first X-Men and Spider-Man.

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Not bad. Nice ironic criticism of Christianity with some funny one-liners. "You're not born a gay, you're born again."


Although the lead reminds me of Ellen Page in Juno, due to similar looks and...circumstances.




Emergency Ambulance Driver: Woah, I've only got room for one of you. [in the ambulance]

"I'm the father"

"I'm the boyfriend"

"I'm his [the father's] boyfriend."


Oh these teens.


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The Eye


I'll always remember watching this movie, I've never laughed so much in a cinema. Watch out for the scene where Alba and the doctor are standing talking near the start (the psych guy with glasses). He was very happy to be standing with Alba if you catch my drift. It was hilarious.


It was alright I suppose, watchable. I jumped once, otherwise not scary in the slightest though I did like the "climax" toward the end. I'm a little stupid in the fact I didn't actually guess the twist until it happened. Nice one Haggis.



Film rating: 5/10


Laughter rating: 10/10

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Iron Man


Iron Man


I was pleasantly surprised by this. I was expecting a big dumb movie, but it was genuinley exciting and funny at times. I've never read Iron Man before, so I was unprepared for just how awesome Tony Stark is. It was everything Transformers should have been, get's a good 7/10 from me.


: peace:


I agree with this post completely, it gets an 8/10 for me however. Couple of small niggles that got to me, one (stupidly) being how "Iron Man" (the song) didn't kick in loud enough at the ending credits! :heh:


Loved the end bit though. <3 SLJ.


Evangelion: You Are (Not) Alone

Went all out. Awesome new angels and scenes awesome awesome.






What is this and how is it in regards to the series?

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Ausin Powers: The Spy who Shagged me


2nd in the trilogy starrin Mike Myers. Got a little bored after watching the first one, so stuck this in to occupy me. Brilliant movie, better than the first in many ways including humour and the way things were done. 9.1/10

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Two guys called Moe own a radio station. They rarely leave their apartment, spending the majority of the film questioning why their cleaner is 4 days late. Nothing happens, but do they really own a radio station and did they even hire a cleaner?


Debates about physics and discussions of an unseen love interest and it all ends with a bizarre, dreamlike sequence that baffled us all.



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