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Rate the last film you saw


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The Terminator


The original movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator. This sees Arnie play the bad guy in the first of the three movies, and proves to be quite a good one in that. This film was so good, it gets a pretty good 9/10 from me.

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So what better horror movies are there, may I ask? :indeed:

(or are you not a fan of the genre? If so, you're excused.)





28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead are much better zombie movies. 28 Days Later purely as it was the first zombie movie (that I remember) where they could run.


I didn't really like the ending of [Rec]


I like the wierdo zombie but it just screamed Blair Witch Project at the end.


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I think it was trying to be too many things at once and not being very successful at any. It wasn't very scary, gory or action packed.


The vampires seemed a bit shite to me.


I agree. I was bored watching it in the cinema, they showed off the vampires too early and it was pretty predictable.

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28 Days Later and Dawn of the Dead are much better zombie movies. 28 Days Later purely as it was the first zombie movie (that I remember) where they could run.


I didn't really like the ending of [Rec]


I like the wierdo zombie but it just screamed Blair Witch Project at the end.


Honey, they're not zombies. Neither are the ones in 28 days later. Zombies are dead who come back to life. These are people infected with a certain disease. That's part 1.


Part 2 is, 28 days later is an action movie, not a horror one. It has some horror in it, but it ain't horror. And quite frankly it's quite boringly fake. Apart from the first 10 mins, where he roams the city alone, that part was awesome. (go C. Murphy!) But really, excuse me if I don't find people with guns and cars facing "zombies" out in the open very scary. If you want propper horror, you need the atmosphere, and 28 days had none what-so-ever, as far as horror goes, while Rec has the perfect horror atmosphere and setting.


Part 3, Blair With Project = massive fail. Rec = massive win. Rec took what BWP attempted to do and made it work PERFECTLY. Why? Because it's very realistic in it's portrayals of the victims. And also, that "weirdo zombie" (who, btw, is Javier Botet, his body is really like that) scene is probably the best horror scene the world has seen since Ôdishon's torture scene, the sheer atmosphere of that scene alone will carry the film throughout history. I mean, it's been out less than a year and it's influence has already spread out far and wide, as we all know. I'd love to see 28 days later do that... instead, it has a sequel. Right, way to go england. Seriously, you're British dude, you should know better! Where were you when The descent came out?


Anywho, from the comment about 28 days later I can understand you're not a true horror fan. I mean, no offense, it's a pretty decent movie and all, but it's not horror. Not true horror, at least.


Sorry about the rant, it's just... you're not making any sense.

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woah there oxigen, want a ladder to get off that high horse? :wink: (wink means your not allowed to be offended)


im not a big horror fan, though for me, alien and the shinning are two of the greatest films ever made. just goes to show that slow revealing is far more scary then a sudden shock.


my review, the shawshank redemption.


holy biscuits that was a good film, can't belive i made it to 21 without seeing it. such acting, such depth, the deppresing and the uplifting, truely epic. 10/10.


escape from new york. kurt russle, issac hayes and an f-load of awsome. i dont know if it was ment to be funny but i laughed like a scuicide bomber getting his 72 virgins. and i didnt die for my imaginary friend! that, boys and girls is a result.

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Superman 2


German dubbing was awful so there's not much to comment on. Still performance by Reeve and Kidder are great and the story is pretty solid, although there were so many ridicilous scenes by todays standards. For instance when the Military attacks the "phantom zoners". Music is good of course and you really wouldn't believe Clark Kent to be Superman even without the glasses. Reeve really plays them completely differently.

I think what got me a bit bored was too much (simple) love story and too little truly bad villains. Oh and that ending really got me annoyed. I mean he kissed Lois and she forgot about Clark and Superman being the same person, amazing (were the scriptwriters high or something?)





Superman Returns


Five years into the future and there are LCDs and stuff around? Good choice Mr. Singer, the last thing I wanted to see was 80s technology in 2006 (when the film came out). The characters were pretty much allowed to keep their style though and yet don't feel out of place.

However, Routh and that girl playing Lois Lane seriously lack the charisma of the former actors, although manage to add something new and while I miss the authority the old Superman showed, the lighter and more energetic approach on the character is pretty interesting.

Oh and Kevin Space is an awesome Lex Luthor.

I don't know whether this film seems awesome in comparison to the others or I indeed liked it better on my second viewing but I really enjoyed it. It has some good character development and cool action scenes, however, despite a more serious take it still feels a little too light hearted on the whole.



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I Want Candy

Fairly dull Brit-com starring Carmen Electra.




Let's Go To Prison

Comedy directed by Bob Odenkirk and starring Will Arnett. Sadly it also stars Dax Shepard which marrs it somewhat, but its a thoroughly enjoyable film that is fairly well written and fantastically directed.



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im not a big horror fan, though for me, alien and the shinning are two of the greatest films ever made. just goes to show that slow revealing is far more scary then a sudden shock.


Yes, I agree. So? What the hell does that have to do with anything I was discussing? :heh: Sorry, I'm a bit crampy today.




So... the year is 2000. In comes Christopher Nolan with his masterpiece Memento. After perfecting his art with 98's Following, he delivered the defining moment of 21st century psychollogical thrillers with the release of memento. A huge amount of success, praise and time later, what happens? Suddenly OH NOEZ, I HAZ A TRAUMATIC EVENT IN I'Z BACKGROUND THAT I HAZ BLOCKED OUT AND IS RESSURGING DUE TO #insert disorder here#, WICH INDUCES I'Z LIFE IN SEVERE MINDFUCK THAT ALTERS EVERYTHING AND ENDS IN WICKED COOL WAY is the new "thing". Ok, we all know what I'm talking about, right? Mindfuck puzzle flicks. It was great in the past, with the likes of Jacob's Ladder spread out evenly and originally, and this kind of 2000's awakening thing brought about some pretty good flicks like The Machinist, or most notoriously, A Tale Of Two Sisters. Or even extremely borderline case Butterfly Effect (wich is stuck in that small place between good and bad). So, all's good right? But then there's stuff like Secret Window, Stay, The Jacket, The Dark Hours, Novembre or The I Inside, wich in addition to being walking clichés from start to finish (wich results in obvious twists and outcomes), manage to accomplish the herculean task of having absolutely nothing whatsoever to say or express. Bravo! They've successfully managed to create a whole generation of movies that are EXACTLY THE SAME. The latest addition to said group, is a little something I like to call...


Number 23


Entertaining? No doubt!!

Good? Dear god, no! Everything but!

It fails immenselly on it's most basic level, wich is the plot. This has got to be the most predictable movie of the whole lot I just listed. Seriously, instead of Topsy Krette they should've called the author of the book Captain Obvious, coz' the screewriter has massively failed to achieve the desired level of interestingly rewarding storytelling.

Jim Carey is great, as always (it always surprises me, these kinds of movies usually have great performances by great actors, wich are completely wasted on this type of thing, much like Ryan Gosling in Stay or Adrien Brody in The Jacket... *sigh*), it's actually quite well directed, but it matters little, because this type of thing is 75% plot-driven, but still. The numerology references are cool and deserved a much better plot.

So, in the end, it was very entertaining, but completely underwhelming and unmemorable. Once again, this is exactly the same shit that's been spewed out oh so many times that it doesn't even warrant a single "OOOH!" moment. Funny name, though, because I could probably make a list of 22 movies that are exactly the same as this, wich would make this... you know where I'm getting at.

*sigh* Seriously, if this had been made before 2000, it would've been cool, but right now this comes accross as an uninspired piece of crap.



PS: Congratulations Mr. Joel Schumacher for creating yet another useless piece of cinema. You rock ever so highly! (seriously, not even Lost Boys can clear your name now)


PS2: As for the whole start of the post... I didn't even mention Mr Lynch in this post because it's pretty obvious that man is living in his own world.

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PS2: As for the whole start of the post... I didn't even mention Mr Lynch in this post because it's pretty obvious that man is living in his own world.


Indeed. In terms of horror David Lynch conjured up more terror in a single moment than anyone else has been capable of in the last 20 years. And on the subject of psychological thriller he's lightyears ahead of even Nolan. Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway are perfect combinations of both the horror and psychological thriller genres. The moments of deja vu in both pictures are so utterly terrifying, but he (and no other filmmaker) will create a more terrifying piece of work than Twin Peaks. The 20-minutes of Black Lodge in the final episode kept me awake for weeks yet I can't stop myself from watching it over and over and over again.

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Indeed. In terms of horror David Lynch conjured up more terror in a single moment than anyone else has been capable of in the last 20 years. And on the subject of psychological thriller he's lightyears ahead of even Nolan. Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway are perfect combinations of both the horror and psychological thriller genres. The moments of deja vu in both pictures are so utterly terrifying, but he (and no other filmmaker) will create a more terrifying piece of work than Twin Peaks. The 20-minutes of Black Lodge in the final episode kept me awake for weeks yet I can't stop myself from watching it over and over and over again.


:heart: I agree. With everything. Especially the Black Lodge thing. Dear god. :( I so wanted to see it again for the first time. :( Much like the Club Silencio scene in M. Drive, and so on and so on. :(

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Terminator 2: Judgement Day


Sequel starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator once again. This movie is a little harder to find out who is out to kill the target and who is out to save the target until the arcade really. Brilliant movie, great CGI for its time as well and a pretty impressive follow-on story gives this movie 10/10

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30 Days of Night


Though I've rated it once, I thought I might rate it again after managing to rent it last night.


Great characters, some pretty scary moments, kick-ass vampires (i.e no 'camp-ires') and an ending I don't really like. Also, I still cannot believe it got away with a 15 in the cinema (not that I'm complaining). The dvd's an 18, but I didn't notice any differences between the cinema version and the dvd version. Anyone know if there are any?







Seriously it's incredibly shit. There were no scary moments. The vampires were absolutely rubbish. They showed them straight away so there was absoloutely no wondering what it was at all which is arguably the best part of these types of films (along with scaring you and this didn't have/do either). Most of the people died straight away. The only decent idea in the whole film was the UV light and they did a piss poor job with that. He burned the skin of one vampire. Why didn't he go and burn them all?


Absolutely shit film. 2/10

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I prefer the first Terminator to the 2nd Terminator as well! Though i rate both Highly! :D


The fact that i only own the 3rd one on DVD probably makes void what i have said above... :heh:


If you look at my (small) Dvd Collection they don't even contain many films that i actually like any more apart from Lord of the Rings. :)

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