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Hot Fuzz

So we got Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, joining efforts yet again. What else could it be, except perfect?



Finally a member of crewtata that I can talk about the movie ^^



After a few watches through of each I actually cant decide which is more pleasing SuperBad or Knocked Up. Both amazing, that is a fact.


I prefer Superbad, while Knocked Up is also amazing it has some "clichéd" parts. Of course that those parts are necessar to build up the story and they way they direct it, actually make them not clichés... if that makes any sense. Anyway, superbad made me laugh more

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I really did love this movie, it revealed the monster at the right amounts throughout the movie and it was nice to actually not get spoon fed information about the monster and make your own decisions.




Not too sure what I think of a sequel though, not really needed and feels more like a cash in.

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Didn't think i'd like this much as it usually wouldnt be my kind of thing. But it was brilliant and lived up to the hype surroudning it. It's rare for me to want to go out and rewatch a film immediately... but im getting the dvd tomorrow :D


10 / 10




Again, lived up to the hype... the whole blaire witch camera actually worked really well (though Hud (sp?) was at times annoying) and let the movie function as more of a disaster movie than a dumb action / monster film.


I agree with Happenstance though, a sequel would probably suck...



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Good, but not that good. Considering all the speculation on the net, not much happened in the movie, and it....


...would have been nice to get to know a few more of the characters, especially considering we had to sit through 20-25 minutes of "backstory".


Monster scene's were pretty thrilling, especially the bridge scene, and I liked the look of the monster.


I would of had liked to see scene's which expalined something about the monster, and about those spider like creatures! Where the heck did they come from!?! And I suppose some footage of the military finding the video camera aswell at the end. Was there something after the credits?



It get's a 7.1/10 from moi.

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I would of had liked to see scene's which expalined something about the monster, and about those spider like creatures! Where the heck did they come from!?!


The lack of information is a big part of the film. If you look carefully you'll see


- the relation beween the parasite-like-but-not-quite-parasite creatures and the monster(s)


- where the monster(s) came from (the insight into this is actually in the "old" footage that was taped over)


About the camera - the batteries would definitely have gone by the time the military found it. If if was even still in working condition.


and yes, that is a possible plural. I'm quite certain that it should be plural.



I still stand by my 10/10. This is the first film that actually scared me.

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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street


Darkly enticing and morbidly entertaining, this lavish production from Tim Burton shines through with captivating performances (Depp, Bonham-Carter, Rickman mainly). Never quite stuck in my mind as much as I would've liked but nevermind. Anywho you get to see Alan Rickman sing!



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Don't believe the hype. Its good, not great. Its not exciting at all and all pretty predictable. I like how it was shot. Normally I hate the camera shaking thing (Watching Transformers was like having my eyes cheese grated off) but it was pretty cool in this. Some of the shots were awesome and it was paced pretty well. I just didn't find it exciting.




Off topic a bit, how much fricking battery did that camera have?!

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Off topic a bit, how much fricking battery did that camera have?!


Abrams has said its because the camera is turned on and off throughout the movie, conserving battery. I think he actually mentioned it was only about 90 minutes of footage over the 7 hours they were out there so real time I guess.

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Surprisingly okay. The first 20, 30 or so minutes were unconventional and great fun to watch, but as soon as the monster attacked the cliches started coming thick and fast. Now this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the film, it was still tense as hell and surprisingly funny. The found footage gimmick definately wasn't 100% effective, but it at least helped to draw in the audience deeper.


I thought the ending was piss poor though and the CG goes markedly downhill in the last 10 minutes. Other than that it surprised me, but it may just have been to do with how pissed off the trailer for "Speed Racer" made me. Seriously, they're letting the Wachowski's make a film, again?



Good, wholesome monster fun.

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Surprisingly okay. The first 20, 30 or so minutes were unconventional and great fun to watch, but as soon as the monster attacked the cliches started coming thick and fast. Now this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the film, it was still tense as hell and surprisingly funny. The found footage gimmick definately wasn't 100% effective, but it at least helped to draw in the audience deeper.


I thought the ending was piss poor though and the CG goes markedly downhill in the last 10 minutes. Other than that it surprised me, but it may just have been to do with how pissed off the trailer for "Speed Racer" made me. Seriously, they're letting the Wachowski's make a film, again?



Good, wholesome monster fun.


You accidentally typed 5/10.

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Not at all man, 5/10 seems to be a fair score to give the film. 5/10 isn't a bad score by any stretch. I enjoyed "Cloverfield" but just felt it had too many shortcomings to be classed as more than average. By contrast I'd give the 1998 remake of "Godzilla" 1/10 and the 1933 version of "King Kong" 8/10.


"Cloverfield" isn't bad in my book, it just wasn't fantastic.

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Surprisingly okay. The first 20, 30 or so minutes were unconventional and great fun to watch, but as soon as the monster attacked the cliches started coming thick and fast. Now this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the film, it was still tense as hell and surprisingly funny. The found footage gimmick definately wasn't 100% effective, but it at least helped to draw in the audience deeper.


I thought the ending was piss poor though and the CG goes markedly downhill in the last 10 minutes. Other than that it surprised me, but it may just have been to do with how pissed off the trailer for "Speed Racer" made me. Seriously, they're letting the Wachowski's make a film, again?



Good, wholesome monster fun.


Pretty much what I was about to say, to add though:


I really didnt like the whole ZOMG I HAVE TO GO BACK TO GET THE GIRL story. The film would have been 100000 times better if it was jsut footage of them trying to get off Manhatten Island.



I also concur with the 5/10

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Not at all man, 5/10 seems to be a fair score to give the film. 5/10 isn't a bad score by any stretch. I enjoyed "Cloverfield" but just felt it had too many shortcomings to be classed as more than average. By contrast I'd give the 1998 remake of "Godzilla" 1/10 and the 1933 version of "King Kong" 8/10.


"Cloverfield" isn't bad in my book, it just wasn't fantastic.


I liked Godzilla....Does anyone else? I think I am the only one in the whole world. :heh:

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