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Rate the last film you saw


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NCFOM starts Feb. 8th here so I'll see it then.


Juno: the kid's a prick. I don't find that shit cute. Michael Cera is the real star, as usual. Far funnier than the loud-mouth. And Jonah Jameson is great.


I don't think she's meant to be likable (presuming you mean Juno herself). Shes a dumb kid who got herself in a mess and rambles through it the way dumb kids do.


But yeah, its a shame Michael Cera's character wasn't featured more but I suppose again, dumb kid scenario.


(Ever feel like you're not making sense?)


(and while on IMDB I found out the woman who plays the receptionist is a lecturer at Aber. Random)

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Eh, it was pretty good. Horrible dialouge and I was sort of waiting for it to end during the last 10 or so minutes, but it is a cute film, and balances humour and the seriousness of the issue in hand as well. I stilldon't see why the Acadamy has a raging hard-on for it, though.



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Alright, kinda disappointed at the ending though that might of been cause I had been spoilered. I wrote a short story about the seven sins a couple of back and I find the whole concept very interesting. I also definately need to seek out Dante's Divine Comedy.



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Howls Moving Castle


Nice film, good music, good characters but still doesn't better Spirited Away. Its quite annoying now because I keep comparing all these animated films to Spirited Away and 10 times out of 10, they are not as good as that master piece.


Overall a good movie anyway. 8/10

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Sweeney Todd


I like Tim Burton so of course I had to see this. Its quality, barely a spoken word throughout as its mostly a great big sing song and it works really well, imo. A dark film, in dark London town... the only downsides I can think of are that its full of the Harry Potter cast and that the ending was a little too abrupt maybe. Though the film was pretty much two hours long, so a quick ending was what I wanted so I could stretch me legs.


A plus that I wasn't expecting is that Helena B. Carter was pretty good, if not class in this. I don't rate her that highly, she reminds me of the monkey in Planet of the Apes every time I see her but she did good in Sweeney Todd.

9/10 - go see it.

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9/10 - go see it.


ds, just on your say so: i shall!! :grin:


i watched disturbia last night....

it was "meh" 6/10.

the directing was cheesy ~ the non-diegetic music throughout the film was SO ....textbook, it was almost painful... the guy sees a girl he likes and the romantic music swells in the background.. peh. it was a fairly nice modern day take on the 1954 film version of "rear window" but i MUCH prefer the original film, the directing style in that is brilliant. if you havent seen rear window - i'd recommend that over disturbia...

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Rear Window is indeed brilliant.


Serenity : Class, glad I watched Firefly first though. 7.5/10


Scanners : Looks pretty dated now but worth watching for the head exploding scene alone. 6.5/10


Seventh Seal : Fantastic, this is the kind of film I would love to have been involved in 9/10


Alpha Dog : Suprisingly decent, Justin Timberlake didnt make me want to hit him. Quite a shocking ending as well. 7/10

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I felt the same about Alpha Dog. I saw a show in Coventry because I had the day off and it was an easy 7.


Watched Juno again but on my tod this time. It's a very sweet film. The supporting cast is pretty much flawless, save the cheerleader kid but the role wasn't exactly fleshy. JK Simmons could play an older Hunter Thompson pretty convincingly, I think. And I liked Mark a lot.


Summer was very sweet. The second half was sweet, once June-bug got a little quieter. I don't think Ms. Page has the delivery of someone like Shia LeBeouf. In the same way I think Juno learnt that its best to play it like Bleeker.


Michael Cera knows his style and plays it. I'll watching anything he's in.

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Sweeney Todd


I like Tim Burton so of course I had to see this. Its quality, barely a spoken word throughout as its mostly a great big sing song and it works really well, imo. A dark film, in dark London town... the only downsides I can think of are that its full of the Harry Potter cast and that the ending was a little too abrupt maybe. Though the film was pretty much two hours long, so a quick ending was what I wanted so I could stretch me legs.


A plus that I wasn't expecting is that Helena B. Carter was pretty good, if not class in this. I don't rate her that highly, she reminds me of the monkey in Planet of the Apes every time I see her but she did good in Sweeney Todd.

9/10 - go see it.


Me and shorty and his lass went to see this at the cinema. The film prematurely ended 30 mins before it was supposed to, and we only got to watch the last part last night illegally... And the 'abrupt' ending was the best bit for me!


I didn't even realise it was a musical, so I wasn't prepared for it. Y'see, I'm not a fan of musicals - I don't see what they add to the cinema experience. The singing slows down scenes and pads them out and I just get annoyed-- especially when the songs aren't even especially poetic, or unique. Depp's songs were often cliché "MY FRIEND!" and "my arm is now complete!" were tacky as heeellll...


The acting was good throughout, as was, of course, the art direction, but the songs.. well maybe it'll need another watch. I didn't mind the songs in the last 30 mins, mind you, but there was nothing in it that could compare to Nightmare..'s "What's this? What's this?" song.


And I didn't realise Sascha Baron Cohen was going to be in it, and I thought his part was great.


I do have a general problem with Burton -- y'see, I watch it and I feel like I really, really ought to simply LOVE it, but I end up feeling like the film's missing something, or to be more precise, that I'm not noticing something. With Scissorhands[/i] in particular, I realised The film was waay better when I was depressed...


So anyway, after first viewing, I'll give Sweeny Tod a reasonable 7/10. A second viewing will firmly establish it one way or the other, though. I didn't rate Corpse Bride much, nor Big Fish (even though others tell me I really ought to give that one another chance), maybe Burton's going downhill a bit?

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So anyway, after first viewing, I'll give Sweeny Tod a reasonable 7/10. A second viewing will firmly establish it one way or the other, though. I didn't rate Corpse Bride much, nor Big Fish (even though others tell me I really ought to give that one another chance), maybe Burton's going downhill a bit?


Hmm, the Corpse Bride is no Nightmare beater I'll give you that but Big Fish was new territory for Tim Burton and its a charming film. The Corpse Bride is still a really good Tim Burton film mind, just below the standards of the Nightmare but by no means a disaster.


I do like the ending to Sweeney but:

Why did that wee boy have to kill him? I had a feeling the old homeless woman would turn out to be his wife and when he killed her I'd hoped that he would unknowingly kill his daughter too. But why did that wee boy have to kill Sweeney?! I wanted that honour to go to someone else, or even a suicide after realising what he'd done.


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I do like the ending to Sweeney but:

Why did that wee boy have to kill him? I had a feeling the old homeless woman would turn out to be his wife and when he killed her I'd hoped that he would unknowingly kill his daughter too. But why did that wee boy have to kill Sweeney?! I wanted that honour to go to someone else, or even a suicide after realising what he'd done.


I think maybe there's supposed to be some reiteration that london is full of arses, all causing more arses to arise? Innocence being forced into tarnishing itself just because they want to sustain their image of innocence? Or SOMETHING! I'm kinda talking gibberish, really. I know what you mean though. Sweeney had to die, of course, and I guess the kid promised that he'd do all he could to prevent Mrs Lovett from coming to any harm... I dunno. :P


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The Rock


Some great one-liners and Sean Connery, Nic Cage and Ed Harris are on top form.




Mission Impossible 3


A slow boring start and a fairy tale ending, but it has some good moments. The bridge scene is one of my favourite recent action scene's.




Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade


Brilliant story, set-piece's and the relationship between Indy and his father is fantastic.






Surprinsingly decent, but not memorable.



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Charlie Wilson's War


I'm quite interested in American politics, and I went on the recommendation of my Modern Studies teacher. It was pretty funny in parts, and generally entertaining while still showing a serious message. It makes you think about the state of America now. Hanks was great in it.



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No Country For Old Men


Though not as good as I was expecting, it was a very good film. Tommy lee wasn't in it half as much as the trailers suggest though. Some pretty scary moments, every time he got the oxygen tank out, you knew something bad was about to happen. I really liked the ending too.



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SWAT is actualy the worst film I have ever seen, and ive seen this, this, and this before. I genuinly wanted to ask the cinema for my money back afterwards but we would have missed the bus.


see, you made the rookie mistake of thinking it might not be utter toss. me and my friends went to see it in full knowledge of such truth. Really, it's more like a sureal comedy involving a running gag of exploding glass storefronts (seriously, think about it) and the worst buddy cop scenario...ever.


it's actually genius.

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Alien Vs Predator: Requiem

Poor, but more interesting than the original. Attempts to introduce the audience to several characters in the town before killing them almost instantly, thus wasting time that could have been spent creating genuinely interesting ones. Plus points for casting Rickety Cricket as a Pizza delivery manager and the Predalien is cool for about 5 minutes.


At least it didn't have Paul WS Anderson's smug face all over it.



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