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Rate the last film you saw


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Wow, something we agree on :P


Su-mi imagined the presence of Eun-joo her step mother and took on her persona. She portrayed her as so evil and ruthless because of her despising the thought of her replacing her mother. I wasn't sure wether it was actually Su-yeon's ghost or again just Su-mi imagining. The reason I thought it was actually a ghost is because of her reaction of realizing that she was dead (the screaming) and that some force presumably killed Eun-joo at the end. Su-yeon's death was both Su-mi and Eun-joo's faults.



The more i talk about the film, the more fantastic I realise it was! Definitely watching it again. But tonight I'm watching Blackbook.


That's a good interpretation... but:

To begin with, one must first understand, that from the opening scene, until the scene near the end where Eun-joo, (the step-mother), arrives at the house in a gray suit, the only people in the house were Su-mi, and her father. (Excepting a brief dinner visit by the couple). Su-mi’s sister Su-yeon, and her step-mother Eun-joo were existent only in Su-mi's mind. However, there are a few scenes where we see the ghosts of Su-yeon and her mother.


The next thing one must understand is that this film, while being a horror film, is more so a psychological thriller and a drama. It is a story of incredible regret, and the inability to cope with guilt and remorse. When the viewer realizes for the first time what is really going on, their heart has no choice but to break for Su-mi.


Through later flashbacks, we are led to believe that the girls' mother suffered some illness or depression, requiring the presence in the home of Eun-joo, who seems to be a nurse of some sort (further evidenced by some of the pictures). It is rather subjective here, but either she was having an affair with the father, or perhaps Su-mi just believed that she was. In either case, the flashbacks, which I believe to be factual and reality, indicate a great deal of animosity and bitterness between Eun-joo and Su-mi. The mother commits suicide, and Su-yeon, finding her, panics, pulling the wardrobe over and is crushed. Su-mi, hearing this, begins to investigate but allows her bitter feelings for Eun-joo to override her concern for what she heard. Eun-joo, realizing this, drops a line telling her that she will regret it, knowing full well how deep this will cut later, as she knows Su-yeon is dying at that very moment. Upon realizing what has happened, Su-mi has a mental and emotional collapse. She is committed to a mental hospital for a period of time, and upon being released, we find ourselves at the movie's beginning.


Su-yeon was everything to Su-mi, yet she wasn't there for her when she needed her the most. And what's worse, she wasn't there because she chose to embrace her hatred for Eun-joo instead. Finding that, in the real world, she was incapable of coping with the tremendous degree of regret and guilt, Su-mi subconsciously looks for a way to escape the pain. One could say that she tries a form of self-induced psychological therapy. First she creates Su-yeon, so she can have her back and "be there for her". Of course, this required that she have someone to protect her from, therefore, she also creates Eun-joo. It is also interesting to note that she can play out the part of any of the three, while imagining the other two. Su-mi starts her therapy by creating situations where she can "Be there" for here sister. She comforts her when things go bump in the night. She helps her with her first period. (slight give-a-way when all 3 have their period at the same time). And when the girls leave the table after the confrontation with Eun-joo, Su-mi reassures Su-yeon that she will be there for her. All situations that take place in Su-mi's mind, created to give her a second chance.


Finding herself still under the weight of guilt and remorse, Su-mi increases the therapy. She creates situations of a more serious nature. She imagines Su-yeon having bruised arms, and being locked in the wardrobe. This gives her opportunities to be there for her sister in situations that are far more desperate. Unfortunately, the therapy's effectiveness is slipping, as indicated by the fact that while she did rescue Su-yeon from the wardrobe, it was not in a timely manner. She actually repeats this scene numerous times, as indicated when she told her father, "She KEEPS locking Su-yeon in the closet". At this point, Daddy drops the bomb, reminding Su-mi that Su-yeon is dead.


Her therapy threatened, Su-mi panics, as she can't bare to return to reality, for it is far to painful. Making one last frantic attempt, she turns the level of self-induced therapy all the way up. Now she creates extreme situations, ones of life and death; situations requiring Su-mi to "be there for her sister when she needed her the most". She imagines Su-yeon in a bag, bloody, beaten nearly to death. The guilt and remorse, however, are greater than the therapy. This is exemplified by the fact that, while Su-yeon is apparently still moving, she is all but dead, and Su-mi is all but too late. Su-mi is totally falling apart now. She becomes desperate, even injuring herself. Guilt and remorse are closing in for the kill. Next we find Su-mi in the scene that really broke me. She's lying on her back, with Eun-joo hovering above (now the symbol of the guilt and remorse that so relentlessly chases her). Realizing the futility of her actions, Su-mi says "Do you know what's really scary? You want to forget something. Totally wipe it off your mind. But you never can. It can't go away, you see. And... and it follows you around like a ghost." It is at this point that Su-mi realizes that she has only one cure, only one way to escape this pain....death. For the first time since early on in the film, we see peace and even a slight smile on her face, as she fully expects to die, thus not hurt any more.


Not so, as the father now arrives home, bringing the real Eun-joo with him...another shocking revelation to Su-mi, who at this point was back in "Eun-joo mode" and sitting on the couch. Su-mi returns to the hospital, while Eun-joo gets to meet the ghost of Su-yeon…or does she?





but yeah, you're very on to it, for a first viewing. :D Congrats!

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Wierd. I got a little bored to be honest. The action took a little to long to start, and when it did, it wasn't paticularly good. It wasn't at all scary either which was annoying. I could predict everything that was going to happen ages before it did; very cliche.



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The Perfect Score


Ok, so I (more-or-less) watched platoon tonight, and despite the clear awesomeness of that film, I took one thing from it - WAR SUCKS. Pretty much immediately afterwards, this film was on. Why did I watch it? It's all that was on.


As a film, artistically, directionally, acting quality and all that shit... It's an awful film :P Maybe it's the cider talking, maybe it's the 'old age', but I think it's a nice film; very unsubtle in its delivery, but at least an attempt to let kids of a certain age know that education, that exams are not the be-all and end-all of life. A 'nice' attempt at trying to cover all different types of kids and how they feel about exams.


So very superficial about "work is better than cheating", but I am basing my rating on the message, not the film. And I believe the message is true :P So I give it a whopping 6/10. Not unbearable, not worth a watch if you're in a certain age bracket, and most likely not a film that actually achieves the whole goal of "letting kids know that it's about revising, not cheating" or whatever.


Not a bad way to see in the 3am. Plus they soundtrack includes Ataris and Afroman - always a bit of reminiscence there! Lovely. Now what the fuck am I going to watch now? Dubplate Drama! Lolsworth, alright!

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Ultimo bacio A.K.A. The Last Kiss


So Last Kiss was a remake? From a 2001 movie?

Now I get why people hated the American version of Last Kiss. This one's better, it was a completely pointless remake. I caught this on TV, it's directed by Gabriele Muccino, the guy who did The Pursuit of Happyness.

I always thought that the American Last Kiss was a bit over-criticised... now I get why and I must agree. Why the hell did they do it? Pointless. It boggles the mind.





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Great piece of story-telling fantasy.

The dream sequences are so accurate it's scary, the way they flow and look just seems so close to the way I perceive my own dreams, so I was very impressed with that.


A story that is weaving and suspenseful with great visuals and characters, a truly surreal and beautiful experience. 9/10

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I have watched 3 films this weekend:


Spun: I guess its a bit like an American version of Trainspotting. Was good not great Jason Schwartzman was very good in it however. 6.5/10


Volver: Brilliant, I need to see somemore Almodovar. Such a clever film with a great script. Penelope Cruz was stunning throughout which always helps. 8/10


Before Sunrise: Not sure why iv'e only just got round to watching this but it didn't disapoint. Fantastic I imagine it would be even better watching it as a couple. 9/10

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Independence Day


Just as good as I remembered it to be all those years ago, but it felt a bit shorter. Excellent popcorn flick, or Hula Hoops flick due to lack of popcorn last night.




Godzilla (1998)


Ok....I used to be obsessed with this film 9 year's ago and watched it constantly on VHS. Why? It's a mess, the acting is awful (apart from Jean Reno), the action boring and unbelivable and the humour is embarrasing. They focused way too much on "laughs" here.




Mars Attacks


No story whatsoever, but there are some funny moments toward's the end of the film. The opening scene scared me very much all those year's ago.



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theres been a few great films on TV alone ive missed lately, but films I have seen over the few weeks


Alien - Classic, Great Sci Fi/Thriller


Sunshine (now I have a bit to say about this one ;) )- Perhaps seeing this the next evening at my mates after seeing (the classic that is) Alien might effect my opinion but: lots of thing where very well done in this film - Acting, Music, Effects, The plot however was not.


Ok so you know there are a crew on a spaceship going to the sun to drop a bomb into the sun to create a solar flare (or something) to heat up the earth as it is suffering from the effects of 'global cooling'. You feel very little attachment to the characters however and dont end up caring if they snuff it or not (I cared what happened to the characters in alien but not this why?) the characters just didnt connect enough-how to put this? the film just seemed to sure of its self too soon with nothing to back it up (watch it to see ) and (again on the plot) soon was boring me to death with sci fi babble along with plot that just made no sense at times-or at least was not very well explained (to explain why could spoil a part of the film for those who have not seen it so I wont).

Back on the topic of caring about the characters: perhaps a little back ground into the characters could have helped (not that it was needed in alien though for example) but only at the end of the film do we a couple of minutes of seeing the effects of global cooling on sidney and one of the characters families (his wife and kids) - You didnt even no he had a family before then, to little to late.


Not a bad film just a very average one.


Borat- Again saw this at my mates, I have it on DVD he had not seen seen, Hilarious stuff of course. ;)

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In America


A really nice film to watch. There was some pretty fantastic acting too, especially from the dad and the older daughter. It was really interesting to see how there life was playing out whilst watching the movie, I didn't get at all bored. I'm not sure what else to say other than it was 'nice', It's all I can think to describe it. :)



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The Flock


I think Claire Danes is great as an actress so I was looking forward to this. People were saying it was sort of a rip off of seven basically. I "found" this movie online and watched it. It's not out intill next year so it was only a "almost done" version or whatever I'm supposed to call it. :)


Claire Danes/Richard Gere acted pretty well throughout the movie (more so Danes), there were some good suspense moments and a squemish moment or two. All in all, it was alright, nothing special though. I laughed at how Avril Lavigne is billed as one of the main stars in the japanese trailer even though she plays a bashed up whore that says about 3 sentences. :heh:


Anyway, it might get improved before it's released so, for what it was, I'll score it:



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Funnily enough when I was at Oxford, I went to see the Golden Compass with some mates. Exeter college, the one I'm applying to, is the same one Pullman went to, and so Jordan was based off of Exeter. Anywho...


Dis-a-point-ment. Even if you've never read the books, or are big film buff, all you need to do is take one step back and say, "seriously, what was the hell was that about?". The best thing about it was the awesome special effects. 5/10

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