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Rate the last film you saw


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Pokémon 4ever is indeed the fourth, note the clever use of the number.


Pokémon Heroes = 5


Jirachi Wish Maker = 6


Destiny Deoxys = 7


Lucario and the mystery of Mew = 8


Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the sea = 9


Mewtwo Returns and The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon I think are considered something like .5 movies. I'm yet to see Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon, but I'll get onto that soon, as well as the 7-9 movies.

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Pokémon 4ever is indeed the fourth, note the clever use of the number.


Pokémon Heroes = 5


Jirachi Wish Maker = 6


Destiny Deoxys = 7


Lucario and the mystery of Mew = 8


Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the sea = 9


Mewtwo Returns and The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon I think are considered something like .5 movies. I'm yet to see Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon, but I'll get onto that soon, as well as the 7-9 movies.


Thanks! :D i was getting myself really confused! :wtf:


I have a lot of Pokemon Movies to watch. :)

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The Golden Compass


Ok... I absolutely love the His Dark Materials trilogy. Philip Pullman is an unquestionable genious and I'm not wrong when I say that the trilogy is the greatest young-oriented fantasy work ever done in the whole history of mankind.

I went in expecting to be disappointed and I walked out disgusted, angry and revolted. They had the perfect source material, they just had to stick to it. But perfection has been raped, and that, I cannot forgive.


First... the good stuff: the casting is superb, Nicole Kidman works perfectly for the part of Mrs. Coulter, Daniel Craig fits Asriel very well, Christopher Lee embodies all that he should (although it wasn't clear if he truly is, or not, Lord Boreal), Fra Pavel is fantastically portraied by Simon McBurney. Sam Elliot fits Lee Scoresby's part very well, Eva Green is very good and both Ian McKellen, Kathy Bates and Freddie Highmore are the perfect voice cast for Iorek, Hester and Pantalaimon, respectively... there are some odd exceptions, of course (like roger, who is terrible).

There's also the visual offering... Architecturally breath-taking, stunningly portrayed in both the wardrobe and props part, fantastic work with the daemons, and overall marvelous to look at.


Okay... the problem starts..... NOW:

The pacing. Every single scene of the movie feels rushed and, obviously, suffers from it, and there were some scenes when I felt like getting up and punching New Line in the face, coz they had great potential wich was absolutely ruined by rushing it, like for example:

The scene with Billy in the shack (if you've read the books, they've replaced the daemonless kid who was holding onto the fish with Billy Costa), wich could and should have had a huge impact, as it is a very emotionally profound scene, where we're confronted with a child who's soul was ripped from, is just rushed and feels like depressingly wasted good material.


But the pacing issue gets worse, and when it's finished, you get the feeling it ends too soon and with too little satisfaction. It should've been at least 3 hours long, but hey, what matters is the income, right? :indeed:


Second, the story. They've changed severall points, just to make the movie more mainstream, and the end result is a dumbed down, uninteresting film wich is suitable for anyone with the mental age of a seven-year old. I mean, they don't even bother explaining what Dust is, for god's sake!! It's just the most important thing in all of the trilogy, but no, it's not necessary to dwelve on what it is (wich is what makes it fascinating), let's just accept it's there. Plus, I was horrified, as the church is gone and is now replaced with the "Magisterium". I mean, WHAT THE FUCK? One of the most poignant points of the book is that the church is only there to tell us what to think and how to act!!! And they fucking removed it from the flick for fear of backlashes. Seriously, New Line are a bunch of money sucking cowards.

I'm actually enraged at it!


Then third, the fucking lack of any genuine drama. There isn't any! It just isn't there!


Seriously, these books are marvelously crafted, from start to finish. No film could ever do them justice... but hell, they could've easily made this into a much better film, and the fact that it isn't the masterpiece it should be is all New Line's fault! Completely! I mean, just follow the fucking books, it's all there! What's the challenge? Instead they went and turned a masterpiece into a fucking useless Hollywood feel-gooderie. Wake the fuck up, will you?



I'm fucking sick and tired of Hollywood ruining every single thing they decide to pick up, be it a novel, a comic, a videogame, whatever... They just fucking ruin everything. I mean, every single thing, when left alone! If Philip Pullman would've been calling the shots, this could be the movie experience of the decade... this could've been better than Lord Of The Rings. But sadly, it's all about the money, nowdays. Honestly, I'm fucking sick and tired of it, and for that, I say: New Line Cinema, FUCK YOU!.


Okay, I'm gonna stop now... I know I'm just an angry fool... but with enough of us, this could actually go somewhere. I'm hoping this flops, despite knowing perfectly well it won't. I'm sick and tired of being fed this emotionally detached manure. And the worst part about it is... it's what makes money. I do not want to live in this world. I fucking hate the masses.


Anyway, I'll get on with it...


4.5/10 I've never seen such wasted potential.

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what do you recon is the best pokemon movie MURRAY? I've only seen a handful.

Hmmm... It would either have to be the First Movie or Jirachi Wish Maker.


One thing that pisses me off about some of the movies [namely 3rd and Jirachi] is that they show Legendary Pokémon, but not the Pokémon themselves. Take the 3rd movie - Entei, not actually Entei, but created by the Unown for the little girl and her imagination.


Jirachi Wish Maker, this isn't really a spoiler as you'll pretty much hear it from the off, but someone's trying to create a Groundon, and when it's done, shizzle is happening, which I seriously doubt a natural Groundon would actually do.

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I saw The Golden Compass last night through work and boy am I glad I didn't pay money for it. Quite possibly one of the worst films I have seen in years. I've never read the books and judging from what people on here are saying its really strayed from them.


I had no emotional attachment to the characters, the setup is basically "heres some people, now watch them adventure to the North". Why? Whats so special about them? Why on earth do they all have animal friends? Why does this girl have the compass and not someone a bit more prepared for it? It just doesn't make sense and like others have said feels rushed where a bit of building for half an hour could have worked wonders.


Other ridiculous things. To go North you'll need a bear. Ok fine there happens to be one down this street. I'm a bear and I won't go with you unless I have armour. OK fine theres some right here in this building. What? None of this is hard at all, the whole adventure is going to be a piece of cake.


Meh, anyway, the film doesn't really have an ending. Its just kind of stopped half way through. Why haven't we gone to find the girls uncle/dad? Its just strange.


Not good at all, in the slightest. I hope they don't do anymore. As a non-fan I wouldn't want to see it and from the sounds of things it will only annoy the people that do!


3/10 as some of the effects are quite nice.

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I saw The Golden Compass last night through work and boy am I glad I didn't pay money for it. Quite possibly one of the worst films I have seen in years. I've never read the books and judging from what people on here are saying its really strayed from them.


I had no emotional attachment to the characters' date=' the setup is basically "heres some people, now watch them adventure to the North". Why? Whats so special about them? Why on earth do they all have animal friends? Why does this girl have the compass and not someone a bit more prepared for it? It just doesn't make sense and like others have said feels rushed where a bit of building for half an hour could have worked wonders.


Other ridiculous things. To go North you'll need a bear. Ok fine there happens to be one down this street. I'm a bear and I won't go with you unless I have armour. OK fine theres some right here in this building. What? None of this is hard at all, the whole adventure is going to be a piece of cake.


Meh, anyway, the film doesn't really have an ending. Its just kind of stopped half way through. Why haven't we gone to find the girls uncle/dad? Its just strange.


Not good at all, in the slightest. I hope they don't do anymore. As a non-fan I wouldn't want to see it and from the sounds of things it will only annoy the people that do!


3/10 as some of the effects are quite nice.[/quote']


So it's true... I though that maybe it was because I'm a fan. It's even worst for you non fans. :( Oh my god, they've created satan...

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Aw, maaan. I hate it when a film you wanted to see turns tripe. I mean, I don't want to be the only person I know who won't watch it for about 4 years until it's on TV... But I really don't want to pay for something so very, very bad.


Especially since, despite enjoying the books, I can't remember very much of them. From what you two say combined, it would be pointless to go see it.


Here's hoping Alvin and the Chipmunks turns out alright ;)

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It's going to be bad news for New Line if the movie flops, it's one of the most expensive movies ever made (The director said in an interview the movies cost skyrocketed to a massive 250 million dollars). I actually feel a little sorry for them considering they've had no big movies since the last lord of the rings.

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