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Rate the last film you saw


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She wasn't there that lesson and thought she'd torcher us ("Torcher us" being her actual words, we'd just finished our latest topic so had a spare lesson.)


(just read a few post back from your post)





Ice age: Meltdown


I love scrat. He makes the ice age movies what they are. The way the world just won't let him get that nut is brilliant. I end up laughing a hell of alot everytime he's on screen. The rest of the movie was alright. I didn't laugh that much, but the story was ok, though some of the new characters got on my nerves.



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(just read a few post back from your post)





Ice age: Meltdown


I love scrat. He makes the ice age movies what they are. The way the world just won't let him get that nut is brilliant. I end up laughing a hell of alot everytime he's on screen. The rest of the movie was alright. I didn't laugh that much, but the story was ok, though some of the new characters got on my nerves.




Yeah I agree about Scrat, me and my dad pissed ourselves at him when we first saw Ice Age + Ice Age 2


Anyway some christmas love..


Miracle of 42nd Street


Mara Wilson is just the cutest kid actor ever, shame she is a bit ugly now =/


Anyway, love this film, watch it every christmas, so it's another memory film which adds points..


9.5/10 purely because it gets me in the mood (for xmas) and makes me feel all warm inside =]

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I watched The Machinist tonight


Christian Bale once again proves he's the best method actor going these days with a truly brilliant turn as Trevor Resnik (great name, incidently) but the plot seemed a bit...vague. It has elements of Fight Club and its ilk but I'm not sure what they were going for at the end. Nicely put together though, and worth watching.


7/10 seems fair.

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Yeah cuz I'm really going to stop enjoying films that you think are shit, and go watch films that will probably bore the crap out of me just to get someone of an forum to take me seriously.




For all I care, you could die right here and right now, I wouldn't give a damn. And if it was my fault, I would probably feel proud. You are free to choose your own way in life. Feel free to be just another brick in the wall. : peace:


American Splendour


Just watch it. Please, for the love of god, just do it.


You are a nerd! :bowdown:


Check this out, this is the real guy:




and also:



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Beowulf: Just watched in a fancy-pansy 3-D in a digital theater.

This movie looks amazing and the 3-D adds some immersion into the movie.

I found the story in the movie kinda slow in the begining and it was like they weren´t sure what they were going to do but that all changes later on.

The second part of the movie is in my opinion brilliant. The movie went from being pretty cool but meh in the first half but at the second half it goes into kick-ass mode :Þ


Oh my god the dragon scene.... OH MY GOD!


Also anyone else notice a bit of a shot at the bible with that Kain character? You know the whole slept with his mother and killed his brothers or am i just misunderstaning


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Death Proof


Quentin Tarantino, go fuck yourself. It takes more than two good movies to make a good career, and you, my friend, have totally fucked it up.

Reervoir Dogs? 10/10

Pulp Fiction? 10/10

Jackie Brown Yawn/10

Kill Bill Vol 1 What the fuck were you thinking??/10

Kill Bill Vol 2 What the fuck were you thinking part II, even if it's better than the first volume/10.


Death Proof Why, oh why won't you get off your high horse you retard? Sure, it's way better than Kill Bill, but fuck it, it's just not good!


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So the badly made CGI looks good in 3D cinemas?

Badly made CGI? Do you even know how the movie's made?


It's not so much that I disagree with your opinion, but that you're wrong.


Why is that? They're terribly directed, the action scenes are ridiculous. Hell, hardly anything isn't ridiculous. And not the good kind. Most anime fans feel the need to like it, cause it's like a live action anime, but I don't. It sucks fucking balls.

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Beowulf: Just watched in a fancy-pansy 3-D in a digital theater.

This movie looks amazing and the 3-D adds some immersion into the movie.

I found the story in the movie kinda slow in the begining and it was like they weren´t sure what they were going to do but that all changes later on.

The second part of the movie is in my opinion brilliant. The movie went from being pretty cool but meh in the first half but at the second half it goes into kick-ass mode :Þ


Oh my god the dragon scene.... OH MY GOD!


Also anyone else notice a bit of a shot at the bible with that Kain character? You know the whole slept with his mother and killed his brothers or am i just misunderstaning

From what I've heard the movie is pretty meh in story and the way that is executed. I also think the new technology they used is ugly as shit and I wouldn't even be able to watch the 3D version anyway (cause of the way my eye works; it would be too much stress and need too much concentration to sit through it).


Kain (or Cain in English) from the bible never slept with his mother (which would be Eve). However, he did kill his brother Abel after God favoured the lamb Abel sacrificed over the grain Cain offered.



Death Proof


Quentin Tarantino, go fuck yourself. It takes more than two good movies to make a good career, and you, my friend, have totally fucked it up.

Reervoir Dogs? 10/10

Pulp Fiction? 10/10

Jackie Brown Yawn/10

Kill Bill Vol 1 What the fuck were you thinking??/10

Kill Bill Vol 2 What the fuck were you thinking part II, even if it's better than the first volume/10.


Death Proof Why, oh why won't you get off your high horse you retard? Sure, it's way better than Kill Bill, but fuck it, it's just not good!



I totally agree that Kill Bill really isn't good. All I remember from the first is exaggerated blood loss and the second one I just walked away from (wasn't at the movie theater though). Out of the other ones I only saw Reservoir Dogs, which was okay but nothing more. Guess it's just not my type of film.

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Yes, the masses may have acclaimed the movies, but hell, the ones who matter are just as uncomprehensive as me. As far as I care, the masses mean nothing.

If you want me to explain why Kill Bill sucks, I will.


Please, i'm interested. Not why you didn't like it, but why it was bad.


Why is that? They're terribly directed, the action scenes are ridiculous. Hell, hardly anything isn't ridiculous. And not the good kind. Most anime fans feel the need to like it, cause it's like a live action anime, but I don't. It sucks fucking balls.


You don't call it rediculous when Naruto walks on water, so why is it rediculous when Kill Bill is over the top. Its the way the movie was supposed to be. If you didn't like it fine, but that doesn't make it a bad movie.

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For all I care, you could die right here and right now, I wouldn't give a damn. And if it was my fault, I would probably feel proud. You are free to choose your own way in life. Feel free to be just another brick in the wall. : peace:


Wow, your life is actually based around movies...


Didn't think anyone could go THAT low.

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Oxigen, I thought you liked good films, but in the last page you've said that The Shawshank Redemption is great and that Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are 10/10 films.


That's bollocks surely. Shawshank is a D-Grade TV Movie at best and is a depressing, badly acted bore fest from start to finish, Dreamcatcher is probably better than Shawshank. And the only halway decent Tarantino film is Jackie Brown because it shows signs of subtlety that are distinctly lacking from his earlier films and only rips off from the source material, unlike his other films which rip things off left right and centre from the french new wave, kung fu and 70's exploitation films.


Watch some Kiezlowski and get good again man.

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From what I've heard the movie is pretty meh in story and the way that is executed. I also think the new technology they used is ugly as shit and I wouldn't even be able to watch the 3D version anyway (cause of the way my eye works; it would be too much stress and need too much concentration to sit through it).




Yeah the story was pretty meh but it picked up in the later part of the movie.


Kain (or Cain in English) from the bible never slept with his mother (which would be Eve). However, he did kill his brother Abel after God favoured the lamb Abel sacrificed over the grain Cain offered.


I knew that but i think it was more like twisting what is said in the Bible. I´m no Bible expert but Adam and Eve and theyre children were the only people around right?


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Yes, the masses may have acclaimed the movies, but hell, the ones who matter are just as uncomprehensive as me. As far as I care, the masses mean nothing.

If you want me to explain why Kill Bill sucks, I will.

You confuse me. You say that you are allowed to like shit films so long as you know they're shit, so does that mean that you're allowed to dislike good films so long as you know they're good? Because that's what you're doing here. Kill Bill is a whole bunch of winks and nods to an array of types of cinema - on purpose.


Also you usually argue about some sort of universal truth that films have that you are in tune with. Why is this so different? Surely something being widely accepted as a critically good film means more than what you think of it, and surely you ought to recognise when you are wrong if you're so good at spotting how wrong everyone else is.


If you don't get a film, or if you don't like it, that's fair enough. But stop preaching and start teaching. N'stuff.



it's "incomprehensive", btw.

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Amen jayseven. I like watching this thread, and to be honest, while I try my hardest to respect opinions, OxigenWaste just annoys the crap out of me with his "I am holier than thou" attitude to everyone who likes or dislikes a film that he doesn't.


And just for the record, I love Kill Bill Volume 1 + 2.


Oh, and at Oxigen_Waste, what I'm assuming is an attempt at italian in your sig, is hideously wrong. Either that, or it's portuguese.

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You don't call it rediculous when Naruto walks on water, so why is it rediculous when Kill Bill is over the top. Its the way the movie was supposed to be. If you didn't like it fine, but that doesn't make it a bad movie.


Because in Kill Bill things look ridiculous. I've seen plenty of movies with over the top scenes that look good, KIll Bill doesn't. It's as simple as that.

EDIT: Beowulf changed the story from the book a lot, but I don't really care, I watched it for the awesome action scenes and the manliness.

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Beowulf - 7/10


A fun, enjoyable, interesting experience. Sadly, I did not see it in 3-D, but even so, the would-be 3-D bits were still cool in 2-D. The CGI was amazing, even if it felt like they could have done the whole film live-action +CGI rathert than fully CGI. The creature design was interesting, especially Grendel.


Didn't really get the whole nudity relevance, they played it up a bit too much, but yeah. Overall pretty cool.

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Didn't really get the whole nudity relevance, they played it up a bit too much, but yeah. Overall pretty cool.


Northen heroes, go figure.

Unless you're talking about Angelina Jolie's character, which was supposed to be a seducer, so it kinda makes sense that she's nekkid.

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Badly made CGI? Do you even know how the movie's made?



Nope. Just that it looks good in parts of the trailer, and awful in others.


About Kill Bill, I enjoyed the first one. But as it was written as one story, it didn't really end well enough for me to want to watch the second. So it wasn't fantastic.

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Please, i'm interested. Not why you didn't like it, but why it was bad.


Ok... so, here we go:


First, read this, I didn't write it, critics did, and we're talking about the cream of the crop here, real movie critics, none of those teletext critics bullshit:


"When people tell you it's bloody, they're not exaggerating. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot more. (And I loved Pulp Fiction)"


"With no real characters or ideas in sight, it seemed ultimately tiresome and forgettable."


"While the pictures oozes style (and blood), it comes up short on substance — which is what has always set Tarantino's grindhouse homages head and shoulders above the pulp pictures that inform them."


"Self-indulgent, sadistic, juvenile, pretty to look at, and empty as a beer can on my front porch."


"It is impossible to deny the artistry at work in this movie. It's just that I prefer art to be edifying and emotionally rewarding. Kill Bill is neither. It is pure exploitation without much of a point."


"Kill Bill is essentially a pop culture wanker’s failed multimedia experiment, a vacuous junk heap of dorky gags and riffs, violent anime and offensive slapstick."


"Embarrassingly masturbatory..."


"It boggles the mind that after six years of silence, all Tarantino has to offer is this garbage."


"Weinstein seems to be letting Tarantino have his way with a double release, turning one potentially great film into two flashy mediocrities."


"An action movie with fantastic music, considerable style and the mentality of a director refusing to leave the sanctuary in his 1970s childhood."


"Really, it seemed to me that Tarantino was merely trying to shock people into forgetting the idiocracy of what was happening on screen."


"Quentin Tarantino makes terrible movies really, really well."


"Not everything was bad in Kill Bill, just most things."


Now... are we clear so far?


Ok then:

So, Tarantino makes homages, right? It's what he does.

So, he decides to make an homage (and pay attention... it's an homage, not a spoof) to everything bad about the 70's. Okay, this could work... except it doesn't! Tarantino's magic touch works this way: he picks up dog shit from the floor, embraces it and molds it into something good. Except... this one time, he made it worst.

I understand that the movie is an exercise in style... but Tarantino's charm is that he always follows that style with some sort of awesome plot. So, consider this, because here it is: he decides to make a plotless gore-fest about nothing... and guess what? It sucks. There's no point to to film, it's not enjoyable, the action and the gore look ridiculous (sure, it's on purpose, but I don't care how many times you poop on your mom's head on purpose, it's still fucking ridiculous) and the music is great. So, this sounds right... but feels and looks awfull, right? So... let's release it worlwide!!! And he did it. Peer pressure led for many people to enjoy the movie just because they believe they should... and while it may be the sweetest wet dream a nerd mind can have, that doesn't change the fact that the movie has an awful plot, no message whatsoever, absolutely no meaning and an absurd presentation. And yet people seem to consider it "good" just because it's conscientiously bad.

A good film is a work of art. Art has meaning... a soul, intricate interpretations. Kill Bill has blood, ass, guts, a blonde Bruce Lee with tits and absolutely no soul whatsoever. It's not art. It's Superbowl meets porn.



And if you do plan on answering... I don't even want to hear the word "opinion" on in there. We all have one... none of them matter outside or heads.


I totally agree that Kill Bill really isn't good. All I remember from the first is exaggerated blood loss and the second one I just walked away from (wasn't at the movie theater though). Out of the other ones I only saw Reservoir Dogs, which was okay but nothing more. Guess it's just not my type of film.


Yeah, it's a type thing, you either love it or you don't.


Wow, your life is actually based around movies...


Didn't think anyone could go THAT low.


No, my life is based around my culture as a person, the experiences wich I live. The movies you like, the bands you hear, the games you play, the people you hang out with, that shows you are. The fact that you enjoy a certain movie determines certain aspects of your personality, hence, just by your taste in culture, I can ascertain who you are. And you... are a nobody.

That being said, I am studying Cinema, so... yeah, my life is pretty much wraped around movies, now.


Oxigen, I thought you liked good films, but in the last page you've said that The Shawshank Redemption is great and that Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are 10/10 films.


That's bollocks surely. Shawshank is a D-Grade TV Movie at best and is a depressing, badly acted bore fest from start to finish, Dreamcatcher is probably better than Shawshank. And the only halway decent Tarantino film is Jackie Brown because it shows signs of subtlety that are distinctly lacking from his earlier films and only rips off from the source material, unlike his other films which rip things off left right and centre from the french new wave, kung fu and 70's exploitation films.


Watch some Kiezlowski and get good again man.


Hmm, ok, here we go (part II):

I don't care how much you kick and scream about it, Shawshank is an inspiring, even if somewhat (ok, totally) americanized, tale of perserverance, is fantastically acted, especially by Morgan Freeman, and I dare you to prove me wrong about the acting. If you were bored by it, that is an issue that concerns you and you alone. Sure, it's no Bresson film, but it's undeniable that it's one of the best things to have come out of hollywood in the last 20 years.


Now, Tarantino. Yes, he's a rip off... his movies, they're homages, that's what he does good, he compiles moments, sort of like a best of, gives them his personal twist, followed by some clever dialogue and voilá:instant genious. Reservoir dogs was the start... maybe it's not a 10, but it'll never sink bellow 9.5 to me, it did what I just said above... and it was, as far as I'm concerned, a fucking milestone in movie making... suddenly, recycling was fun! And guess what, next... he outshines the dogs with some fiction. As far as an homage can go, Pulp Fiction is the perfect example of greatness. It does what it's supposed to do, and executes it to perfection. It couldn't have done better, hence:10/10.

Now... in comes Jackie Brown, A.K.A. "rinse, repeat". This is where Tarantino's charm starts to fade... he can't evolve, and worst, he gets stagnant, overcome with his own delusions of grandeur and starts to believe that every stroke he paints is a masterpiece, a complete misconception, as was proven by his now degrading career...



Ah... it's funny that you should mention Kiezlowski coz, and I kid you not, I just finished watching the first episode of Dekalog. Fuck... bizarre coincidence. :shakehead


You confuse me. You say that you are allowed to like shit films so long as you know they're shit, so does that mean that you're allowed to dislike good films so long as you know they're good? Because that's what you're doing here. Kill Bill is a whole bunch of winks and nods to an array of types of cinema - on purpose.


Also you usually argue about some sort of universal truth that films have that you are in tune with. Why is this so different? Surely something being widely accepted as a critically good film means more than what you think of it, and surely you ought to recognise when you are wrong if you're so good at spotting how wrong everyone else is.


If you don't get a film, or if you don't like it, that's fair enough. But stop preaching and start teaching. N'stuff.


it's "incomprehensive", btw.


Hmmm, in fact, I dislike alot of films wich I know to be great and understand to be good... but... Kill Bill isn't good. Not at all. I've already explained why up above. Go check it out if you have any doubts.


About the film's acclaim, check again, it was acclaimed by the masses, not the critics. And in case you've forgotten, Thriller is the best selling album of all time, so why on earth does public opinion even matter on here?


I don't preach, I am the law.


And incomprehensive is the fact that you people cling to ortographical errors as a sing of dumbness. I'm portuguese you know! I think I'm not that bad... Let's see you seak two languages, one mastered to perfection, the other one near it. :)


Amen jayseven. I like watching this thread, and to be honest, while I try my hardest to respect opinions, OxigenWaste just annoys the crap out of me with his "I am holier than thou" attitude to everyone who likes or dislikes a film that he doesn't.


And just for the record, I love Kill Bill Volume 1 + 2.


Oh, and at Oxigen_Waste, what I'm assuming is an attempt at italian in your sig, is hideously wrong. Either that, or it's portuguese.


Well, I am holier than thou, in our case. You won't see me busting someone's balls for liking a good film. I hate Casablanca. You can say that you love it all day long, I know I'm the one who's "wrong" for not liking it, so... I shut the fuck up.


And about the Italian, I don't give a flying fuck about it. This is teh internet, everything is misspelled.

Plus, it's Italian, it's useless and as fucking dead as dead can be. No offense to you, but your country sucks. So does mine, I know, you don't need to point it out. (And don't use italian art as a justification for your greatness, art is made by an individual, not a nation. Art has no nationality.)


EDIT: While we're at it, can you please translate it properly for me? What I want it to say is "Capo Bastone of the Portuguese Mafia/Cosa Nostra" (end edit)


Because in Kill Bill things look ridiculous. I've seen plenty of movies with over the top scenes that look good, KIll Bill doesn't. It's as simple as that.


Ahh, someone with a sane mind.

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