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I went to see something a little bit more emotional and cultural compared to all those testosterone packed action movies Hollywood has out on the table right now; I felt like having a little break/change before the next action film so I went to see "Gandhi, My Father". I have to say that I loved it, it showed Gandhi to be more human than the usual god like enlightened Buddha figure you usually here about.


For those who don't know what the film is about, its basically the story of Gandhi's relationship with his eldest son. The captions of the promos will give you a better idea, goes like this: "To the people, he was a father. To his son, he was the father he never had." etc etc etc


Anyway I can go on forever but I give it a solid 10/10

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Awesome, exactly what I was hoping for, two hours of explosions, cool cars, hot women, tanks and of course Transformers. I actually liked the shaking camera, although I sometimes would like to get a closer look on the Transformers it really feet like I was part of the action. I was also positively surprised how much character development the Transformers got - although it was mainly focused on Prime and Bumblebee but better a few well done than all of them half assed.

The music was pretty good as well but at parts it didn't really fit.

I also liked how he pepped up the pretty simple storyline by introducing many different characters that converge at the end. Not unlike Heroes.

The actors were quite convincing as well and my fears that they would take focus away from the robots was unjustified. I think they even enhanced on the themes.

I'm a little disappointed though that he didn't even include a simple moral to the story or deeper meaning but it's Michael Bay, so what should I expect.



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sixth sense is only scary if you don't let it end, i found it more comforting then scary


haing said that, girl puking in the tent made my balls go inside me.


I can't watch that at night. The women screaming at the boy in the kitchen is messed up.

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Flags of our Fathers


Well, I hadn't really looked into this film that much all I knew was that Clint Eastwood directed it and it was the companion to Letters from Iwo Jima which was apparently an amazing film.

I love most of Clint Eastwoods films and this didn't disappoint, a nice look into the US war machine and the goverments way of rallying support through deciept, carring little for the truth.


The film follows the men that put up the US flag on Iwo Jima that sent America into a nationilistic frenzy and the goverments attempt to use the frenzy to fund the war.

The film greatly portrays those caught in the middle, the supposed 'Heroes' who are trying to live with this title for putting up a flag while their friends die overseas and the victims of the war itself.


Brilliant, beautiful film. 9/10


Blood Simple


Cohen Brothers debut that heavily sides on film noir than their other films without much of the comedy. So if you expect to watch it thinking of Fargo, The Big Lebowski etc. then you may be disappointed.

This is a serious, morbid tale dealing with revenge that couples the classic Coen brothers twist of a crime entwined with confusion and misunderstanding.


A darkly serious noir, where no one is to be trusted 9/10


Blood Diamond


First thing you notice about this action movie is that the acting and script is all quite superb.

Leo DiCaprio pulls off the accent perfectly and is showing that he is one of the most talented actors out there.

The action is intense but it is also well written, the skrimishes are on the whole believable and realistic.


The characters themselves are great with the desperate father and deadly smuggler, the duo really create great friction as they have to work together to get the 'Blood Diamond' that's worth millions.


Jeniffer Connely's character I felt was a bit shallow though, the cliched journalist woman who really cares about Africa but can't do anything to stop the bloodshed. It was nothing wrong with Connely, I just thought the character was a bit basic.


In all, a nicely paced thrill ride that makes you think a little more than usual 8/10

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Rush Hour


Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan really are the perfect combination, hilarious all the way through, exactly how an action comedy should be




Rush Hour 2


Take the first films formula and improve upon it. Something that seems so simple yet is rarely done in the world of films. Rush Hour 2 does just that and because of this is an instant classic!




In case you hadn't noticed I'm getting ready for Rush Hour 3!

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my mum forced me through the last samurai the other night, what a load of bollocks, he starts off killing the japanese, then he joins them because he says his army is wrong to persue them, then at the end when everyone is dead, he joins his old army again?! talk about being two faced -.- -1/10

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my mum forced me through the last samurai the other night, what a load of bollocks, he starts off killing the japanese, then he joins them because he says his army is wrong to persue them, then at the end when everyone is dead, he joins his old army again?! talk about being two faced -.- -1/10





erm, he dosent join the old army again,


i thought it was a wicked film.

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watched The Bourne Identity last night, in an effort to recap on the plot before the third movie hits.


it's funkin awesome. I'd forgotten just how superb it actually is.


Watch Supremacy. Its very different but still excellent.

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Is Supremacy better then? Im just wondering because ive seen Identity a few times and never liked it, found it a bit boring and slow so never bothered with the sequel.


I wouldn't say it was better, just different. Less of a focus on action and chases, more cat and mouse stuff if I remember correctly.


Great soundtrack too. Very fitting.


I would say however, that if you don't like Bourne Identity you are broken and need a fixing.

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IGN have given The Bourne Ultimatum - 8/10


The action scenes are breathtaking and they include some of the best foot and car chases ever filmed.


Live Free or Die Hard was great fun, but there's really nothing else quite like The Bourne Ultimatum in theaters this summer. That alone is reason enough to go see it. The fact that it's such a well-made film and wraps up the trilogy's loose ends with such style and fun is icing on the proverbial cake.

Can't wait!!

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