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Rate the last film you saw


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Ringu - 6/10


Was a little disappointed with this as I'd heard it was very scary, but other than the climatic scene, frights were few and far between


I preferred Ju-on The Grudge.


Not seen any of the American remakes, so not sure if I should or not.

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The Host


It was OK, but nothing special. It started off well and the ending was exciting, but in between, the plot moved very slowly and became very tedious. It had a vaugely interesting political subplot, however, which gets a few points from me, but still not all that great a film.





From Russia with Love

This and Goldfinger are my two favourite Bond films, which is quite ironic, because they are at completely different ends of the Bond scale. Goldfinger introduced the unrealistic yet exciting world of James Bond with supervillains and bizzare plots which set as a template for later Bond films. From Russia with Love however, is prehaps the most down-to-earth and realistic Bond film of them all. The plot is indistinguishable next to other cold war spy thrillers, and the action scenes are modest and reaistic, for example, the fight on the train with Red. This, in my opinionmakes a more exciting Bond film than the Bond films in the last 20 or so years, yet FRWL still has he characteristics of a Bond film (Gadgets, girls etc.). Not only is it one of my favourite Bond films, like I said before, but one of my favourite films ever.



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The Simpsons Movie


I found it to be long, funny, new simpsons episode. Like new simpsons it lacked the cutting edge of the classic episodes of yesteryear. The themes/sub-plots of the film were unoriginal and were done badly. However it was still very funny and I enjoyed it a lot.



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Spongebob Squarepants Movie -


Fab....It made me laugh lots with its randomness.



Taxidermia -


Apparently "One of the biggest head-fucks to be committed to celluloid".

Generally if its world cinema and released on Tartan Video from my perspective, its one to enjoy.....However, this film appeared damn shallow and mostly seemed to pull its content from a shock value perspective.

I admit, it did have its funny moments, but it just wasnt really holding my interest. I will try to watch it again in case I missed some deeper meaning, but on first impressions i thought it was cack.



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Hostel part 2


Sexy. I was expecting shit and I got a pretty good film. The chick who bathes in blood was damn horny and the woman who takes them too the hostel exudes sexyness. Deaths were pretty good and the "twist(s)" at the end were well done and the way that guy dies at the end is fucking brutal.

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Mildly funny in parts, and generally an entertaining portrayal of Tula's struggles wih life.


Miss Congeniality



Good, clean semi-fun. It was slightly funny in parts, and had loads of hot girls.


The Others



Not a horror film, more suspense. Nicole Kidman was advertised as unforgettable on the back of the box, and it didnt lie. Very well acted, and the twist(s) were great.

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Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom


Had an urge to watch this after seeing bits of The Mummy Returns on ITV while having my tea :heh: Defintley the weakest of the trilogy due to not having a decent 'middle'. Fantastic opening and climax tho, and the bugs and the dinner table scene still make me feel uncomfortable.



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Napeleon dynamite (sp?)


one of the WROST films i think ive ever seen!!!!!!!!! saw it down a mates on friday night as was on film4. It was depressing and a horrible film with a ending that was like....hey these people have already had 90 minutes of this shit lets just cut it short and not waste more of there lives.


didnt find it overly funny think was only 2 funny bits. Hated that napeleon etc goes around all depressed!! :nono:


complete trash this is nearly as bad as scary movie 4 :shakehead


0/10 YES fuking zero its THAT bad seriously

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A BBC Drama that was, without a doubt, a great one at that...but leaves you thinking "Could there have been more"? And an odd scene at the end that you know will never be resolved (unless I'm missing something)!


The reason I post my score here is because it was 90 minutes long. It may as well have been a film :P

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Blood Diamond.


Well, its not really fair to say i enjoyed the film, its kinda like the pianist, it shocks and upsets you, mostly because you know that alot of the stuff your seeing is happeneing/happened. Decaprio was pretty decent in it, not as good as his co star though.



very good film.

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Watched this with a few mates yesterday, completely sober. It was still quite entertaining because we laughed at how stupid the creators of this film were. It's completely predictable and the story is stupid and almost non-existent but it gives you enough time to make jokes of your own then.


5/10 with friends

0/10 alone

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The most epic war-themed movie yet. And it's really gorgeous too. Only drawback with this movie was that it could have been longer, with some more manly manliness.




they coulden't have made that film any more manly if the film had been soaked in the essence of chuck norris.


300 have given the word sparta to my general vocabulary, to be used at any and every opertunity.

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Dirty Sanchez-The Movie

Some of it was just plain wrong. It's not really a film, more of a length episode really but it was fucking funny! Some bits I had was laughing so much, and some bits I was thinking no.NO.NONONONO DONT DO IT!


7/10. Jackass really did get owned by Dirty Sanchez.

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The film was a load of fun, not quite sure if there was a plot or not but it was cool to see giant robots fighting. Memorable quotes: "Ooops my bad", "There's more to us than meets the eye" and the utterly unforgetable "I AM MEGATRON!!!". Thought the protagonist was a bit of a dick though.



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