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Rate the last film you saw


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Just watched 1408 and Damn, I don'yt even know what to say about it, a damned good mind fuck (well there were a couple of WTF moments)not sure how it compares to the book (Pretty much guessing the book is better, it always is) but a nice 8/10 for it just weird as hell.

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I saw Die Hard 4.0 in the cinema yesterday, and wow.


I watched Rocky Balboa the other day. For fans of the Die Hard franchise, take note: THIS is how you make a film for the fans. Jesus Christ, I was worried that the film wouldn't feel as much of a Die Hard film, but to say that this was a pretty much a generic action film would be the biggest understatement of the history of the world. Ever.


And, for fucks sake, sack that camera guy. I found 60-80% of the actions scenes unwatchable. ZOOM OUT for crying out fucking loud. They couldn't have shoved in another random explosion or one-liner if they tried.


4/10. Huge disappointment.

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If Michael Bay wanted to shake the camera even more I would have gone blind. The action scenes are pretty cool but due to this shitty technique of shaking the camera every time something happens it makes the scenes effing hard to see. I could hardly see the bloody transformers!


Due t the fact that this summer has been crap for films I'll give this a...



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If Michael Bay wanted to shake the camera even more I would have gone blind. The action scenes are pretty cool but due to this shitty technique of shaking the camera every time something happens it makes the scenes effing hard to see. I could hardly see the bloody transformers!


Due t the fact that this summer has been crap for films I'll give this a...




For crying out loud, not another film with bad camera work. :(


Read my Die Hard 4 impressions up above. I found some of it totally unwatchable.

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see, i didnt think there was anything wrong with the camera in die hard 4.0.


and last crusade is a great film, but lost ark is better, simply for the guy with the sword he just shoots. priceless.


The camera was pretty damn awful, imo. They zoomed in and kept it zoomed in for far too long, meaning that when characters moved the camera would always try to keep up with them, meaning a lot of disorientation for the viewer. The majority of the action set pieces were very hard to follow, I thought.

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For crying out loud, not another film with bad camera work. :(


Read my Die Hard 4 impressions up above. I found some of it totally unwatchable.


Honestly I usually hate the drunken dog camera angle in films but I never found it bad in die hard. Watch bad boys 2 then you will know what Is bad.

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Knocked Up


Didn;t think this was up to much when I first saw some clips of this (mentioned way back in the thread) I didn't think it was up to much, but now I've seen the whole I realise I was completly wrong.


A very, very funny movie with some great acting, funny story and some very wierd moments.

Can't wait for it to be releasd here



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Hot Fuzz- one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. The jokes every five seconds were the best, as were the hilarious deaths. 9/10.


I also watched Forrest Gump again rcently, and its still as good as ever- 8/10.

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The camera was pretty damn awful, imo. They zoomed in and kept it zoomed in for far too long, meaning that when characters moved the camera would always try to keep up with them, meaning a lot of disorientation for the viewer. The majority of the action set pieces were very hard to follow, I thought.


Perhaps your cinema is crap. Happened once during one film the camera made me sick only because the screen was jumpy. Storm cinemas make so many mistakes it's not funny. We take bets on what mistake it will be either sound or visual.

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Naruto Movie 2: Gekijyouban Naruto daigekitotsu! Maboroshi no chiteiiseki dattebayo!


8/10, seen it before but my g/f wanted to watch it. Awesome animation, fairly cool story, nice climax, excellent soundtrack during Naruto's first fight and the end.


and for a film I haven't seen before...


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


7/10 - the best of the series, very funny in places but still let down by Radcliffe's acting. He has the dramatic range of... well I think the movie itself used the comparison of "a teaspoon", and that fits well. The Sunday Times accurately described Harry's empty first kiss as "though he had a condom on his tongue". But hey, it's only his dead mate's ex-girlfriend. Why care, right? Go back to acting school, Daniel. Please. Or leave the films so the series can have the ending it deserves.

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Order Of The Phoenix




Worst in the series in that it didnt have a full story, and was really just a stopgap from Goblet until Half-Blood.


Good effects, and Luna Lovegood, Umbridge and Bellatrix made it worthwhile seeing.


Can't bear Radcliffe's acting.

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Order of the Phoenix:


Overall pretty good and definitely the best in the series. The movie had a REALLY fast pace but some clever cutting made it not feel too akward (for the most part at least). Imelda Staunton was awesome as Umbridge. :)



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Die Hard 4.0


Much better than 2 or With A Vengeance, and possibly better than the first, even.


Surprisingly realistic hacking, which didn't just boil down to the usual "guess the guy's password" like it does in most films, and very cool gunplay. A French free-runner with a fully kitted-out M16 Carbine is a 10 on my geeky cool-meter.


The way he kills the lead bad guy is pretty cool, and F35's (although not to be in service until 2012, but who cares) are awesome. Supersonic jump-jets = win.


Oh, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Maggie Q are very, very hot. Especially the prior...



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I really like this movie. I like freaky kind of movies though. Bascially the main character wakes up and her husband is dead, then she wakes up and her husband is alive and so on. I liked the whole plot of the movie and the ending actually reeally suprised me (it wasn't all cliche for once) and was really good.

Sandra Bullock also acted pretty well too (the only thing most critics seemed to like about the movie lol)



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