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Rate the last film you saw


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I'm so excited about Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


I just love the style of animation, and the 8 year old inside me is jumping for joy that another Star Wars installment is coming out. I've not really seen any of the Animated Series or read any comics or books or anything, but I'm a Star Wars enthusiast nontheless.


I was excited about it...but apparently its shit.


Apparently the new crappy jedi is as bad as Jar Jar Binks. I mean...just look at the TV trailer. "This is where the fun begins" Yes...War is always fun. What a fucking cliched line.



Yes yes I know its aimed at kids, but Spec Spider-Man is aimed at kids and manages to astound the adult crew at the same time.

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I was excited about it...but apparently its shit.


Apparently the new crappy jedi is as bad as Jar Jar Binks. I mean...just look at the TV trailer. "This is where the fun begins" Yes...War is always fun. What a fucking cliched line.



Yes yes I know its aimed at kids, but Spec Spider-Man is aimed at kids and manages to astound the adult crew at the same time.


I really have to see the Star Wars films again, I remember virtually nothing apart from the gist of the storyline.


I saw the trailer (wasn't impressed), plus the big poster of Anakin in cinemas looks like an average-quality Nintendo DS graphic.

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PS. Incase anyone doesnt know its a TV series, the movie is the first three episodes in a row.


Well...except that it was written as a film that was set before the already-written TV show.


Anyway, visually it looks fantastic. It may be lame but I'll probably like it. Just like ReZ and that Spider-man cartoon.

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The Last King of Scotland

Intresting and disturbing film. Forrest Whittaker is brillant as the unpredictable president and James McAvoy proves he can act. Didn't think there would be much story, but I was proven wrong.



The Godfather Part II

I only recently got round to watching the first part, and enjoyed it very much, and after hearing that the second part was meant to be one of the best sequels ever, I was looking forward to spending an enjoyable three hours with this, but sadly that wasn't the case. I enjoyed the scene's set in the past with DeNiro very much, but the rest of the film was very boring. Nothing that intresting happened, Al Pacino is a bore to watch, the story was pretty confusing and unlike part one it looked very dated.

Rating : No comment, or Oxygen_waste will hunt me down...




Need to watch Million Dollar, and indeeed more Clint movies in general. I love his Iwo Jima efforts.


Million Dollar Baby is one of my favourite films ever. I've been catching up on some Eastwood films this year. Haven't got round to watching the Dollars trilogy yet, but do check out Unforgiven, Mystic River, In the Line of Fire, Where Eagles Dare, Absolute Power and of course Dirty Harry.

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The Godfather Part II

I only recently got round to watching the first part, and enjoyed it very much, and after hearing that the second part was meant to be one of the best sequels ever, I was looking forward to spending an enjoyable three hours with this, but sadly that wasn't the case. I enjoyed the scene's set in the past with DeNiro very much, but the rest of the film was very boring. Nothing that intresting happened, Al Pacino is a bore to watch, the story was pretty confusing and unlike part one it looked very dated.

Rating : No comment, or Oxygen_waste will hunt me down...


Dear god... I'm speechless. :blank:






Brilliant. A couple of bad scenes (like the one where all the people stop and feel sorry for poor little Wall-E, whom they knew nothing about or the live action president scenes), but apart from that positively and utterly brilliant all the way through. Bravo, pixar.



Now I have to get back to the artistic value thread, for I have a huge post to write... :(

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i finally saw wall e

now i dont know what oxigen_waste was going ot say about art in the other thread, so i may be repeating him, but, that film was a pure piece of art. absolutely wonderfull. The depth of character and feeling they can show was stunning. i will be seeing it again soo i expect.


10/10, up there with batman as best film of the year

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Got quite bored...probably should have been paying more attention but like 3 or 4...for the visuals mostly.


The Lion King


Im gonna be a mighty king so enemies beware!


Ahh fun times. Topnotch awesomeness with fun songs. Only thing is I now find Simba quite dull. Just plodding along being the victim and taking it.



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The Mummy (the most recent one)


Not bad actually' date=' was action-packed and had a cool storyline

I liked it considering i haven't seen the other ones, but some friends have said the others are a bit better.



I saw The Mummy last Saturday when it was on ITV1, and you're in luck as The Mummy Returns is on tomorrow. I however watched my doovdé of it early this week as I was most annoyed by the bits they cut out of the original last sat.


Last night:


True Lies


Got it in the triple set, thought I'd give it a proper go. A wonderful film.


Eight Shabba's


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Star Wars : the Clone Wars


I really enjoyed it.


I was a bit iffy at the animation at the start, but I got used to it quickly, and half way through I found myself loving the "simple" stylisation. (I dunno why, but I found the computerised Anakin Skywalker more attractive than his real-life counterpart - weird fetish!?!)


It felt a really random choice of story to make into a feature film, since nothing really of consequence happens in the story. I don't like how they introduced lots of new characters, because there is no mention of them in the 3rd episode... like surely Anakin would make reference to the fact that his Padawan is dead at some point in the third episode (well I presume she is dead - maybe she retires?)


I think she was handled well, since they needed some sort of "relief" from the gravity of Anakin and Obi-Wan. In the other films they use R2-D2 and CP3O for this (and Jar Jar, but we don't talk about him...) but I think Snippy (is that what he kept calling her?) worked well. (I wouldn't say she was annoying)


Overall, an entertaining film, and I'm glad they did it as animation because it wouldn't have worked with live action.



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The Godfather Part II

I only recently got round to watching the first part, and enjoyed it very much, and after hearing that the second part was meant to be one of the best sequels ever, I was looking forward to spending an enjoyable three hours with this, but sadly that wasn't the case. I enjoyed the scene's set in the past with DeNiro very much, but the rest of the film was very boring. Nothing that intresting happened, Al Pacino is a bore to watch, the story was pretty confusing and unlike part one it looked very dated.

Rating : No comment, or Oxygen_waste will hunt me down...




I thought it was awesome, though not as good as the first unlike what most people say. The first one was definately the best.


Don't bother with the third one though!


And Murray wins the ratings scale award - more and more people should score things on the SHABBA scale

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Star Wars : the Clone Wars

It felt a really random choice of story to make into a feature film, since nothing really of consequence happens in the story. I don't like how they introduced lots of new characters, because there is no mention of them in the 3rd episode... like surely Anakin would make reference to the fact that his Padawan is dead at some point in the third episode (well I presume she is dead - maybe she retires?)



Gonna see this when they finally start to show this here.

August fucking 29th to be exact..


But about the Padawan bit may it will be explained the cartoons that follow up, according to my friend there will be over 100 episodes to follow up the movie so I guess something happens then.

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The dark knight


I have to say it lives up perfectly to the mass of 10/10's here, I was amazed by it and so impressed by all the characters!


I hope that another film occurs with alot of the characters and obviously the director!




Yeah it's awesome!! Such a well crafted film - I'm sure that they'll use the Joker again and I'm hoping there's some way they can bring two face into it again (some how?!) 'cos I thought he looked amazing and acted it so well!

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Yeah it's awesome!! Such a well crafted film - I'm sure that they'll use the Joker again and I'm hoping there's some way they can bring two face into it again (some how?!) 'cos I thought he looked amazing and acted it so well!


They shouldn't and (can almost guarantee) they won't. If one analyses/looks deep into the meaning of their existence within the film, there's no need for them to come back, at all.


Gives room for new villain/s, anyhow. :smile:

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The Usual Suspects




As was the rest of the film in general. Brilliant story, soundtrack, editing... and Spacey's acting was absolutely first class. Ahh i need to watch this again... and again... and again...


10 / 10


First time, honey? :heh:

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Red Eye


I love this film, it's just so much fun. Watched it twice now (once at the cinema, once on DVD), and both times, just the fact people keep jumping and clapping at bits makes it so much fun.

Plus Cillian Murphy is always good...and Rachel McAdams (whatever happened to her?) was pretty good too.



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