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People will right about anything these days who would specialise in a famous writer and his supposed paedophile tendencies?


It was about paedophilia in Victorian art, with a primary focus on him, for he is famous for it. The writer in an art history graduate, so it's well researched. They knew what they were talking about.

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Watch Shadowlands. It's great. And about C.S Lewis.




Legends Of The Fall


I love this film! Second time seeing it, just lots of bits that click for me, especially the story of the main woman (played by Julia Ormond). I think the conclusion to her story fits perfectly. Sad/depressing as a film, in a beautiful way.



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Just finished I Am Legend, and... I keep saying this about movies... I thoroughly enjoyed it. Closest I've come to tears in a movie for a looong time. Ending was, of course, wide of teh mark. The characters wosserface and Ethan had far too few character building minutes.


yeah. I should take notes when I watch movies, or something. My 'ratings' are never very interesting to read. I think I'd rather hear what people didn't like about a movie and try and convince them they're wrong as opposed to saying what I liked about it and then having holes picked on my side ;)


in 1800s if it didn;t have religion in it, it didn't sell.
... Shhh :P


I recently read a academic paper on the subject of Lewis Carol and his alleged paedophilia, it's fairly conclusive that he wasn't.
Cite plz?


</english student>

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"Hi i'm lewis carol, i'm promoting my new book, the bible v2 aka any narnia book" seriously, in 1800s if it didn;t have religion in it, it didn't sell.
On the Origin of Species was a sell-out, oddly enough. :heh:


What you 'jokingly' said is closer to the truth than you may know: Carol was a hardline god-botherer. Oh, and contrary to popular belief, he wasn't a paedophile.

Lewis Caroll != C. S. Lewis


C. S. Lewis wrote Narnia, Lewis Caroll was the pen name of Charles Dodgson, and he wrote the Alice books. The paedophilia rumours are about Dodgson.


Also, On the Origin of Species directly advocates religion:

I see no good reason why the views given in this volume should shock the religious feelings of any one. It is satisfactory, as showing how transient such impressions are, to remember that the greatest discovery ever made by man, namely, the law of the attraction of gravity, was also attacked by Leibnitz, as subversive of natural, and inferentially of revealed, religion.' A celebrated author and divine has written to me that she had gradually learnt to see that it is just as noble a conception of the Deity to believe that He created a few original forms capable of self-development into other and needful forms, as to believe that He required a fresh act of creation to supply the voids caused by the action of His laws'.
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.

Whether or not Darwin believed what he was saying at this point is more arguable.

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Just finished I Am Legend, and... I keep saying this about movies... I thoroughly enjoyed it. Closest I've come to tears in a movie for a looong time. Ending was, of course, wide of teh mark. The characters wosserface and Ethan had far too few character building minutes.



I watched that recently myself. Not a bad effort actually, despite reports to the contrary. I really enjoyed the scenes with him just going around NY with his dog- gave a good sense of what it might be like to survive alone like that. Also, that scene later on make me choke up too. :(

Thought the last 3rd was weak though- I just didn't like the vampires I don't think. They looked crap and acted inconsistently from how the script described them which pissed me off quite disproportionately. Oh well.

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Just finished I Am Legend, and... I keep saying this about movies... I thoroughly enjoyed it. Closest I've come to tears in a movie for a looong time. Ending was, of course, wide of teh mark. The characters wosserface and Ethan had far too few character building minutes.


I watched it the other night, I felt the same with it too!! - The first hour and a half or so was great, nice build on a character and plenty of questions you wanted answeing were slowly revealed to you. The CG stuff was pretty lame but meh, I can try and ignore that personally. Then the REALLY upsetting part (I'm hard, I didn't cry :heh: ) followed by some awful ideas to conclude the film and some painfully bad acting. Generally I enjoyed it, just wish they'd made a short out of the beginning or some thing!


I watched Clerks the other day too and I've always loved that film, it's just so easy to chill with and the rant about star wars is awesome!!

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I rented a bunch of movies over the weekend...


Casino Royale


I wasn't impressed with this when i first went to see it at the cinema. I think i was still in Brosnan mode and wasnt prepared to accept a new, more rugged Bond. However, this time around, i was fully aware of what to expect and it made so much difference to my enjoyment. I now think Daniel Craig makes an awesome Bond, and the film plays out brilliantly. Plus Eva Green is stunning.




What Happens In Vegas


A cheesy romantic comedy, as i knew it would be. Cameron Diaz gets on my nerves, i've only ever liked her in There's Something About Mary. She always has the same facial expression and voice... urgh. Regardless, Ashton Kutcher and his bald mate were actually pretty hilarious, and there are some parts that really made me laugh (sweaty ball flavour topping on popcorn is one i remember pretty well!). The story is pretty unique but it ends rather predictably, and sickeningly might i add. But its not a bad watch all in all.




In Bruges


This is brilliant. The sharpness of the script really shines through, and it looks fantastic despite a low budget. I wouldn't say it made me laugh out loud, well it did once or twice, but it certainly made me chuckle on numerous occasions. Its not really a laugh-out-loud sort of comedy though, it's a very dark, bitter sort of comedy. Great chemisty between the lead characters brings it all together brilliantly too. The only problem for me was the slow pace and simplicity of the story, but aside from that it was great.




The Eye


I wasn't expecting much from this, but it wasn't bad. Jessica Alba plays the role of a blind woman regaining her sight quite well, and there are a few jumpy moments that scare my gf (not me, i find these kinds of films predictable). Still, it developerd quite nicely and you came to feel for her character, believing that she would be better off blind. The finale is a pretty good scene too as it ties everything together whilst still being exciting. I wouldnt say it was a scary film though, just an average thriller.



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P.S i love you


in an horrendous fit of boredom combined with girlyness i decided to watch this film (it just came out in japan.. i saw a poster for it in the station~) i was surprised at how much i didnt hate it O_O the acting was pretty good, the writing was not at all painful.. and it had at least one hot topless irish guy in it.

and lisa kudro played the LEAST phoebe-ish character i've ever seen her play. which was refreshing.

i liked it. ^__^


maybe baby

i. love. hugh. laurie.

this film has nekked hugh laurie.


unfortunately, while the story and the writing are both pretty awesome... the acting at times was uncomfortably wooden. the last scene in the park for example? blehh..


across the universe

you have to admire the director's vision ~ the cinematography and SFX in this film are beautiful... cramming like, 24 beatles tunes in there was no mean feat either ~ and works reeeally well (prudence's rendition of "i wanna hold your hand" was pretty awesome~) the story is a little lacking but overall i really liked this film.


the "i want you/she's so heavy" scene was by FAR the best though.


highly recommend :grin:

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Two Horror Flicks lately:


The Strangers Very tense in places and jumpy. Films like this show Violence doesn't need a reason.



Eden Lake This was actually filmed back in 2005 and it's been sitting waiting to be released for some years now. I personally feel it would have had more of an impact if it was released back then. But anti social teens are still a dime a dozen. Worth watching even if some of the torture is a lot strong in places. Oh and for the record the girl Chav/Anti social teen is a right Moody cow

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P.S i love you


in an horrendous fit of boredom combined with girlyness i decided to watch this film (it just came out in japan.. i saw a poster for it in the station~) i was surprised at how much i didnt hate it O_O the acting was pretty good, the writing was not at all painful.. and it had at least one hot topless irish guy in it.

and lisa kudro played the LEAST phoebe-ish character i've ever seen her play. which was refreshing.

i liked it. ^__^



I saw this not long ago and found it suprisingly good and a completely different story to what I thought it was about. I didn't think I would like it but I did. (


I agree with you on the whole Lisa Kudrow/Phoebe thing. :)


Films I watched while bored in my room in Scotland:

The Devil Wears Prada


I like the film at the start and thought it was a very entertaining opening although kind of your typical affair. I did like the characters and the story. I felt it dragged on a bit at the end and ran out of funny and got a bit too serious. I also got a bit confused at one bit but I wasn't quite concentrating at that point and trying to open a bag of Crisps :p


I'd give it 4 and a half bears out of 7.



Charlies Angels: A full Throttle


A totally ridiculous and over the top film that I have watched too many times but it is fun and just what I was looking for while there wasn't much to do in the apartment.


5 Bears out of 7.

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