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Rate the last film you saw


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I'm shocked that there are people who've never seen either of the Back To The Future films. Along with TMNT, Dick Tracy and Neverending Story they were a staple of my childhood.


III is definately the worst, but its still highly enjoyable. Like Dan said, its a western, what's not to like and it has Mary Steenburgen as an old west amateur astronomer. Can't beat that.


Awesome. My favourite book and I still love the movie.


And BTTF is amazing, even after all those years. My favourite has to be the second one, but number one is great as well. Three I don't like as much, but it's still worth watching.

But seriously, I'm amazed some of you haven't seen them yet. =O


Go watch them, now!

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You really need to check them out then. It paved the way for time-travel based stories in mainstream media. Define all of the rules simply and despite the narrative being incredibly convulted, its never confusing. Basically a staple sci-fi/action film.

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New Police Story

Jackie Chan beats up some crazed gunmen in Hong Kong. Much hilarity is had.


Project A

Jackie Chan beats up some pirates in colonial Hong Kong. Much hilarity is had.


Project A Part II

Jackie Chan beats up some corrupt police officers in colonial Hong Kong. Much hilarity is had.


Armour of God 2: Operation Condor

Jackie Chan beats up some mercernies in the sahara. Much hilarity is had.


Jackie!/My noodles!

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Very enjoyable and John Cusack is on fine form here. Was expecting an M Night Shyamalan style ending, but I didn't really get it, so don't expect a huge twist. One scene actually scared me aswell, which is a very rare thing.






While watching the first 10 minutes I was thinking that this was very poor, especially after witnessing that first battle, but after then it improved greatly. Great story and a fantastic finale. The quality of the animation varies, with it being very good at times, and very poor at others.



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High School Musical 2


I'd only ever seen 10 minutes of the first, and I loathed it but I thought I'd give it a fair chance. I loved the first song, but then it all turned into crappy acting and cheesyness. Zac Efron is probably the campest guy you could ever imagine, when he tried to act all angry in one of his songs I couldn't stop laughing. There's something strange, in a good way, about him when he's singing though, damn you Triforce keeper! :p


The last song was alright too, but other than that, and a few other moments I don't get why it's so popular. Anyone care to explain???



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While watching the first 10 minutes I was thinking that this was very poor, especially after witnessing that first battle, but after then it improved greatly. Great story and a fantastic finale. The quality of the animation varies, with it being very good at times, and very poor at others.




And you gave it a 7? Sounds more like a 5 movei by the way you describe it. Seems to take a nose dive into the uncanny valley.

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Blade Runner


Great movie with loads of fantastic scenes.




I'll probably watch one of the other versions sometime soon.

Out of interest, which version did you watch?



In other news, I watched both volumes of Kill Bill again the other night, but this is the first time I watch them back to back. Together (because it's one film, dammit!) I'd say it's amongst the best films in the last decade or so.


Volume I: 9/10

Volume II: 10/10

As one film: 19/10

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Blade Runner


Great movie with loads of fantastic scenes.




I'm going to give Blade Runner another go soon, as I didn't really enjoy it last time and I'm a fan of both Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott. Probably watched the worst cut from the 20 or so that are out there. :shakehead


Exit Wounds

Poor 90's action flick.




Very poor 80's action flick.


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I'm going to give Blade Runner another go soon, as I didn't really enjoy it last time and I'm a fan of both Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott. Probably watched the worst cut from the 20 or so that are out there. :shakehead


You make a habit of having bad taste, so it's not surprising. :heh:

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I'm going to give Blade Runner another go soon, as I didn't really enjoy it last time and I'm a fan of both Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott. Probably watched the worst cut from the 20 or so that are out there. :shakehead


Most people tend not to like Blade Runner the first time they watch it. I suppose because people expect a lot more action from it. Definitely give it another go; it'll be one of the most rewarding cinematic experiences you'll ever have.



The Final Cut version. I think I'll watch the workprint version next. That's supposed to be the oddest one


Never saw the final cut. In fact I've only seen the director's cut, though I heard the difference between the DC and the FC are very thin.


I might have a look at this work print version, too.

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Yeah, I think I need to check the work print out aswell. I've got the DVD set but haven't watched anything past the final cut and the documentary.


The Iron Giant

Not quite as good as I remember. But still, its one of the greatest animated films of all time. Didn't realise quite how strange the cast of the film is, Vin Diesel as the Iron Giant, Jennifer Aniston as Hogarth's mother, the kid who played Tucker as Hogarth. Bizarre.


Some pretty corny lines, but I can't help but well up when the giant saves the town. Brad Bird's got 1906 coming out next, looking forward to it.



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saw 2 films today.

horton hears a who

great casting, stunning animation. finally a film that shows dr. suess's creations in a way he'd like it. i loved it.



the spiderwick chronicles

meh. the kid who played 2 characters was good, and seth rogan turning up was a suprise, but otherwise pretty run of the mill.


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The Day After Tomorrow


Enjoyable disaster movie with some truly terrible science in.





I don't know what Emmerich's doing with his life. He's like the Uwe Boll of genre movies, except that he used to be pretty good. Stargate and Independance Day are fantastic flicks as far as sci-fi/action goes. But since then his films have been incredibly lacklustre. Now he's just doing spectacle films, which don't look half bad in the trailers, but once you get to see the film its just a hollow shell of the latest computer graphics technology and bad hair dye.


I do love the tagline for The Day After Tomorrow though. "This year, a sweater won't do." I don't even know if its real. I really hope it is.

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Pulp Fiction

My first time watching it, and to be honest I'm left a little confused, which is to be expected having just watched a Tarentino. I might watch it again soon to get a better drift. Things have clicked together but not fully.


However; the parts I did enjoy and fully understand were absolutely genius. The acting was solid, the soundtrack was great, and the amount of times they used the F word is uncountable.


Highly enjoyable nonetheless. 8.122/10

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