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I might as well carry on the pattern...




I have to say, I liked it quite a lot. It was quite illogical at times, and it did completely throw science out of the window, but at the end of the day, it was a movie about instinct, survival and decisions in the most extreme of conditions, and I think director Danny Boyle (who is probably one of my favourite directors now) portrayed this very well. The only problem I have with it is that the science mumbo-jumbo and the slightly uneven pacing makes some parts of the film confusing. That and the last 20 minutes were a bit 'slasher film' for me, but otherwise, great film. I wouldn't necessarily recommend you drop everything this second to see it unless you're really interested, but if you are interested, I suggest you see it whilst it is still in cinemas to make the most out of the special effects (which are actually very good)




I also caught in the last couple of days...



Mr. Smith goes to Washington


I don't actually watch many black & white films, but as this is about the nooks and crannies of the US politics, which I am studying at A level, I thought I might as well check it out when it was on Film4. Anyway, I could probably write a whole essay on the positives and negatives of the film, but I can't be bothered and no one will read it, so I'll just say it is a great film. Not a best ever, but still a great film





Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


I wasn't sure if I would like this film, because (a) it seemed a too 'new-age' to me, and I hate films that are too new-age, and (b) it was hyped by a lot of teenage forum lurkers, so I thought I'd be a bit disappointed if I watched it, but I ended up quite liking it. I liked the story. Very original, and the script was engaging. Winslet and Carrey were great (Although Carrey seemed a lot less 'Carrey', If you know what I mean). Good film.



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Great film in total.....The seperate films alone arent anything above average, but the whole package with fake trailers (and Sheri Moon cos she is quality from every and any angle :love:) is brilliant.



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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Was expecting great things from this, and yet was skeptical as it really isn't the type of genre i'm into. It was certainly interesting and well made, and was memorable, but it's not really something I can say is a favourite personally. Very good film though, recommended especially for fans of romance films.



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Great film in total.....The seperate films alone arent anything above average, but the whole package with fake trailers (and Sheri Moon cos she is quality from every and any angle :love:) is brilliant.





I think it's going to be a great experince seeing this in the cinema! Still no word on an UK release date tho...:mad:

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Was expecting great things from this, and yet was skeptical as it really isn't the type of genre i'm into. It was certainly interesting and well made, and was memorable, but it's not really something I can say is a favourite personally. Very good film though, recommended especially for fans of romance films.



You have to be insane...

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I think it's going to be a great experince seeing this in the cinema! Still no word on an UK release date tho...:mad:


June 1st apparently...

As for the Cinema experience, you are right, but I wouldnt bet on the experience remaining intact.


"Grindhouse is to be broken into two films following its disastrous showing at the US box office last weekend. The Robert Rodriguez-Quentin Tarantino collaboration will now be released overseas as two separate features. There are also plans to re-release the production as two films in the US.It remains to be seen whether this will affect the picture's UK release. As of last night, Grindhouse was still scheduled to be released as a single, stand-alone feature on June 1st."


Btw...Of the Two the Rodriguez offering is the best.

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June 1st apparently...

As for the Cinema experience, you are right, but I wouldnt bet on the experience remaining intact.


"Grindhouse is to be broken into two films following its disastrous showing at the US box office last weekend. The Robert Rodriguez-Quentin Tarantino collaboration will now be released overseas as two separate features. There are also plans to re-release the production as two films in the US.It remains to be seen whether this will affect the picture's UK release. As of last night, Grindhouse was still scheduled to be released as a single, stand-alone feature on June 1st."


Btw...Of the Two the Rodriguez offering is the best.



Actually, according to imdb it's been announced that Grindhouse is going to be released as one movie as intended in the UK. Same for all English speaking countries in fact, but I think it is two different movies everywhere else, I'm afraid.


Can't wait for Grindhouse personally. I'm so pumped for it. The only problem is thoug, is that it opens smack in the middle of my exams, which is pretty shit.

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Actually, according to imdb it's been announced that Grindhouse is going to be released as one movie as intended in the UK. Same for all English speaking countries in fact, but I think it is two different movies everywhere else, I'm afraid.

Can't wait for Grindhouse personally. I'm so pumped for it. The only problem is thoug, is that it opens smack in the middle of my exams, which is pretty shit.



thats going to be crap... ( yes i did say something then i edited it)


it wont be the same without it being together!!!!!!!!!


then i realise what u meant and i sound stupid

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The Star Wars Trilogy.

The original 3, that is.

They are all brilliant, if only due to Han Solo, who is possibly the greatest character ever created. He has some of the best one-liners ever.


Leia's "Would it help if I got out an pushed?", is pretty quality too, as are the duo of C-3PO and R2-D2.


Star Wars:8/10

Empire Strikes Back:9/10

Return of the Jedi:8/10 (The first half lets it down - if it was only the second half, I would have given it 10)

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Wild Hogs


Didn't know what to expect with this film, heard mixed views about it. Very good film in my opinion. Great starring line-up and there is some great humour throughout. Basically, the film is about 4 guys taking a road trip on bikes and it follows what they get upto. Stars John Travolta, Tim Allen, William H Macey and Martin Lawrence



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Suprisingly I thought this was brilliant. Technically it was top notch, with fantastic special effects, sound, and general visuals. The beginning sucked me right in and I was engrossed the whole time. More people should see this film, definitely one of the most impressive films so far this year.



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Independence Day


Bit late for the party, but i've never watched it all the way through, until last night as it was on E4. And i was blown away at how awesome the movie was. Like, WOW! I think it's overtaken Snakes on a plane on my top movie list, which probably now goes:

1. Independence Day

2. Snakes on a Plane

3. Anchorman

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Get's it's message across perfectly well, but it could have been so much better. The 'slasher' element introduced towards the end of the film lets it down a lot, as it is clumsy and doesn't sit well next to the rest of the film. There are though some genuinely brilliant moments, in fact the first 30 minutes of the film are amazing, but the rest of it can't match up, and Danny Boyle is a bit of a rubbish director, which marr's the project somewhat. But the message is there and it's clear, so they succeded in their task but still, it could have been something akin to "2001" but instead it's more like "Stargate" - so much potential, but the talent behind it just weren't up to the job.



yes i realised that too i was laughing constantly at the end....I think it tries very hard to be like event horizan..the similarities are there

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