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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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I don't mind yellow in moderation, and I feel your orange and black balances it out alright. The "Point Five" text is a bit over-the-top in-your-face though. And the background is kinda dull. A 7 for thee.

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Aaah!! The Green hurts my eyeses...but in all honesty, it's pretty distinctive, if a little cheesy now that I look at it properly...and even though I hate disco and anything and everything to do with it im going to go ahead and give you a 7/10 for originality.....seems very...department-store-summer-advertisement like


PS. Let the hate begin....:heh:

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Umm... i like the font you've used. And the colour goes well with the black background. The colouring of the letters is done well.

But im not a fan of shakespear. The name brings back memories of my year 9 SATs and Year 10 Exams.

Overall i'll give it 7/10

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The pictures or the writing doesnt mean much to me...could have a bit more contrast. Animation looks a bit too jumpy (but thats probably due to the file size limit).


Overall...ill have to hive it a 5/10.


edit: a bit about my sig...well i made all of it myself. The....erm....thing was done in 3DS max and the backgroung done in photoshop. Took around 10 mins to do.

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Yea...chosing the font is always something i find impossoble to do. Any suggestions?


Anyway, your sig looks ace. Unique size, and nice thick border (looks good on yuor sig for some reason). Lovely font, too.


8/10....only problem is the right side seems a tad bit...empty.

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I like the matching avatar and sig, although I don't know the subject, I guess it's someone famous? Nice use of colour and text and the sig is not too big. I would probably be able to give a better response if I knew what it was about, maybe you could enlighten me? For now 7/10

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ermm :o


Fantastic look (forgot the name of the style)


swirls are nice as is the size


I dont know who the dude is, there has been a lot of dude with camera flying up shots..


other than that you could clean up the swirls near the top right



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red-black is a classic combination, the left and the writing are really good. Writing could be a bit cleaner and easier to read (theni might know what it said) but the style is cool. Not so much a fan on the person on right, too much solid red, needs something to breaki it up a bit: 8/10

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Well I like the V-Joe pic but I think the V-Aero is a bit too small. Also quite a bit blank space between the two elements of the sig. I like it though:)




(Im going for almost a minimal approach - small and central and keeping true to my native language)

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