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Whats Your favourite Nintendo consloe


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Gameboy, i will never stop playing it. Got my original on my 3rd or 4th birthday, and still playing today when im 16 this weekend.

Pokemon was the first ever game to make me play for so long, i didnt have many games on my 64, due to the fact xmas and my bday only came once a year with £5 pocket money in those days :P

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Ohhhhhh, tough choice! I'm gonna say N64 because of teh likes of Goldeneye and Ocarina of Time, although the Gmaecube has had some fantastic games such as Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia, and with Twilght Princess yet to come my choice my yet change!

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GCN for me.

My 64, though good, had some drawbacks such as the analogue stick. It was worn out so quickly. The size [of the stick] wasn't an issue because I was small and I didn't know any better. The shoddy frame rates also gave me a headache and made me grumpy.

My library of games was also small, 12 in total, and I didn't play all of them.


My GCN, on the other hand has an awesome pad, perfectly suited to my mitts. My library of games is large (27). And the games are so smooth and (comparitively) clear.


I promised myself I wouldn't write too much. It looks like I failed. However it must be said that I did restrain myself from writing considerably more.

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My favourite and one i have great memories of is the N64 i don't know if it was becuase i was much younger playing it and i embraced it more. But todays consoles just don't seem to have the same magical feeling i got when playing on my N64. But like i said i put that down to getting older and changing my views on games.

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SNES because it has the most classic games (mario donkey kong metroid blah blah..)


N64 for the console with second the most classic games, and great controller


GCN has the most fun multi-player games


DS is the funnest handheld.


Overall ......... :blink: ............



er... :eer:


I think all of them are great :yes:.

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I like them all, simply because they all have an excellent collection of games past and present on them. GameCube can play Gameboy games, DS can also play GameBoy games... in addition to their own library. Revolution will be the ultimate resource depending on how the downloads are implemented, and of course the classic consoles still feel just as they used to back on Christmas Day when you first received them.


I can't pick a favourite, although the N64 probably got played the most out all my Nintendo machines so at a push I'm going to go for that. Simply for Mario Party, Goldeneye and Smash Bros.

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GameCube, the N64 was great. But in my opinion OoT wasn't all that (sure it was freaking amazing at the time) and Goldeneye doesn't play as well as modern FPS. Its all rose tinted.


So yeah, GameCube. Its only the console i've ever had from launch and mine still works.

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hmmm its a tough one, i had a lot of fun growing up with my NES and SNES playing all those great games with my mates but i think ill go with the N64 as games such as goldeneye and mario kart 64 had endless multiplayer fun throughout the summer years with mates, still something that hasnt been beaten for me.

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