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Whats Your favourite Nintendo consloe


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Hahaha....The love hotel wanst actually under Nintendo's name was it?! Just Yamauchi's?!


Though that does bring me to a thought!!....Why doesn't Nintendo move into more than just Videogames?!...Why don't they make toys like they used to!?...They could move into other areas just for the extra dosh!!

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Hmm tough one.


*The Nes was great becoase of Zelda 1, Mario 1/3, Rad Racer, King Solimons Key, Metroid, Ice climbers and Balloon kid and manny more

*The Snes was great becoase of Zelda LTTP, Super mario world, Mario kart, Bomberman, Super metroid, Final Fantasy and the sholder gun

*I loved the N64 becoase of .... Zelda OOT, Perfect Dark, Mario kart, Tennis, Golf, Party and F-Zero X

*And the Cube becoase of Mario Kart, Tennis, Golf, Party, Donky kong Jungle Beat, Geist, Burnout 1, Zelda Tetra trackers and Monkey Ball


And i wont even think about the Game boy's...


wel if i have to pick one... it has to be... the... man this is harder than you think if you have 25 years of gaming on you.


well it has to be the N64 becoase the multy player games that where on it.

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Super Nintendo was fun growing up with Super Mario world, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Mega Man Xs but then the N64 came out with Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time I was blown away. Now I have to go with the cube simply because of TWILIGHT PRINCESS!!!

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N64 for me. It had Majoras Mask on it, which is the best game for the console in my opinion, and it was my first console. I loved Ocarina of Time, it was such a classic console, it was packed full of amazing games. Plus I loved the controller, and all the new revolutionary features and accsesiories. A breakthrough for Nintendo, and the whole gaming industry. I loved it!


First post! I'm new, welcome me if you like.

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I can't just say wether the N64 or the GCN is better. True, the GCN has much better graphics and I agree the N64 has a lot of classics (including my favourite, OoT). But still it's very hard to choose. The same for Gameboy or NDS. Of course at the moment, my favourite is the DS, but the DS needs more great games to become "better" then the Gameboy.


Anyway, I can't compare a 1st generation console to a 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation console.


EDIT: welcome Unknown!

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SNES was the first console I owned & I loved it to bits. I used to adore Super Mario Kart & think it is one the greatest games ever made. But we couldn't afford many games so I didn't really appreciate it's greatness until I discovered emulators. The RPGs on the SNES have to be some of the best ever made, with Chrono Trigger being my favourite.


But the N64 would probably have to be my favourite, simply because it had some of the greatest games ever made:OoT, Goldeneye & Perfect Dark, Super Mario 64 .... I spent way too much time on this console during my early teenage years.

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hmmm at the minute (until the revolution drops) the GAMEBOY MICRO if that was a women we would be having unprocted sex at the minute.


And if you dont wanna accept the micro as a console accept a snes because the micro is basically a miniature snes in my pocket.

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