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COVID-19 (The artist formally known as Coronavirus)


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I've been quite impressed with our efforts towards keeping Covid-19 in check here in Germany.

However, now that I'm involved in the procedure I gotta say: Kinda sucks...
I'm waiting for some kind of information regarding my test. Called a few doctors in the hopes that I can get tested but all of them told me I gotta wait for a call from the local health authorities.

Been waiting for 6 hours now.
And tomorrow is holiday.

I highly doubt I can get tested before Monday :hmm:

Doesn't seem like a very efficient way to break the infection chain...

Edited by drahkon
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Good to know that while my holiday will be cancelled, a bunch of rich people will still be having their holiday 20 minutes down the road from me (which is still a local lockdown area). The Welsh government have said it's perfectly fine.

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20 hours ago, drahkon said:

Been waiting for 6 hours now.

Didn't get a call, as expected ::shrug:
No idea if I have Covid or not. Can't give my best mate any info which sucks, because it's his mom's birthday today and he's not sure whether he should go given that we've spent time together last Sunday. He's not sick and doesn't have any kind of symptoms but it's still annoying not to know.

I feel fine again. Have been sick for 3 days last week but right now I'm symptom free.
My mom hasn't been sick at all (she was also with us at my sister's place).

This is just weird :D

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3 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Didn't get a call, as expected ::shrug:
No idea if I have Covid or not. Can't give my best mate any info which sucks, because it's his mom's birthday today and he's not sure whether he should go given that we've spent time together last Sunday. He's not sick and doesn't have any kind of symptoms but it's still annoying not to know.

I feel fine again. Have been sick for 3 days last week but right now I'm symptom free.
My mom hasn't been sick at all (she was also with us at my sister's place).

This is just weird :D

I'd say unfortunately you and your friend treat everything like you do have it until you either get a negative result or 2 weeks has past.

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4 minutes ago, drahkon said:

It's what I do and what I expect my friend to do.

Well, here's hoping it passes over with no incident.

Because if you croak it before I make you finish DKC 2, I'll be very upset!

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In the wake of trumps positive test...

It really is unreal, how the fuck do these people in power expect the mere mortals to follow their (illogical, conflicting) rules when they themselves will not, or are just simply not being careful. Both in the UK and the US.  Our leaders are honestly a SHAME on us.  They are supposed to lead by example and its fucking INFURIATING when I and many others have had to spend 5+ months inside, and some cant even be bothered with 2 weeks.  :angry:

We have truly lost the meaning of humanity.

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The fact that the incompetence can continue to amaze me really is quite something. I get that mistakes happen but quite how they don’t have any checks on this type of stuff is crazy. It’s going to be a long winter with this thing going around.

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I could only laugh and shake my head when I saw that this morning. Of course this government and those around them would "lose" 16,000 positive test results. What's even better is they're laying the blame squarely at the feet of Public Health England and the NHS. Could it be any more obvious what their intentions are for both of those over the coming years are? Fuck, we'll be walking into a hospital years down the line, greated with a big banner saying Serco General Hospital or such, have a test conducted, not get the results till ages down the line and then be told it was in some way our fault.

The way its all being handled is abysmal and its not much better up here in Scotland. An MP from uo here travels to London after having a test and awaiting results then tests positive and comes back up. Nicole Sturgeon then says she should do the right thing rather than give her the boot herself. All while idiots are flocking to the likes of Glasgow for nights out despite high case numbers there (I know of a few people who've done it personally, one of whom is a primary school teacher and the other a police officer) all because they deserve a night out and because God forbid we just shut the damned pubs and tell everyone to stay the hell home.

The mixed messaging throughout really hasn't helped but I think there's a lot of people using that as an excuse for their own actions. Beyond going to my local pharmacy for a prescription every 4 weeks, I've been out twice since March. Every time I've had a face mask on and never removed it, hand sanitised after every instance of touching something and what not yet I see so many people up here not bothering and its just so demoralising. The two universities here in Dundee have active cases in their Halls of Residence yet students were everywhere in town when I went last week without a mask to be seen, predominantly all in big groups, and so were a lot of older people.

I get people are tired of being stuck at home and we're being urged to get on with it but really, with how quick this spreads and how serious it can get, why not just stick to it. If the government stopped caring about themselves and started caring for the people they're governing and representing then things would and could be a lot more different.

It sucks how its all going downhill again going into the Christmas period. My partner works in a care home and has already seen several residents die at the start of all of this. The irritating thing is that even though they get weekly tests, because the numbers keep going up, their test results are coming back later and later. There's been a few times where there's been pretty much a week's delay on getting a test result back, which is ridiculous given that its social care for incredibly vulnerable adults. With the threat of the winter flu season as well as the norovirus which always does the round as well, its away to be absolute chaos and seemingly more and more people care less.

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4 minutes ago, Ganepark32 said:

The way its all being handled is abysmal and its not much better up here in Scotland. An MP from uo here travels to London after having a test and awaiting results then tests positive and comes back up. Nicole Sturgeon then says she should do the right thing rather than give her the boot herself.

The MP in question said that Cummings should do the right thing and resign when he broke the rules, too. 

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1 hour ago, Cube said:


So because they seem to be relying on a single Excel spreadsheet (presumably either an old version or running on a non 64-bit computer) for the entirety of the coronavirus data, 16,000 cases were missed last week.

Apparently the solution will be using multiple Excel sheets.

Are you actually fucking kidding me.

And people ask me why I got depressed and stopped working for the fucking NHS. Saw all this shit coming.

Literally that is such a basic overisght I even would have known to catch it when I was 17. Who are these jokers and why are they getting our money. They don't know an arse from an elbow anymore. God save this country, Jesus.

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7 minutes ago, Rummy said:

Who are these jokers and why are they getting our money. They don't know an arse from an elbow anymore. God save this country, Jesus.

Serco, an outsourcing company chaired by and old director of Manchester United (the one who sold the club). 

Must be an amazing contract for them. They got a ton of money and get to slap someone else's name on it. If they mess up, the NHS gets all the blame and Serco get contract extensions to "fix" the issues.

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Ridiculous situation over here...

Got a call from the local health authorities. The lady told me she won't put me in quarantine because I've shown symptoms 3 days after contact with my sister. You're only put in quarantine if you show symptoms 2 days after contact. Asked her what kind of stupid reason that is, but she told me that's what she's gotta do.
I also got told to talk to my doctor for a test.

So I called my doctor and the lady told me I need written confirmation from the local health authorities that I need this test.


Now the local health authorities are closed and I can't get in contact with them.
Still got an appointment for tomorrow at my doctor's but they told me I need to get that confirmation by then.

So I wrote an email to the health authorities and now all I can do is wait.

Also called other doctors near me but they are on the same trip...

This is the worst display of anything health related I've ever experienced...

I'm this close to just taking the week off from work, keeping myself locked up in my home for another week and wait until I'm healthy again...not ideal, obviously, but what can I do...

Edit: Welp, you just gotta complain on the internet.
Got in touch with a different doctor via email 'cause I couldn't get hold of them via phone. Just now I gotta call from them and it looks like I'll be tested tomorrow at 11am.

Edited by drahkon
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On 06/10/2020 at 11:38 AM, drahkon said:

Quick update for my Covid-diary :p

Just got tested. Incredible.

Anyways, lost my sense of taste and smell, so that sucks.

Must resist urge to point out you already had no sense of taste.


Sucks that symptoms are developing. Here's hoping it doesn't get any worse than that.

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Just now, Glen-i said:

Must resist urge to point out you already had no sense of taste.


2 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Here's hoping it doesn't get any worse than that.

I think I've passed the "high point".
Still got the sniffles and feel a little weak, but health seems to be improving.

No taste and smell will be annoying, though, especially since the latter will take approx. 2 months to recover.

In other news: Still haven't gotten my test result.
You'd think they'd be fast with the tests given it's a pandemic...

What a shitshow this has been for me.

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30 minutes ago, drahkon said:

I think I've passed the "high point".
Still got the sniffles and feel a little weak, but health seems to be improving.

No taste and smell will be annoying, though, especially since the latter will take approx. 2 months to recover.

In other news: Still haven't gotten my test result.
You'd think they'd be fast with the tests given it's a pandemic...

What a shitshow this has been for me.

Must have been a weird experience to not have any sense of taste or smell at all. Wish you a fast recovery!

It's weird to hear you experience the difficulties with the whole test process. Here in the Netherlands the media are praising Germany how well they are handling Covid compared to us. So that does not fair well for NL. And seeing the numbers rise again and the weird and conflicting measures the government is taking I can see how. 

Last weekend for example a church held 3 masses for 600 people each. No protection, singing allowed. Apparently they could because "religious activities are a fundamental right and should not be hindered". Fucking unbelievable. It got a lot of aftermath and now the church organizations have agreed to go back to 30 people like every other establishment. 

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59 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Must have been a weird experience to not have any sense of taste or smell at all.

It is.

I'm able to taste soy sauce just a little bit. Other than that...nothing.

59 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Wish you a fast recovery!

Thanks :)

59 minutes ago, Vileplume2000 said:

It's weird to hear you experience the difficulties with the whole test process. Here in the Netherlands the media are praising Germany how well they are handling Covid compared to us.

I mean, I can't speak for the entirety of Germany, but it has been very annoying and exhausting for me.

Everyone on my sister's contact list has gotten a call from the local health authorities last Friday, they all got tested the same day and have gotten their test result later that day or the Monday after.

My timeline:
Got a call from the local health authorities the Monday after.
Was able to get tested the day after.
Still waiting for the result.

I have no idea why it's been such a shit show...

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2 hours ago, drahkon said:

Still waiting for the result.

I will now start to complain more on the internet...

My doctor called and the test was positive. Not surprising.

Gotta wait for a call from the local health authorities.
Then I'll most likely have to send them a list of people I got in contact with and then I'm pretty much done...I hope.

Thankfully, it's been only three people I've seen. My two flatmates (though, they've spend the last 10 days with their partners) and my best mate.


Also: I figured out that I can also taste chocolate a little bit. Yay.

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Geez, that's rough. I've heard similar stories of silly protocols being followed instead of a semblance of reason (for example, my sister had to go to the hospital due to stomach issues. Because one of the symptoms was "light fever", she got put in the Covid wing for a few hours. Nonsensical to stress her out like this, even if it meant she got tested). I can understand them to some extent, since there's a huge volume of people to treat/diagnose, but outright denying tests based on delayed symptoms (that definitely exist, regardless of when they manifested) is utterly absurd.

I do hope the worst has already passed, and wish you a speedy recovery. You think you can eat food with strong tastes, like Mexican?

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On 10/8/2020 at 5:41 PM, drahkon said:

Gotta wait for a call from the local health authorities.

And there it was.

Now I'm officially in quarantine until Wednesday. The lady thanked me for being responsible and putting myself into isolation, even though I haven't been put into quarantine initially. Yeah...big whoop, I knew I should stay home...

Anyways, sent them the list with people I came in contact with, which means: I'm done dealing with them.


Still have a stuffy nose and my sense of taste and smell obviously haven't come back, yet, but I'm feeling much better today. :)

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